

薪能鑑賞 真夏の夜の夢 No Theater A night dream in the mid-summer


 I had a chance to see the annual No Theater played outside by the firewood in front ot the main temple Rinnoji. Fortunately it didn't rain pusshing away our worry about the weather which has been so unstable these days. And it was rather cool and we needed a jacket to put on as it went into night. We put a heater on in the car back home.
 The stage lighted by two small firewoods produced a profound world and the players in beautiful and gorgeous Kimono costumes were revealed and attracted us effectively. The slow movement in such a dignity was inspired and encouraged by the choir in the back and aside with so beautiful harmony and dignitary melody and voice. No Theater might be interpretated as Japanese Opera.


日光ユネスコ活動 One of the activities by Nikko UNESCO Association

8月22日(木) August 22(Thursday)
 Nikko UNESCO Association has been conducting three main activities. They are ①Let's strike a bell for the peace ②Let's
support to establish local schools in Cambodia③Monitoring NOx around the World Heritage in Nikko. Today we held a monitoring NOx in which 6 students from two local high schools particitated as volunteers.


It's wonderful to have such young students like them showing their concern with the concept of the establishment of worldwide peace proposed by the UNESCO.  Recently about two months ago, we had the firstn exchange meeting at one of those local high schools.
Refer to this blog dated on Nune 26.


 I joined this time the group led by the secretary general of our association with 6 students from the local high schools. Walking together as setting monitoring capsules at 5 spots on the premise of Toshogu, taking about two hours, might produce a good relationship thanks to good atmosphere of chatting. The fact pointed by the leader that Toshogu is an ideal symbol of Japanese traditional culture representing the generosity overlooking the mixture of Shintoism and Buddhism. This explanation migh have given to the students a good opportunity to learn more sinserely about the history and the culture of this World Heritage of Culture and History.


悲しい出来事 A very sad happening

2013年のお盆は特別のお盆となってしまった。迎え盆の日に親戚での初盆のお手伝いが出来てホッとした翌日の朝早くに、訃報が届いた。8ヶ月もの間、病魔と懸命に闘っていた姪が逝ってしまったのである。48歳の若さで職場では中堅で一番活躍していた彼女には中三と小六の二人の男の子がいる。無念さと悔しさの中で、残された彼女の夫と二人の子供達の人生最大の悲しみを目の前にしてただただ悲しみに寄り添うことしか出来ない。ただ、看病し続けていた彼女の母親、つまり義姉であるが、その義姉の口から出た言葉が何とも励まされる。「彼女の人生は短かかったけど太くて、その中で力一杯、精一杯生きてくれた」 50%の確率で生きている私達である。生きた長さより、その密度というか、どれだけ本気で生きているかということである。姪は看護師として中堅的立場で責任感が強く、自分より、患者さんを優先していたという。いつも明るくあのスイートな声は誰からも愛されていたに違いない。お通夜、告別を通して、あのように多くの参列者をいただいた理由がわかった。3か月前に電話で話した時の彼女の声が忘れられない。ご冥福を祈りつつブログに思いをしたためました。
Bon season(the Buddhist festival of the dead) turned to be very sad this year. The first day of Bon gave me a chance to extend my help to one of our relatives who organized an open house to let his all relatives and friends pray for his wife who passed away 8 monts ago. Then the next morning rang our home telephone and a very sad news arrived. One of our nieces passed away early morning. She had been suffering from a cancer for the last eight months. She was only 48 years old, an experienced and able worker as a nurse. She had two boys, a third grader of a junior high school and a sixth grader of an elementary school. Facing the deepest sorrow given to her husband and two boys left behind, I couldn't do anything but just being beside them to share their feeling. In this atmosphere, what her mother( my sister-in-law) who had been nursing her daughter all through her struggle with disease to the last moment, said to me was very impressive and I was strongly encouraged. "Her life was short but very rich. In  her such short life, she stepped forward and tried to do her best. No regret."
We are surely living for 50% of safety. The quality of life depends on how we live, not on how long we live. Our niece as a responsible nurse, took care of her patients as her priority. She devoted herself to the others with her smiling face and sweet voice. She must have been loved by everybody. That's why so many people showed up in the funeral ceremony to express their condolences to her bereaved family on her death. Her sweet voice on telephone we talked over three months ago still remains in my ear. This blog is a Requiem for our dear niece.


この猛暑で何か変な現象が・・Something strange is happening around

As even Nikko has been attacked by the terrible heat this summer, Tama area in the suburb of Tokyo must have been more attacked. However I was obliged to go to Tama for some duties and found the heat worse than I expected. The airconditionner has to be on all night, otherwise I couldn't sleep. We used to enjoy the location of our apartment which is on top floor of the complex built on Tama hill having a comfortable breeze coming in through our windows. But this summer the breeze is very hot even during the night. Then  thick trunks of green trees outside are feeding hundreds of cicadas and make them alive to produce their noisy chorus making us feel much hotter, while the same quantity of shells of cicadas lay still on the ground. This ecological phenomenon is quite different from the one used to before.  This is my first experience and I got a goose skin to see this big change.


日光清風塾第25回塾長講話会 The 25th lecture by the head of Nikko Seifu juku


5月7日から二か月間、南京市の南広学院(The university of international communication of China in Nanking)に於いて教鞭を取り、帰国したばかりの塾長が映像を駆使しての講話会。会場からまず意見を聞き、提出された以下のような問題点を念頭に置きながら今回の南京での経験を踏まえての話は大変興味深いものであった。










一泊バスツアーに参加 A group bus tour

 The first time in the tens of years, I joined a group bus tour including one night staying at hotel. Since I'm used to travel around all by myself up until now, I felt bit nervous this time. The purpous of this group tour is to join the Fifth National Summit of Songs for Children to be held in Yokohama.  The group leader who planned this tour has been very concerned with the menbers who might wish to have some free time to do either sightseeing or shopping in Yokohama more than the participation in the event.
 We left Nikko for Yokohama at 7 in the morning, but due to the traffic conjestion on the Metropolitan highway, we arrived at the place for concert much later than the expected time, therefore we missed the time for rehearsal. We ended up our performance with no rehearsal but with a great success.  Women in 60s and 70s have iron nerves and can do with determination. They look nervous or pretend to be nervous at the last moment but they have confidence, deep in their minds, of the success of their performance, in another word, they are impudent. That comes from their experiences piled up through their long life.

The lylics of songs we sang this time are made by the leader of our choir group, while melodies are by a Japanese woman who looks quiet and fragile but she is energetic with strong power in herself. As we practice to sing her notes, we understand that all her pieces are well composed with very rich and delicate feeling to produce a comfortable and enjoyable harmony of tones in a different way from conventional songs for children. The title of the book is "Ki.Mo.Chi" meaning" Feeling". The composer showed up in the hall and listened to our performance. "Thank you for singing our pieces in such a gentle and dignitary mood." was what she commented afterward. We were relieved with her kind comments. We were rather lucky and honored to be able to introduce their new pieces as the first performer. We tryed to keep smiling faces at least during our performance in order to attempt doing our best.

The National Summit Concert was participated by 15 groups from Hiroshima on the west to Sendai on the east and as a whole it turned to be very successful encouraged by the great lady like a big sun-flower shinning under the clear sky who initiated this Summit, Ms.Ohba who performed her own songs and sweet but powerful talks with full of precious messages like "People in 60s and 70s are in full bloom! ". "We have to acknowledge our responsibility to convey those songs for children full of affectionate messages to the next generation." This action has to be kept going on and on...

The next day, I went out early in the morning to     walk around to enjoy a different air and feature.
Also did I make sure where we were last night. (We all choir members and the people concerned were on board "Royal Wing" for dinner last night to congratulate the successful event and to deepen our friendship. It was at Osanbashi but I couldn't understand exactly where we were. ) Osanbashi is named "Whale's back" constructed 7 years ago so as to be gentle for environement by using all woods for the floor. I found it just marvelous. If I lived nearby, I could come up here to have an everyday walk. Then I moved to Yamashita Park to find myself in the local people who are used to do exercise every morning listening to a small radio broadcasting
nationwide Radio Excercise program. Back in hotel, I joined our group to have breakfast, then I went to Yokohama Art Museum with some friends to see "Pousikin Art Exhibition" which was well organized and well displayed. I was happy to be able to enjoy the marvelous collection. Then in order to utize our free time left, we walked to Yokohama Landmark to do shopping or just window shopping and had lunch. Then we all walked down to our hotel to pick up our bags to get ready to go back home. As scheduled we were all set on the tour bus back again. I expected our return journey would be quiet to let us in sleep after such active behavior. On the contrary it produced a totally different world full of talks and laughs. The bus was almost exploded. It was after 9 at night when I got back   home safe.