

EECC 金曜日午後のクラスの忘年会 A year-end party organized by Friday PM class

A year-end party organized by Friday PM class of EECC

まずジョン・レノン&小野洋子による"War is Over"の曲が流れ、一緒に斉唱。持ち歌にしたくて早速歌詞を写しておきました。
We had a year-end party in our last class. Thanks to the excellent organizer,  the menu was well programmed. We started with singing together the song by Jhon Lennon & Yoko Ono; "War is Over" of which the lyrics are touching. I copied them so that I can  make it one of my favorite songs.


Sadao-san's two presentations; one is how to master English and the other is about New Zeeland where he has been many times. His precious experiences were introduced.

 A high-toned presentation by Kazuo-Sensei. Just like the one last year, he composed an essay about what happened in his young-hood.


 Everybody seriously played the pairs game. That was fun.

←A group photo

年末救助隊奮闘記 Our tuggling work to respond to SOS from our daughter during this Xmas holiday

We stayed at our grand-children's place at Xmas time this year to babysit them while their parents out for their works. When they were in good mood, they looked so nice, but in bad mood, no way to make them happy, especially the little one.I came back home yesterday one day earlier than my husband and walked all the way up to my house from the station taking one hour in the darkness at night. I even got sweaty and felt like having a very comfortable and healthy walk.  
←She was battling on the back of her grandpa who didn't care her big cry and kept his concentration on a magazine. Looks like somebody(a little hard working boy) who keeps reading with a bunch of woods on his back!!

←In front of a big panel of all those souper heroes desplayed in a big shopping mall in Makuhari.
←A small Xmas dinner which made everybody happy. The boy was surely expecting the visit of Santa on that night. May his day be merry and bright !


忘年会シーズン Year-end party coming one after another

 EECC(Enjoyable English Conversation Club) started back in July 2009 by making use of a vacant shop. After half a year our activity was introduced in the local news paper which invited quite a few participants. The class was expnded and devided into three. The classes have been conducted once a week each up until now. This class(Friday AM class) organizes a year-end party at this time in December to share a good time over a special lunch together. It's so nice to see such a good friendship deepen through study in EECC.  There are always lots of laughs there. I appreciate that I have been involved in this activity so as to train myself up.


第29回日光清風塾講話会 「特定秘密保護法の功罪を論じよう」

12月15日 第29回日光清風塾塾長講話会 今回のテーマは「」特定秘密保護法の功罪」





この法案には賛否両方あり、報道の自由をかかげているマスコミには恐怖感を与えている。マスコミの問題点→民主主義→自由競争→商業主義・利益追求 日本はマスコミへの信頼度が他の先進国に比して極力高い。80%以上。ノルウェーハ55%程度。日本人のお上意識。長い物には巻かれろ式。日本の民主主義は我々自らが作り上げたものではないところに問題がある。




季節は廻り seasons keep moving one after another

Again this year showed up Xmas illumination along the street in front of JRstation in my town. Many thanks go to our friends who are running their shop there. They have devoted themselves to activate the corner for Xmas season for more than 10 years in spite of their difficulty in terms of economical situation. The street will be bright for one month from now.

This autumn was very attractive reflecting the beautiful weather which last rather long time in the last part of autumn season.


那須のアウトレットまでドライブ Driving up to the outlet-shopping center in Nasushiobara

好天気日和の下、初めて那須塩原のガーデンアウトレットまでドライブ。1990年代に家族の洋服を探しによく出かけたニューヨーク郊外にあったアウトレットを思い出す。でもかなり小さくした感じ。あの時は客層がいろいろで大混雑していたが、ここは若い子供連れと若いアベックが圧倒的で競争してショッピングをするすさまじさは無い。のんびりと品物を物色して・・我々も結局夫が欲しいと思っていた冬用帽子が見つかってそれを入手しただけ。でも、本物のアルパカちゃんに出会えたのはラッキーでした。   Hav...ing such a beautiful autumn weather, we decided to drive up to Garden Outlet of Nasushiobara. This place reminded me of those days in 1990s when we often went to the outlet located in the suburbs of NYC to look for our clothes. But that one was much bigger in scale and customers were much more diversified. They were very energetic and competative to capture what they wanted. Here customers are young couples or young parents taking their kids along. They just looked enjoying walking or looking around or playing in the yard. I myself couldn't find what I wanted and we ended up with buying a hat for Masao. He finally found one he had wanted. Then a lucky thing happened to us. We were able to come across a big alpaca which was enclosed with a small fence. She was so calm and beautiful. It's said that an alpaca belongs to camels' family.


悲しい出来事 Sad news

It was two weeks later that we faced the sad news about our colleague's death. He visited us in Nikko with his wife two years ago and we visited them in Yatsugatake a year ago. He had been in good shape, therefore we just couldn't believe the sad news. The life is so fragile. With a big simpathy we visited his wife in Tokyo and burned incense for her husband. She talked over her sad feeling about what happened to her husband and she looked encouraged by their children who are very much proud of their father and by their precious grand-children, which made us feel relieved. May he rest in peace.


ユネスコ活動で足利市訪問 Good chance of visiting Ashikaga city through UNESCO activity

11月22日 今日も秋晴れの好天気に恵まれた中、日光ユネスコから会長を含めメンバー4人が足利へ。栃木県ユネスコ連絡協議会研修会に参加するためである。足利市の公立小中学校の英語教育の取り組みを視察。今後のユネスコ活動は勿論、私自身のボランティア活動にも参考になるという期待があった。今回の研修会から得た大変印象的だったこと四つ。
③ユネスコ学校、つまり UNESCO associated school の認可を得ていて、毎年足尾緑化運動の植樹に生徒がバス仕立てで参加し、環境保全の意味を理解して来ているという。自然と親しみ、自然を愛しむ心を育てている。校長先生の「ガンバレ、山辺中!」の歌を浸透させて明るく学びながら行動を取る前向きの教育が実践されているのを見ることが出来、明るい未来を見る思いであった。
④市教育委員会、校長を筆頭に学校全体が後押しをし、前向きに指導を推進しているということ。「足利市英語教育推進プロジェクト」を立ち上げ、「生徒の英語力の向上」「教育の指導力強化」「EAA(English Activity Assistantの増員」を目標に実施計画も出来ている。市を上げて人材育成の根本教育への熱心さがうかがえる。

もう一つ特筆したいこと。それは足利にCO CO Farm&Winery の存在を知ったこと。


絶好の秋日和  A Beautiful Autumn day

11月21日 早朝の我が家の裏庭を見て余りの美しさに感動。朝日に照らされ始めた風景の色のコントラストは神様にしか出来ない美しさ。紅葉が朝日で一層輝き、庭一面の霜が又朝日にぴかぴか輝く。そしてそれらを天高く青い空が覆っている。ここで一句思いつきました。「紅葉が霜と輝く青い空」 
   The first thing I was so moved with this early morning was the beauty of our back yard. This beautiful scenery cannot be created by humans but the God. The maple leaves in red color was reflecting the morning sunshine and the yard was slightly twinkling with frost on it. And they were all protected and encouraged by the blur autumn sky. Instantly I got a Haiku in my mind.
"Autumn color is brightening with twinkling frost under the blue sky"

そしてこの日は 恒例の日光そばまつりがスタート。秋晴れの好天
  An annual event called "Soba Festival in Nikko" started today under such a gorgeous autumn weather. A women's choir group which I belong to was invited to perform on a temporary stage and we sang 5 songs with such a comfortable feeling. Then followed by our conductor (instructor) and our voice trainer who performed one of their numbers with their rich and beautiful voices. We being on the stage behind them were all touched!
 On the way back home, I dropped in one of Soba noodle temporary shops with some friends.


ユネスコ活動 Activity of Nikko UNESCO

Today we, 14 members of Nikko UNESCO Association, went to Soka to join an exchange program between two associations, Nikko and Soka's. This time Soka side arranged this special program to get on board the ship named "Arakawa" to see important facilities along the river Arakawa which have been established against natural disasters to be caused by earthquakes and transport system for relief goods. The program was very successfully done thanks to a big effort by Soka UNESCO to get a great cooperation extended by Soka city and the Ministry of National Land and Transpot under such a beautiful autumn weather.
11月19日 日光ユネスコ協会から14人のメンバーが草加ユネスコ協会との交流会に参加の為、草加入り。今回は草加側がホストになり、「東京湾リバーサイドクルージング河川施設視察」を企画。草加市と国土交通省の協力を得て、観光船「あらかわ」に乗り、詳しい説明をいただきながら、震災・地震対応、救援物資の輸送路確保等の面から東京湾へそそぐ河川施設を眼で視察した。

←秋晴れの絶好日和の下、旧岩淵水門(赤水門)が左手に。岩淵を起点に元の隅田川が荒川と現隅田川に分岐。東京湾から22キロの地点。荒川が隅田川氾濫を防ぐために明治末期(1910)から改修計画が立てられ、新たに造られた河川であることを初めて知る。 建設に20年を要し、2011年で放水路建設が100年になったことになる。放水路工事の総指揮者、青山士(あきら)氏の存在を知る。パナマ運河工事に日本人技師として唯一参加。この経験を生かしての大プロジェクトに。

 ←荒川ロックゲート 災害脆弱地帯である隅田川と荒川に囲まれた江東デルタ地帯の河川を通じて、荒川と隅田川の間で船舶の通行が可能に。
←遠くスカイツリーが見えている。 写真は撮りそこなったが、江戸川区にはスーパー堤防というのが構築されている。堤防の巾が広く、桜並木道などが造られている。憩の水辺スペースも広がっている。


日光清風塾 第28回塾長講話会

11月17日 日光清風塾第28回塾長講話会要旨




1964年東京オリンピック 日本にとっては戦後の経済復興になった。










日光ユネスコ協会活動 one of the activities organized by Nikko UNESCO Association



    Like last year I joined the meeting as a member of the Nikko UNESCO Association to promote an exchange program with the students of Imaichi High school who are members of
International Exchange Activities. I was impressed with the fact that they are active to promote their international mind with other high school students in Tochigi prefecture.
    This time they performed a presentation for us of their case work on four countries they picked up according to their interest. They are trying to get necessary information as much as possible to learn more about outside Japan, which is very  encouraging. On the other hand, they seem to be needed to be trained how to express themselves more effective.This is a question of long-term education starting from pre- school.


一寸遅れた紅葉狩り A bit delayed autumn leaves hunting

Kirifuri Water Falls
 ” 紅れないの 岩肌をすべる 白い滝”

Gorgeous golden Karamatsu
in Botanical garden
Today is supposed to be the last day of thses cold days which we have had since last week. Under the beautiful weather today me and my husband drove up for autumn color hunting in Nikko. We visited three places. ①Kirifuri Water Falls②Botanical garden③Urami Water Falls. We enjoyed this hunting which was rather delyed but autumn colors still remained. Good thing ! The places were not so crowded. I tried to make one Haiku at Urami Water Falls .
 " In autumn color, Like sliding on the rocks, White water falls"

Huge Koyamaki with so many branches
spreading out (Botanical garden)
Urami Water Falls


移りゆく季節 Changing season


  Only few more days will be left for the gorgeous autumn colors. This autumn turned to make us admire the beauty of red leaves in the woods extending from our back yard which has been greatly cared by my husband spending a lot of time. It's really luxurious to lay on the reclining chair to enjoy those red leaves swaying in the wind through which my mind wonder around by absorbing sweet air of autumn colors. There is nothing but a big appreciation there.
Dear Time, why don't you stop passing ?


秋日和満喫 Enjoying a beautiful autumn day

After seeing the display of beautiful Nikko wood carving works exhibited by members of another group, my friends from Nikko wood carving gathered in our back yard which still trailed the other day's BBQ party. We had a picnic at lunch time. We were all relaxed in such a beautiful and quiet atmosphere in the country. After having a lot of works consuming 7 years, our yard has turned out to be beautiful and comfortable enough to share a good time with our friends. Some groups of wild monkeys sometimes show up with no invitation card, but we should be generous to let them pass throuh as a route to their working places. That's also what we
                                                      cannot experience in Tokyo.


文化の日 BBQパーティー A barbecue gathering

 This year's Culture Day happened to be on the 4th of November. This particular day reminds me of the special dinner party organized by our four children (one of them is our son-in law) given in appreciation of their father's long-term services. He just got retired from MOFS. We were given a Testimonial each not a Letter of appreciation, which made us feel very humourous and moved. It has already past ten years since then.
 On the occasion of this flag day, we organized a BBQ for several friends specializing in different areas such as journalism, consulting, architecuture, former public affairs. We enjoyed very much our discussion-like conversation over BBQ concerning not only domestic affairs but also international. The companies were free to say their opinions from their own experiences in their working areas, which made the discussion more interesting. If it was women's gathering, the conversation would go toward more private and individual to share their own sentimental feelings. They need to go out to join their friends' groups to get rid of their busy everyday life or some frustration in their minds. I appreciate my situation for the both. BBQ party is very effective to feel open to talk and enjoy being together with friends.
 Now it's a beautiful season. Our premise is surrounded by "autumn colors" which means KOYO in Japanese. KOYO makes BBQ party more KOYO which means "effective"....good language joke!


東照宮境内風景 Nowadays fasion found among visitors to Toshogu shrine

Two doggies are clever enough to
be relaxed in a stroller to avoid the crowd

Nikko UNESCO Association has been operationg Air Pollution  Monitoring several times a year in the area of the world cultural heritage in Nikko as one of our volunteer works to protect the treasure. This time I was in charge of collecting 5 capsules which were placed yesterday at 5 different places on the premise of Toshogu shrine. It is good for me for two reasons. One is good physical exercise for me and it's enjoyable to watch visitors from different countries. I have noticed the number of foreigners has increased these days. Not only people but also some pets are joining to look around. After the
tyhoons, No 26,27,28, the weather has become so beautiful inviting autumn colors gradually.


地域の文化祭に参加  Seasonal cultural festival in my district

Encouraged by a call from the director of our district council, some of my Nikko Bori works(wood cutting) were among many kinds of articles such as hand crafts, paintings, calligraphy etc. displayed on the occasion of its seasonal cultural festival. The photo I took with my friend reflecting in the mirror of which the frame is my work, turned to be wonderful just like Mona Lisa. I wish I could exhibit this photo. It looks more artistic.


誕生日の後にぶつかったT字路 Dead end I ran up after my birthday

I have been proud of my good shape but it's not reliable. I found myself this time out of shape after having a diarrhea and a vomit which suddenly knocked me down. Our daughters' families also got down after going back home who had been here with us to celebrate our birthdays. We both also felt sick after seeing them off. What was it? No reason was found. Anyway I was quick to be recovered thanks to some rice porridge and pickled plums. The worse thing is my mental depression afterward. I just couldn't manage how to deal with my mind. I'm usually patient enough to find out which way to go by myself. This time, however, the figure of my dear cat Mi-chan showed up in front of me and encouraged me by  her poems. One and a half years have already past since she disappeared in the woods beyond our back yard last year.
①She looks hard at me so as to put me back to continue my volunteer work. She looks like cheering me up.②Such charming and round face but her very shrewd observation try to reform my lazy attitude. Nothing to do with the aged. Just step forward!


誕生日 My birthday has come again

Today is Her Majesty's 79th birthday. I feel we are protected by Her Majesty as the symbol of the nation with Her warmhearted and deep concern extended to the Japanese people.


 Yesterday our two daughters' families came to see us one from Soga and the other from Ichikawa in Chiba pref. This is the first time to see their children after three months. Their visit became the precious present for our birthdays, 17 and 20 October. Two grandsons, the first graders of the different primeary schools are grown big enough to deal with the persons who they are talking with. They show their interest only when I talk to them about what they are very much concerned. On the other hand, the little ones, one year and 2 months old grandson, and one year and 4 months old grand-daughter have just started to walk. Their facial expressions are very alive together with the movement of their index fingers. They look like two living dolls. When we visited one of our relative's shop, they behaved like a sweet couple looking around in the shop to find out some pairs of shoes suitable for them. I had a really nice time to watch how they moved sweet together like seen in the photos here.