

「ひかりの郷 日光国体」 National Sports Festival in Nikko

「光の郷 日光国体」と称して18年振りに冬季国体が1月28日~2月2日まで地元日光で開催される。今日は開会式の様子を一目見ようと会場に出かけた所、暖かい好天気に恵まれているのに何となく静かな雰囲気を感じて高揚した気分が一寸ストップ。栃木の三体のゆるキャラ(さのまる、とちまる、日光仮面)が入口付近で和やかなムードを作ろうとしているのを見てホッとした。おもてなしのスタートである。しかしながら、他はスポーツ用外套のユニフォームを着た選手団が次々とバスで到着してくるのと、関係者、招待者を載せた車が入ってくるだけで、一般市民の姿は見当たらない。18年前のように皇室の方が見える様子もない。会場のキャパが小さくて一般の人は会場に入れないということを知って思わず白々しさを感じてしまった。当事者だけの当事者のためだけの式典であることに少々疑問を感じた次第。小さい会場を考えると無理もない話であるが、何か地元民とかけ離れた祭典のスタートを感じずには得られなかった。ソチオリンピックに押されて報道も影が薄い感じがする。日光は素晴らしい世界遺産を生かした上に、これからは冬のスポーツ誘致活動をすべきであると提言している人も出始めている時である。このタイミングを生かす知恵が欲しいと


恒例の新年会 Annual New Year Gathering

 I am a slow walker, but I never walk back!  素晴らしいメッセージである。お孫さんのばーばに対する尊敬の気持ちが生まれたことでしょう。そして勇気を得られたことと思う。

An annual New Year Dinner party of our local community group was organized at a nearby restaurant. I'm grateful to this custom to promote our friendship in our neighborhood. We enjoy more and more  talking and laughing every year. One of our members of EECC(Enjoyable English Conversation Club) which I have been conductiong for almost 5 years, is also in this group. What she said in this dinner party impressed me very much. I found she has intentionally been piling up some English phrases which shows her more interest in English. On the special occasion for her grand-daughter, she sent her a message in English, "I am a slow walker, but I never walk back!"  What a wonderful message! I'm sure the grand-daughter must respect her grand-mother for her strong will and effort to study English and she will be encouraged from this message.


もう一つの趣味 Another hobby

 Finally I decided to go back to enjoy Bridge Games which I had been away for several years.  Japan Contract Bridge League has many chapters all over Japan but Tochigi prefecture has only one in Utsunomiya. When I went to the place in Utsunomiya this time, I recalled all those times upon meeting some menbers I used to know. Sometimes at home I have tried to do on Internet so as not to forget the skill, but I really like the real feeling  when  I touch and handle a bidding box. There are many reflections after plays but this kind of games requires us a lot of intellectual skills, which is good to activate our brain. It's said that Bridge was originated by sailors. Now it is not only sociable and international game but also professional all over the world. Lots of international competitions find many Japanese players. This game attracts me in the sense that players have to be serious with  competative feeling in an enjoyable atmosphere.Facebook


出遅れた初詣 The first visit to the shrines half a month delayed

 Our first visit to the shrines this year was delayed because of our bad cold. But it turned to be better timing to visit after the peak of busy, overwhelming time visited by so many visitors. We had  relaxing time and we had wider view of the premise so that we even enjoyed extra things which otherwise we might miss.

  One of two things we were able to appreciate this time is that two huge and old Japanese cedar trees along the front approach to the shrine are gently protecting one mistletoe each just like their children. This mistletoe is not a cedar tree but a Japanese oak. This view looks like telling us "Dear Great Cedar, I feel I can go forward safely if I'm with you". A Japanese oak is prononced Nara in Japanese which means "If". It's a wordplay.
 One more thing is that we dropped in for the first time a souvenior
shop located on the corner of the front approach to Toshogu to enjoy Amazake, sweet Sake. A cup of Amazake made me warm and happy.

 We also found this time the gorgeous and dynamic cedar forest in the back of the Futaara shrine. Thanks to a quiet atmosphere with only few people, we were able to appreciate more things which we cannot in the big crowd. The view of the cedar mountain highlightened our visit this year.


サービス精神に思うこと  Spirit of Service

There exists SAL service for international post for packages. It takes between 10 days and 14 days, which means a package goes slower than air but faster than sea. This time I chose this SAL service with registered to send a package for Xmas to my friend and her family. A package flys to the destination country and it's transported by land carriage to a receiver from an airport. I kept my fingers crossed so that it would be delivered safely to my friend living in Amherst, Massachusetts in the US. I waited for a notice of its safe arrival but in vain. I almost reflected what I have done. Then a very nice e-mail from her came in early morning yesterday and I was so happy to find that the package was safe in her hands. I got relieved and my worry has turned to be more than happy feeling. Thanks God. The service of the post offie was sincere. However it took so much time, 4 times more than supposed to be. A week ago, I showed up in the post office for Inquiery, where I sent out the package.  They were kind enough to follow the package and found out it surely arrived at some airport in the US on December 19th. I sent out it on the 4th of December. But they couldn't follow further afterward.  No way but let it be.

The thing I want to point out is that we should be proud of Japanese spirit of service which is sincere and responsible. As far as domestice procedure is concerned, they are punctual. This SAL service is a cooperative service with other foreign countries, therefore something wrong might go on the way. It's not so reliable, I found.

The trouble this time reminds me of  what happened to us 18 years ago when we were stationed  in Brunei. We received an air letter from America two months delayed. Maybe the destination was not well known and they couldn't have found where was Brunei. It's a question of knowledge,


家族 My family


Last year end happened to be inconvenient for our children to gather at our place. Instead they came over to share the first holiday this year with us in Nikko. Our 5 grand children in total from our three children consist of 2 first graders of primary schools and 3 one year old toddlers, two months difference between each. They are cousins born in the same year. The existence of such small children made the air around us quite different making lots of cries and laughs. As a main cooker to fulfill 13 stomachs I was a full time busy worker but full of joy from early morning till late at night. On top of that we took them out in the yard to play ball or run around. Farthermore, we went skiing at Edelweiss, about one hour drive from our house. Everybody enjoyed being in the snow and they used out their energy. They were all happy with thier activities here and I got relieved when they went back home each with a big satisfaction. It's appreciative that we are still on the situation to take care of them, not yet to be cared.

い。絵を描き続けて老人ホーム(La maison des artistes) で展覧会を開いて買い手が出た時の感動ぶりも素晴らしい。何かに情熱を注ぎ続けられるというのが美しい生き方だとあらためて感じさせられている。

I'm now writing this diary as watching a NHK BS special TV program named "Dernière lueur (Sunset life): La maison des artistes" It describes the life style of 70s, 80s or 90s years old people who were once professional artists such as painters, lithographers, sculpers, pianists. The impressive point is that some of them are still keeping their eagerness in their artistic activies like drawing pictures many enough to organize a small exhibition in the Maison or teaching piano to children not only technic but also emotion how to talk to the piano when playing from her long life experiences. By doing so they keep their pride to live on. It was very well edited program. I was so deeply moved that I think about a lot my future to come.


EECC New year party

1月12日 EECC(英会話クラブ)の日曜クラスが新年会を開催。授業の前のランチタイムを利用して市内のあるレストランに集合。大小のお孫さんを抱える年代のメンバーが殆どで、人生経験豊富な熟年層なので、話しは淀みなく続き賑やかな一時となりました。。これをみんな英語で出来るようになったらどんな風だろうと密かに想像していました。夢が実現されるよう私も打ち込んでいきたいものです。
January 12,2014
One of the EECC classes organized a New Year gathering for lunch at the restaurant in the city. Most of the members are old enough to have their grand-children from teens to small babies, therefore, they have a lot of things to say from their experienced lives. They looked enjoying talking to each other. I imagined in secret how wonderful they will be if they can manage their conversation in English someday. I shall try to do my best to realize it.


最高のうな重を堪能 The best quality of Unaju(Grilled eel on top of rice in a racquered box)


We had a chance to go to the Eel food restaurant in Utsunomiya for lunch today. We happened to encounter there my husband friend from high school with his wife and their daughter in law, so we were six including another friend from the same high school who is the land owner of this restaurant. We had a very good time. We enjoyed talking about the history of grilled eel over Unaju. The eel was very tasty not so strong but mild and high-toned.  As this kind of food is very rich, I decided not to have supper this evening but......


正月の夕陽 The sunset of the New Year Day


 This year we couldn't go out early in the morning on the New Year Day for the first sunrise worship because of my husband's bad condition caused by a cold. Instead the next evening we drove up to the observatory in Kirifuri, only 30 minute-drive from our house, to have a beautiful sunset view of whole Nikko city and the mountains. It was much colder up there and the air was so transparent that we enjoyed the scenery reflecting the senset and got a fresh feeling to welcome the new year. Let's step forward!


2013年の終わり、新たな年の始まり Seing off the year of 2013 and welcoming the new year 2014


↑ 大晦日にこんな所にいました。   It's appreciative to find myself on the start line of another new year after seeing off  the year 2013. We couldn't organizing our family gathering at the end of the year 2013, instead we, two of us, played golf on the new year eve as our last play in 2013. The weather was so beautiful. The score wasn't good and I made up my mind to improve my golf this year. It's almost my dream. I feel now all my activities will be dependent on my golf ability. Nowadays the sports have been activating the public activity in many ways. One more thing to add as my another goal for this year is to make plan inwardly to commemorate our Sapphire Marriage.  Keep our fingers crossed! 


Since my husband doesn't feel well because of a flu, we decided to stay at home. Being excited to see such a beautiful figure of Nikko mountains reflecting the first sunrise of the new year, I went up to the attic of our house and took some pictures of them and Nikko country club course.