

日光ユネスコ協会と地元今市工業高校の生徒会との交流学習 ー Exchange study with the students'board of Imaichi Technical High School


They seemed to prepare a lot for
this meeting directed by a teacher
in charge.
 An exchange study of Nikko UNESCO Association with one of the local high schools, Imaichi Technical High School, was held for the first time. 14 executive members of the Student's Board seemed to prepare a lot for this meeting and one of them did its MC, which gave us a positive impression.
 The program started with their respective presentation on their involvement in the activities itiniated by Nikko UNESCO Associationsuch such as NOx monitoring or Fund raising activity to support to establish TERAKOYA for illietare people in Cambodia or a desplay of the information or photos of the worl heritage in Japan during their cultural festival at school. All of them pointed out their mind more interested in about our world heritage of Nikko. They are now finding them being rather on the side of it's protection than the tourists to visit it, which impressed us very much.

 The explanation about our activities and Nikko world heritage by Mr.T. executive member of our association was done briefly and effectively, which was followed by vice chairwoman, Mrs.K.,who explained her trip to Cambodia with 5 more people to attend the opening ceremony of one TERAKOYA which was established by the donation from Nikko UNESCO. We hope to continue this kind of exchange program between young high school students and us to promote our activities together.


日光清風塾第24回講話会 Nikko Seifujuku's 24th lecture


 「グローバル化した今、特にアジアの時代を迎えた今、日本の役割が大きい中、日本人が誇りとする良き知性、良き特性が発揮されなければならない。その為には中等教育での基礎教育をしっかりと身に着け、人間同士の交流と信頼関係を築くことである。近道として「国民の祝日」を例に取り、その祝日に本来の意義を親子で話し合うとか、学校でも取り上げて話題とし、一方深く学習してはどうか。見直すには最適の日である筈。マスコミは連休云々の話題に徹し、国民の啓発や教養の手助けには無関心となっている。祝日・記念日をテーマにして国民全体が楽しみながら学習し直し、考え、教養を高めれば、信頼される国家・国民が確立されると思う。学校教育だけでなく、社会全体の教育、国民に響く啓発運動が必要であろう。」 小林氏の視点と切り口が鋭いお話は、まさに啓発されるものであり、大変面白いと思った。



梅雨真っ只中 Finally in the rainy season


It was toward the end of May that the authority declared the   biginning of the rainy season this year, but it has been without rain for a while since then. And finally we are having rainy and humide weather. No need to water around in the yard, which is good for me but we don't want to welcome too much heavy rain
                                                          at one time, which might cause some disaster I'm afraid.


We had been enjoying the successful blooming of all kinds of roses this year. Then one morning a big happening shocked me. The beautiful yellow roses just in front of our living room were all found gone. The criminal I tracked down is a mother deer in accompany with her baby fawn. My upset feelng has gone and kind of affectional feeling came into my heart instead. Complicated feeling!


My mind has been rather busy these days with some preparation work for my talk scheduled on this coming Sunday on 'Another country in the North Europe,e.i.Iceland' and for my trip to China planned early July. On top of the conveyance of the report (2)from my husband in Nanjing for the sake of Nikko Seifu Juku,I got to summerize what I'm going to talk on Iceland where we used to serve concurrently from 2001 to 2003. As looking over the materials, I easily go back to those days to remember what we experienced during our first step on the country. Then the time consumed. A report will be on this blog later.


孫達を訪問 Visit our grand-children

She prefers walking to crawling.

He loves reading. He borrows books
from school library. A dinosaur book
is the one we are reading together. 
He is a stable baby while his elder
brother is a sensitive and thoughtful boy.
Taking the opportunity to deal with a work for the appartment in Tama, I hopped along two places to see our grand-children.  It's really amazing to see them growing so fast not only physically but mentally. The bigger boys who got to be the first graders this April, are already accustomed to their well-regulated new life style having busy schedules. They are taking lessons of Swimming, Drum, Piano, Karate, Football as their favorite activities after school. They are already given homeworks too. Good thing is that they seem to enjoy all those activities. Their sister or brother, one is going to be one year old at the end of this month while the other is 10 months old. they used to be afraid of strangers including me, but they are getting easier and more friendly. They are just like lovely stuffed animals with their soft, rice-cake like skin, which I enjoy very much.


早朝の草刈 Mowing work early in the morning 

This tiny frog has settled down here
since three days ago. He has been
singing all the nights
As nobody was there to take
a photo of my mowing style,
I just tired to sketch myself
 operating the mower


The yard looks so clean after my
big job! 
Thanks to an intermission of the rainy season, I've been enjoying such beautiful weather these days by walking early in the mornig when nobody's showing up yet. I walk down to cross the park to step onto the causeway and take simple exercise first before walking backward for 1000 steps on the causeway. The IC recorder I bought a couple of weeks ago is now one of my requisites. Wherever I go, I always take it with me. During my walk, it's very effective and enjoyable to listen to it which reminds me of what was instructed in the choir class.
Furthermore, this morning, I executed to mow the lawn(wild grass) in the back yard. The experience of using a mower I had two weeks ago already gave a confidence in operating the machine and makes me feel easy to use it. One hour mowing work just consumed the gasoline fully filled in a small tank attached to the machine. It took an hour. Then I watered the rose garden and the yard.

After taking a shower, I sit at table for my breakfast. It's the time for NHK morning sitcom starts, entitled "Amachan, women divers", which has been televised since the last April. The theme music is superb. Good casting board.  It just fits the start of a day with its good rythm and high spirit. The story is marverous. I really had such an enjoyable moment this morning.


夏の始まり The summer starts today.

The season of azalea is coming. The
 way they bloom looks like some faces
 of humans sticking out carefully to assure
 the safety of  the timing to come out.
The time passes without any hesitation. The nature around us changes its feature in accordance with the natural tempo rather relaxed. It keeps going on its way. It has nothing to do with such an unusual climate either warming or cooling which has been making a noise in the human society. Its tempo is sometimes changeable to some extent but very reliable. This reliability makes me feel calm and its rich expression makes me feel moved and excited. Being in this beautiful living surrounding, my everyday life starts with a big appreciation.

This morning worthy of the start of the summer woke me up early in the morning with its shining sun through the window uncovered by the curtain. The birds out there were already in full energy. I was tempted to go out for an everyday walk. I already found myself outside after 6 o'clock. The air and the temperature were just comfortable enough to start walking.

The roses in the garden were blooming and I took some pictures of them right away. The sweet smell of the scarlet roses is hanging in the air. My husband, now on the campus of the communication university in Nanjing,  misses it. He loves those roses.

One green frog clinging to the wall
inside of the big water jar. How can
he keep himself unmoved on such
a vertical wall?
One more thing enjoyable these days is frogs'choir available around our place. Even in the morning they are active. I tried to find them this morning where they were. I easily found one clinging to the wall inside of the big water jar out in the yard. It was a small green frog. Watching this small creature, I went into my thought with love that here is another tiny life to keep on with a great effort.  My today's walking started with full of such appreciation.