


    Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor
  1. 平成29年1月9日(成人の日)
  2. Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature一年間実習生として日光に在住して働いている学生が二人、昨日から我が家に遊びに来てくれました。昨晩は歓談の合間に、日本語中国語の交換学習をWeChat仲間を交えて賑やかにやれたのは、さすが、若い人の力のお陰。そして今日はインターパークへ映画鑑賞に。「海賊とよばれた男」を一緒に見ましたが、彼女達は内容を60~70%程度把握。岡田准一の熱演を中心に、迫力あるダイナミックな映像が、出光興産の創始者の生き様を見事に浮き彫りにして
    Two university students of China Communication university in Nanjing, now working as trainees in Nikko, came over to our place to have a nice time including languages exchange study in full use of their many WeChat friends. Today we went to see the movie "A man called a pirate" of which they seemed to understand the story about 60~70%. We ended up with very hot Ramen on the way back.

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