

平成29年2月16日 プロジェクト終了。あっという間にお別れの時に。The last day of their one week home-stay program

  1. 15日は最後の日としてホストファミリーとそれぞれいい時間をすごしたのではないでしょうか。そして、今日16日は別れの日。JR日光駅の待合室は学生達とホストファミリーんも別れを惜しむ熱い空気で満たされていました。One week homestay program ended up with a deep feeling of "say good-bye" between the students and their host-families in the waiting room of JR Nikko station. 辛苦了!and thank you very much all of you for your warm and kind cooperation.



  1. 2月9日
  2. 予定通り、杭州にある浙江メディア大学から学生6人が9日に来日光。それぞれのホストファミリーに分散して、日光での生活体験が始まっています。10日には日光世界遺産と奥日光を見学。11日は自由行動の日であったが今市での花市に出かけるとやはり、何人かが集結する結果に。12日は地元明峰高校で高校生との盛大な交流会が出来ました。杭州と聞いてかけつけて下さった一般の方々も加わり、歌や踊り、ビデオでの杭州の紹介、更に、立派なお茶室で、茶道の体験もしてもらうことが出来ました。準備協力を惜しみなく発揮して下さった明峰高校の校長先生を始め、教頭先生、担当の先生、合唱部、吹奏楽部、茶道部の学生さん達に大変感謝しています。フレンドリーな雰囲気の中、積極的な交流が出来て、メディア大学の学生達も大変喜んでいました。ありがとうございました。これを出発点として、今後、お互いの文化と人間を知り、よりよい交流が続くことを願ってやみません。明日(13日)も生け花、着付け、ひな人形造りなど文化体験をやることになっています。14日にはエーデルワイスでスキーの初体験を。折しも、9日から雪が降り始め、積もる雪を見るのは初めてという学生の興奮する姿が予感されます。
    As scheduled, 6 university students c...ame to Nikko to participate in a homestay program on the 9th for one week. The next day we took them to the world heritage site to understand Nikko culture and to the deep Nikko to see the wonderful view of the nature including the ice sculpture exhibition. Then today, on the 12th, was an international students' exchange program organized at a local senior high school, Meiho High School, thanks to the international minded school master and the related teachers. They sincerely contributed this event to encourage the young students to understand their respective culture and people so that they can deepen the friendship between China and Japan. They exchanged their music, songs and danse with half an hour friendship tea time in between. The exchange program ended up with a great success in such a ideal atmosphere in the tea room where the high school students served Japanese tea. We are going to let them experience some other Japanese culture such as Kimono wearing, Ikebana and handicraft works tomorrow. Then their first trial of skiing is to be followed on the next day.  
Image may contain: 13 people, people sitting and indoor
Welcome meeting on the 9th
Image may contain: 2 people

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor
Friendship Exchange program at a local senior high school(Meiho)


「冬の日光をノルウェー大使とともに楽しもう」This project was successfully over!


2月4日、5日にわたって開催された「ノルウェー大使とともに冬の日光を楽しもう」は本日夕方大使をお見送りして無事終わりました。ご理解、ご協力を下さいました方々に心から御礼申し上げます。2Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor日間とも、空気の澄んだ晴天に恵まれたことは幸運でした。大使の講演は「今日のノルウェー」と題して、アップデートされたノルウェーの様子、状況を丁寧に話され、質問も沢山出ました。二部では民族楽器、初めてみるような数々の笛とハルダンゲールのバイオリンとの共演、間でピアノも入ったり、民族楽器の説明も加わって、大変フレンドリーで楽しいコンサートとなりました。終了後には田母沢御用邸を見て頂き、その品があって奥ゆかしい建物に興味を示されました。翌日には奥日光でのクロスカントリーを東京方面からの他のノルウェー人、日本人、地元のImage may contain: one or more people, wedding and indoor人達も加わって総勢20数名でアストリアのクロカン風景は賑わったものになりました。大使のクロカン姿はとても素敵でした。森の中をスイスイとかけぬくシカのような身軽さでした!その後、湯本に寄って氷の彫刻を見て頂きましたが、これも珍しそうに興味深く楽しまれました。お疲れ様でした!

The project "Let's enjoy winter in Nikko together withAmbassador from Norway!"was successfully over. We would like to appreciate all our friends fro their understanding and great cooperation extended to this project. The Ambassador and his wife themselves

also enjoyed Nikko by walking around and visiting the world heritage site, giving lecture entitled "Today's Nikko", exchanging Q and A with the audience and a music concert of Norwegian music instruments, several kinds of flutes which we've never seen before and Hardanger violin. Then the next day's program,  "Let's do crosscountry skiing in the deep Nikko" was very enjoyable having more than 20 participants from in and out of Nikko. Before he went back to Tokyo, we utilized spare time to see the 11th Ice Curving Art going on in Yumoto. He was very interested in this art.  Thanks to good weather, everything went on smoothly and happily.


クロスカントリーの下見と練習 Preliminary inspection of the cross country site

「Let's enjoy Nikko in winter together with the Norwegian ambassador!」has a program of cross country ski this coming Sunday on the 5th. In order to check the site, the snow condition and our itinerary, we went up to the deep Nikko.
In th...e beginning we saw nobody skiing but we happened to meet one young Russian family on the way who has been in Tokyo for 8 years, but this is their first time to do cross country skiing in Japan. We are glad to know that they are happy to have finally found such a good place in Nikko. After being for 5 days, they drove back to Tokyo today. The little boy, 5 year old, is already good in spite of his first challenge. And his sister, only one year old, always on her mother who is so brave to do skiing with her baby on the tommy, giving her breast feeding once a while. This strong-shaped woman reminds me of our memory in Norway, she is very slender though. The quality of the snow is very good. Oh, yes, I used up all my muscles in two hours.
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