

平成29年家族初集合 First family gathering in 2017

それぞれ子育真最中で忙しいスケジュール調節をして、ようやく家族全員が我が家に集結。今年の初集合は温暖だった正月の後の寒波が到来したタイミングとなり、孫達は雪に大喜び。No.1とNo.2はNo.2の父親とハンタマへに早朝からスキーに。翌日は4歳児、2歳児、老いも若きも裏庭で雪合戦したり、そり滑りしたり、目一杯雪の中で大暴れをしました。息子の誕生日と重なり、みんなで祝福。Finally all our family got together at our place in Nikko. Four couples including us and six grand-children, 14 people in total. Adult Day used to be on the 15th January is our son's birthday. Lucky to have been able to congratulate his birthday on this occasion.


青空教室の送別晩餐会 Farewell dinner for one of the members of Aozora Class


    The next day after having a relaxing time with two Chinese students, was for another group of four Vietname1月11日(木)
  1. The next day after having a relaxing time with two Chinese students, was for another group of four Vietnamese. We had a farewell dinner at a restaurant nearby for one of them leaving Japan in two days. The other three are going back one after another very soon upon finishing their three years duties. They have tried hard to improve their Japanese skill and learnt a lot about many things necessary to go through. Good for them. May their future be fruitful and happy!
  2. se. We had a farewell dinner at a restaurant nearby for one of them leaving Japan in two days. The other three are going back one after another very soon upon finishing their three years duties. They have tried hard to improve their Japanese skill and learnt a lot about many things


    Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor
  1. 平成29年1月9日(成人の日)
  2. Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature一年間実習生として日光に在住して働いている学生が二人、昨日から我が家に遊びに来てくれました。昨晩は歓談の合間に、日本語中国語の交換学習をWeChat仲間を交えて賑やかにやれたのは、さすが、若い人の力のお陰。そして今日はインターパークへ映画鑑賞に。「海賊とよばれた男」を一緒に見ましたが、彼女達は内容を60~70%程度把握。岡田准一の熱演を中心に、迫力あるダイナミックな映像が、出光興産の創始者の生き様を見事に浮き彫りにして
    Two university students of China Communication university in Nanjing, now working as trainees in Nikko, came over to our place to have a nice time including languages exchange study in full use of their many WeChat friends. Today we went to see the movie "A man called a pirate" of which they seemed to understand the story about 60~70%. We ended up with very hot Ramen on the way back.


The year of 2017 started


A Happy New Year!
Beautiful start of the new year 2017. The first sunrise in Nanjing and the most beautiful,sacred & overwhelming view of Mt.Fuji just before arriving at Narita on the New Year Day.