

House guests for four days


March 17(Sun)
For the occasion of the visit by a prominent choir group from Tainan to promote the friendship between Nikko-city and Tainan-city, we raised our hands to offer our place for home-stay for them upon the request extended to us by one of my golf mates. We(me and my husband) ourselves belong to a different choir group (there exist quite a few choir groups in Nikko city) and this is my first time to understand how this new choir group named Kanma Call(?) was established a year ago. They are going to perform together with this group from Tainan on March 20 to commemorate their one year anniversary. They organized a welcome reception at Osawa community center yesterday, which made a good start for our friedship to be promoted.

歓迎会終了後、グループのメンバーはそれぞれホームステイ受け入れ先のホストファミリーと共に退散。私達はグループリーダーのShan-ming (善 敏)さんとピアニストのChang(珍)をお連れした。夫は中国語がプラクティス出来るとの思いでしきりと中国語で話す。私は中国語は不可。でも幸いに、二人共英語が堪能で大助かり。二人ともアメリカ、カナダで学生時代を凄し、仕事までしていたという人で、価値観がすっかり共有出来、話が弾み、大変楽しい。昨晩も盛り上がって・・就寝したのは零時過ぎ。

 After the welcome reception, all the members were taken home by the respective host families. We drove back home with Shang Ming, the leader (conductor) and Jenny, the pianist of Taina Chanmber Choir. Masao apparently wanted to practice his Chinese which I couldn't manage. However, fortunately, they manage English like native speakers so we are able to communicate each other. They were in the USA and in Canada for their higher education and even for some work. We found out  the common value to share looking back at all those days when we studied and worked in the North America. We enjoyed very much talking over the dinner until late at night. It was after midnight when we went to bed.


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