

Fragile pet- Gold fish

Just a few days before that big disaster occured in the East Japan, my little fish became sick and looked miserable covered with fluffy stuff all over their bodies. They lost their energy to swim

and stayed still on the bottom of the tank. They didn't eat at all for a month. I was afraid to see them every morning when I came down from upstairs with a fear of finding them dead. But, they were there. I went to Kanseki to get some advice and bought some medecine which was effective to cure Mizukabibyou(Water Mold desease). I tried to wash up the tank more frequently and put this medecine each time I washed. The fish looked like two peices of clouds floating in the water. I wahed them up by rubbing off fluffy stuff. One of the fish was obliged to lose its beautiful tail. It was sad to see the beautiful goldfish without its gorgeous tail. It looked like a humourous manbo fish. I was patient to watch them carefully and continued to give a kind care wishing their recovery. Then after 6 weeks, they got suddenly revitalized. They started eating with a big mouth and dropping discharges out. I was so glad that I shouted for joy and admired their strong lives. Brabo! This revital of these small fish gave me a hope not to give up the things. Avec de la patience, tout ira bien!

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