

薔薇の競演 Beautiful roses are on parade in this rural area surrounded by paddy fields


Beautiful roses are on parade in this rural area surrounded by paddy fields
May 30, 2015 Fine and very hot day

I visited one of the EECC members this morning to have a view of gorgeous roses of her garden which have been cared by her alone since 7,8 years ago. More than 60 kinds are in full bloom in different colors producing so many kinds of good smells. It seems they have been spreading out more and more beyond expectation. Or once started, she couldn't help growing more and more.Lots of love and care must be needed. Furthermore she took me to her friend's place nearby to share the most gorgeous rose garden which has been also taken care by her friend who is actually a farmer. She loves growing flowers as her hobby. What a big hobby! The rose garden surrounds her house and beyond those roses are paddy fields. I was so surprised and excited to find such a unique and precious scenery in this rural area.


夏日の暑さ対策 Sports acitiviy in the hot weather

暑くても運動は最高 5月27日

暑い真夏日の今日、Sun hillsで飛ばして来ました!ゴルフメイトのベストプレイヤーのフォームはほれぼれします。私のは撮って貰ったタイミングがずれてとても良いショットを打つようには見えないなんて言ってはいけません。最高の暑さの中、最高の気持ちでプレー出来ましたことに感謝です。
I made some good shots with full of energy under such a strong heat today on Sun Hills East course. I always admire one of my golf mates' form when she plays. I shouldn't complain my form because of miss handling of the camera. I would rather appreciate this chance of being out on the course with high spirit under the severe heat of summer day.



41回講話会 「日光の魅力を再検討しよう」



EECC activity EECC活動

May 22, 2015
Ms.Trine came into our EECC morning class yesterday. It was her fourth time and last time. She is going back to Denmark next week. One of EECC menbers who has been teaching calligraphy kindly gave her her precious works. A copy of the lyrics of the popular song "Flowers blooming"composed and issued to encourage the people in Tohoku area attacked by the great disaster was one of them. A piece of square colored paper with our messages on and a token to show our appreciation for her kindness and big concern with us were also given to her. She was very excited to be given so many gifts and kind words from us. We all enjoyed a chiffon cake brought by Trine and her host mother, Yuki san from Mt.Fuji they visited last week.And at very last moment we sang together looking at the lyrics of "Flowers blooming" copied beautifully by Ms.Teruyo hanging on the white board.Thank you, Trine, for your kind gesture to us!


義姉達と亡き義母を偲ぶ会 Relatives'gathering to think of our mother who passed away 6 years ago

姉妹会 恒例の母を偲ぶ会 5月17日


Annual gathering of brothers and sisters-in law
I organized today our annual relatives' gathering to think of our mother who passed away 6 years ago. This gathering has been held at the time of yellow vine roses in full bloom. She was here 6 years ago to have a good time with all of us and she died one and a half months later. I had a difficult time to operate a mower the day before yesterday but I finished weeding before they came. I was glad to welcome them into our fresh and clean yard to enjoy picnic altogether.


英会話授業風景 EECC


Every Friday I have three conversation classes, one in the morning, one at lunch time and one more in the afternoon. Trine from Denmark joined all those three classes yesterday. She used to be a substitute teacher at a primary school for two years before coming to Japan. She seems to like teaching somehow. She is going to apply for public Japanese schools in Denmark upon her return home. She wishes to teach Japanese in her country but she is saying it will be very difficult to get an entrance qualification (admission). I do hope her dream comes true. She is going back to Denmark late this month with completion of her program staying in Japan for three months. We wish she will be with us one more time if she is available.


GW Golding week 2015

今年のGW 5月1日~6日
No.5 grand-son caring my freckles

Gramma came to see us from Nikko. This is the picture of my little son trying to cool his gramma's freckles on her wrist since he thought she got injured.
The next day all of us from Ichikawa, the first place I visited went to Chiba to cheer No.2 grand-son and his mother who had a piano performance at Chiba Culture Center. It's good for us to feel nervous once a while. That kind of nervous feeling is good for not only performers on the stage but also for the supporters in the audience. 

長男の長男陽成君(孫No. 6)の初節句。新しくあつらえた五月人形【武者人形】は陽成君に瓜二つの顔の持ち主。時代がかわると顔つきも個性的になってきている。この日は窓からさわやかな五月の風が入り、絶好のお天気日和でした。元気に育ってね。
We had a celebration of our No.6 grand-son's first May Festival at his parents' place in Tateishi. The Boy's May Festival doll (doll warrior) newly purchased has this baby grand-son's face. They are very alike. The both have such a nice and adorable face. The features of Boy's May Festival dolls have become diversified and more individualistic as the time has passed. We got a very comfortable breeze coming in through windows widely opened. Very good day matching to this celebration.

I had a good time with our grand-children during the GW by visiting them first and welcoming them at our place here in Nikko. Yesterday we went to see the new troupe of theatrical monkeys reorganized very recently. That was my first experience and I found those monkeys quite sophisticated, accustomed to urban style, very different from our regular customers visiting our place quite often. They are rather small, slender, pale and city people(monkeys!). They are working hard to live on their professional skills showing up in front of another kind of sophisticated people killing pastimes.

Today is the last day of GW. They have gone back. Upon their leaving here, I cleaned the house right away to find what they might have left behind. Yes, there is one this time again. It's an underwear belonging to Kosui's, No.1 grand-son. Never mind, I'll keep it until next time when we see each other.
Yesterday evening we had a special dinner to cheer three celebrations together. Boys' festival, one of our daughters' birthday(10 days earlier) and Mother's day(also 8 days earlier). Whatever it is, if it's a happy occasion, we always propose a toast.