

ハロウィーン  Happy Halloween Day

10月31日 万聖節の前夜祭

Halloween Day (Hallowmas=All Saints' Dayの前夜)
There came out a meaningful suggestion from EECC afternoon class today. This gesture surprised me and even impressed me with their strong dedication in English study. I was happy to know that they are eager to improve their English abilities by presenting their short message individually by turns in the class and by raising questions from the audience, but one question each listener. The 3 minute-speech taken place last week might have produced a good effect on them.
Today is Halloween Day. Lots of sweets were donated in the class.
Then the studio of Curves I joined after the EECC was full of Halloween mood, all the staff in Halloween costume and the women doing excises having its goods on them. The leader of the staff induced me to put a pair of cute application for my head.


健康維持の秘訣 Secret of Health maintenance



Health maintenance
My greeting to the little bird has been the first thing to do in the morning these days. I found out his routine flight between the rambler rose and the maple tree just outside of the oriel window of the living room. And in between he pecks the vent-age by the window making a sound like a tinplate. He seems to enjoy his life style in this paradise. Given a vital energy by this little bird, I had a good game with my golf mates. Golf is the life itself. Either a good luck or a bad luck comes one after another.
My white ball is visible in the center


    地元ヤシオの湯が主催した秋のハイキングに参加。好天気に恵まれ、30名弱の参加者の気分も晴れやかでヤシオ温泉を9時過ぎに出発。行き先は裏見の滝。昨年夫と行ったことがあるがあの時は山のふもとまで車だったので、今日は片道1時間20分かかったことに滝の重みを感じました。往復約3時間の行程は丁度良い運動。岩手の雫石から単独で参加していた女性との出会いは貴重。約一週間かけての黒部までの一人旅をするこの女性は女手一人で子供二人を育て上げ、続いて母親の介護。ひと月前にその母を亡くし、やっと我を見つめて大好きな自然の中の一人旅を思いついたのだという。こうした旅は人それぞれの思いを持って古今到来依然として続けられていることを実感。どうぞご無事で旅を進められますように。滝は滝壺付近に紫色が目立つ虹を描いて大変美しい表情を見せ、みんな感激。丁度水供養の儀式がなされているのに出会い、お札に祈願を 書く幸運を得ました。
    Participated in a hiking course organized by Yashio Spa to walk up to Urami no ...Taki(water fall) taking 80 minutes one way. Under a beautiful weather, about 30 participants enjoyed walking in a big group. I went to this water fall last autumn with my husband but we drove up to the foot of the mountain, therefore we only walked up in the mountain having this fall. As to utumn color, last year was much better but this time, we were very impressed with a beautiful raibow over the basin of the water fall accentuated with a strong color of purple.Everybody was amazed. The water fall looked very special I've never seen before. One more to write down is to get aquainted with a lady from Iwate who is traveling all alone to Kurobe through Nikko. She seemed to heal herself after such a long hardship in her life. She was moved to happen to face a special ritual event to appreciate the natural water coming down from the Mt.Nantai. We had a good luck.


我が家は野鳥の楽園 In the paradise of wild birds


(Our place becomes a paradise of wild birds in this season, at the end of October just before autumn color)

Finally I found out what this little bird is. It is JOUBITAKI. I was awaken this morning before 6 o'clock by busy resounds of the birds in question which sound like Ki Ki Ki Ki, or He He He He. I stood still by the window to search where they were with eyes wide open by following their twitters. And finally succeeded in taking some good photos of the bird I had been chasing after these days. I checked out a book to find out what kind of birds they are and asked my friend who knows about wild birds to confirm. I'm now happy to finally find out what they are. I have been very much concerned with this kind bird that dives into branches of trees such as maple trees and keep singing or twittering in the peaceful surroundings.

I wonder why the chrysanthemums in our garden grow so high this year.


紅葉狩り再挑戦 Try again for color hunting

10月25日 紅葉狩りに再挑戦 


Try again for color hunting October 25
The most beautiful day for color hunting changed my schedule to do my task at home today. I called my sister-in law and her husband to drive up to deep Nikko beyond the mountain together. My mind has been occupied with the regret I had about 3 weeks ago when I took my brother and his family out for a challenging drive up there just before the No 19 typhoon to come, to enjoy a possible good view from the Hangetsu observatory. We could see nothing at that time because of thick mist caused by bad weather. Today happened to be a happy day and we had the best view from the observatory with 200% satisfaction. I was surprised to find out that place has such a beautiful view of Mt.Fuji. Today's Mt.Fuji having its top covered with snow, looked so noble and holy. There was no traffic jam either. Perfect day!



10月24日 今日の二つの収穫 Today's two harvests



  Today I was given an opportunity to attend (as a judge which gave me a big challenge !) a three minute-English speech contest organized by Kazuo-Sensei. There participated 10 members from my EECC. I was very much impressed with their courageous presentations which had never shown in my ordinary conversation class. Their English ability has obviously been so improved under Mr.Kazuo's leadership or guidance that I was moved and grateful to him for his great efforts. All of them were successfully well done! I enjoyed their presentations.
  One more harvest for me today. I tried to dig out one root of taro potato out of my husband's vegetable garden and I found it's too early to dig it out yet but its taste was already superb, very rich. Sorry not to be able to let him taste it. He is far away now in Nanking!


日光ユネスコ協会モニタリング作業 Monitoring activity by Nikko UNESCO

Participated today in one of the activities by Nikko UNESCO Association, NOx air pollution monitoring on the premise of Nikko Tosho-shrine, under such a bad weather with rain. In spite of such bad weather, Tosho-shrine was crowded with many school kids from schools. Coincidentally, there held a big exhibition of Japanese traditional Art crafts in the reception hall of Tosho-shrine. I was very much impessed with many excellent articles, masterpieces such as paulownia chests, furniture, tools, lacquerred Nikko-bori woodcurving, China, etc. They are far beyond our standard. Those treasure-like art crafts enriched my heart.



This year's my birthday encouraged me a lot thanks to a variety of kind gestures given to me. I was impressed with the only one candle attached to my dessert at the Brasserie aux Amis. Then many messages arrived through fb including some from overseas. Some fresh vegetables and fresh flower arrangement came to me. Furthermore, our choir practice day happened to be on my special day and at the end of the practice, they celebrated me with that song in chorus. I was happy but also embarrassed. Thank you, my dear friends!
I made a special dinner, only one dish though, for myself using much fresh vegetable given to me and enjoyed having it thinking about my husband's feeling on his birthday which he had 3 days ago in Nanking. The red rose in this photo is from his rose garden. It is just in full bloom to please me on my special day.



第36回講話会(10月19日)の要旨 (鈴木常元輪王寺教化部長の講話)

「仏教文化と日光」のタイトルに沿って、(宗教)(仏教)(神道)(自然崇拝)(日光山の宗教と信仰)そして(文化)に及び、日光山には素晴らしい仏教文化が残っている。神仏習合という、日本人の素晴らしい信仰心が形として残っている。日光山には今も信仰があり、聖地として機能している。これからも聖地であるという結び。信仰(人間の根源的な願い=恐れ、敬い、憧れ、祈り、救いを求める心)が文化を生むという結びでした。勝道上人が766年に開山して2年後に1250年祭が控えているタイミングで、日光が観光地という名前だけが強調されているが、聖地であるということを見直す良いチャンスとなる講話でした。生きて行く為に、観光地としての発展を願うのは当然ながら、どうして宗教が生まれ、人間の苦悩の解決の道(釈迦が発見した真理)として仏教が生まれたこと、自然の法則・日本古来の信仰が自然崇拝・八百万の神であり、朝鮮半島を通って入った仏教との出会いが聖徳太子の神仏習合・本地垂迹説(仏が本体で神はその姿)という偉業に至ったこと。何だかしらないけどありがたいという気持ちを読んだ西行の短歌の引用は自然崇拝・八百万の神に感謝する日本人の信仰心を理解させてくれるものとして非常に分かり易い。 「なにごとの おはしますかはしらねども かたじけなさに なみだこぼるる」

 奈良→開山勝道上人、観音信仰 輪王寺・二荒山神社の起源
 平安→慈覚大師円仁 天台 阿弥陀信仰 日光三社権現
 江戸→天海 東照三所権現(神仏習合の思想)輪王寺宮 平和の願い
 昭和→第二次大戦 ウオーナー博士の尽力により戦禍を免れる
 平成→世界遺産登録 「日光の社寺」=「日光山は一つ」




又誕生日が  Birthday is coming


一寸早めのバースディ―昼食会を子供達家族が企画してくれました。日光から私を引っ張り出すのもいいでしょ?ということでスカイツリーそらまちの30FのBrasserie aux Amisで。目の前にタワーの中腹が。2歳児が3人一緒で賑やかこの上なし。でもここのお店は子供にやさしくて他のお客様もおおらかで・・気兼ねが無くてお子様連れにはおすすめです。食事も美味しくて満足度は高いです。私のデザートのお皿には何故か一本のロウソクが。それもワインの蓋のコルクに巻いたワイヤを使って作ったしゃれた椅子の上に鎮座して。年は冬に向っても気分は春に逆行です。Curvesやって

As my husband's birthday and mine come almost the same time with only three days apart, we organize our birthday party together every year. This year, however, my husband is not here but away in Nanking. I felt sorry for him but fortunately his students prepared a birthday cake for him to celebrate or encourage him on our behalf. Thank you for their kindness.
I was invited to show up in the Brasserie aux Amis on the 30F in the Sora-machi connected to the Sky Tree where our three children's families organized a birthday luncheon for me. Three 2 years' toddlers kept moving around all the time and their parents could never sit still, but the staff were very kind to us. Therefore, even in such noisy atmosphere, we were rather relaxed and enjoyed the French full course very much. Very good menu. The plate of dessert for me was decorated with one small candle with fire on sitting on a mini chair made of wire attached to cork tap. Why only one candle? Glad I'm getting younger, am't I? Curves, walking and active brain ...my refreshed life has just stepped forward!


新たに咲き始めたシクラメン The last year's cyclamen reborn

10月13日(月) 体育の日
In the quietness just before the big typhoon No19 strike to come started sprouting the cyclamen from the
last year. Exciting moment!


朝のウオーキング  Walking in the morning 

    10 月12日

    Since 'Curves' is not available on Sundays, I usually go for a walk for nearly one hour. This time expecting the strong typhoon coming soon, I determinded to walk this morning. In the park were tens of citizens playing baseball under the rather mild weather just before the typhoon. I got a big harvest from the sidewalk for 200m in front of Koyoen which has a beautiful nature around. Also I picked up the roses in full bloom in our garden so as not to be damaged by the typhoon. It's much better to see them on the table. I'm very satisfied with what I have done.


日光の花火大会 Fireworks in Nikko

日光の花火大会 10月11日(土)

The local people enjoyed looking up in the sky where many different shapes of fireworks' explosions in rainbow colors were dancing just one day before the biggest typhoon No 19 is coming. I walked up to the place to see them alone to digest what I had for supper tonight. It was 20 minute's walk one way in the dark without streetlights along the way, which gave me quite a thrill. Luckily I didn't encounter any bear on the way. Is there any place like Nikko where they shoot up fireworks in this season?


日光彫展示会の打ち上げ(反省会) A party to review what we experienced at the gallery

打ち上げと反省会のためのバーベキューパーティー 10月7日(火)

We organized today a barbecue party to review what we had done at the "Gallery in the wind" in the mid September. There we displayed our Nikko Bori works(wood curving). Some of them were sold as fundraising for charity. We, seven members, three gentlemen and four ladies, so called 7 warriors, enjoyed the most beautiful day after the No.18 typhoon. We discussed about the way how we should handle the charity sale we had and talked about our dreams and hopes for our works to be in                         the future.


親戚来訪 My brother's family came to see us


My second elder brother and his wife, living in Matsue, Shimane-pref. came to Nikko with their first daughter and her husband.

For the first time my second elder brother and his wife living in Matsue came to Nikko with their first daughter and her husband for one day trip from Shinjuku. In spite of my big worry about the seasonal traffic jam caused by many tourists hunting autumn colors, the IROHA slope wasn't busy at all and our challenge ended up with a big satisfaction and appreciation. I made rather busy schedule for them but we made everything successful. We drove up to the Hangetsu observatory but the thick fog became a big obstacle to have a whole view of the Chuzenji-lake and its surroundings, Otherwise, it must have been a wonderful view. The Ryuzu-fall was beautiful as introduced on Yesterday's newspaper. Then we drove down the IROHA slope to have lunch at a Soba restaurant made of an old farmer's house named Noka meaning a farmer's house. Soba, buck wheat noodle, was so delicious that they kept saying afterward "That was so good Soba. We have never tasted high quality Soba like that." After lunch I took them to our place to have a couple of coffee. It seemed they enjoyed and satisfied with what they have done today.I was also happy to welcome them. Everything turned out good without any problem, which I really appreciated. It was a very good day thanks to good luck.


叔父の逝去と兄達との再会 My uncle's death and reunion of my brothers

叔父の逝去と兄達との再会 My uncle's death and reunion of my brothers

My uncle passed away at the age of 95. He was 6 years younger than my mother who died 9 years ago at the age of 91. So he lived longer, but still shorter than their mother(my grandma) who died at the age of 102. He loved talking with people and always made people around laugh and laugh. My uncle died in peace saying "It's enough" on his very last day after being hospitalized for a few months. He was through three agitated epochs, Taisho, Showa and Heisei but he always seemed to be so gentle and humorous that everybody liked him and everybody was affected by him. What his wife, now 91 years old, said a little to describe her husband still remains in my heart.  "He had never gotten angry in his life. Even if he accidentally got  mad, he didn't look mad at all ." He went up to the top administrators of some bank to be followed by a president of some company with his gentle character or his humanity which were either by nature or obtained by his efforts, nobody knows.  His mother wasn't sure either. The truth is that he was a really awkward. He himself admitted it. I'm depressed with such a big loss. He used to sympathize with our life living in and out of Japan and give us lots of cares which we owe a lot.  May he rest in peace!

My uncle's death invited my brothers from Osaka, Nara and Matsue to gather at Chofu. We haven't met each other since two years ago when we gathered in Matsue for our mother's 7 years memorial year. They surely looked a bit older but they are kind of healthy. The eldest brother was recently awarded for his good health care by the authority ; He has not used his health insurance card for l0 years. Guess what prize was given to him? It was a set of dental care!   It must be a big joke.

Yesterday I had a chance to visit for the first time my niece's new house in Hatsudai along the Keiko Line. They bought it recently. I was with her parents,my second elder brother and his wife, who also came to Tokyo from Matsue to attend the funeral of our uncle in Chofu who passed away at the age of 95. After enjoying a cup of coffee at her lovely house full of her sweet taste, I excused myself to go back to Nikko taking another 3 hours. In the train on the way back, I noticed I missed taking a photo of her place and instead I took this photo of a cute Obento box she had given to me. My sad feeling from the loss in Chofu was healed with this warming heart she conveyed to me.