



「母の日記」   曲     ハイチュウ 
       日本語歌詞 よしもとかよ 

1.私の中に宿(やど)った命 おまえが生まれる朝を待っていた
  この胸に(いだ)いて伝わるぬくもり (けが)れの無い美しい(ひとみ)
  愛(  いと)しいわが子 かけがえのないたったひとりの大切な子よ
  ほら見てごらん 父さんの目にも(うれ)しい(なみだ)がにじんだ
2.お前の可愛(かわい)いその(くちびる)が 私を「おかあさん」と呼んだ朝
  心にあふれるこの喜びをかみしめながら (ほお)ずりをした
  歩いてごらん 小さな足でいつも私が見守(みまも)っている
  これから先も どんな時でも 前に(つづ)く道を見て
3.若草(わかくさ)()えるこの故郷(ふるさと)で (おさな)いお前は (まな)び始めた
  真夏(まなつ)小路(こみち)に降る(せみ)しぐれ お前の明日(あす)(みちび)くように
  (うで)一杯(いっぱい)(かな)えたい(ゆめ)(いだ)いて お前が(かさ)ねる月日(つきひ)
  めぐる季節(きせつ)にたくましくなる その背中が素晴らしい
  月夜(つきよ)窓辺(まどべ)で風に吹かれて (なみだ)にぬれて(しず)かにしていた
  恋の(いた)みも やがては(    )()てつく冬に春がくるように
  雨の日風の日 空を見上げてなつかしい微笑(ほほえみ)思い出す
  (なが)れる(くも)よ どうか伝えて (しあわ)せ祈る母の姿
  (せつ)ない()いたさ(むね)にしまって 今日もここに立っている
6.年月(としつき)(きざ)んだ 両手(りょうて)(しあわ)せを やさしく(つつ)んだ (あたた)かい手に
  朝露(あさつゆ)のように(なみだ)こぼれて (ふる)える声で 名前を呼んだ
  あの日のままの おまえの笑顔(えがお) 嬉しい涙がにじんだ


July 30 (Thurs)
It was raining this morning when I went out for a walk at 5:00. I was wondering if they would show up there in the park as usual,but I just walked for the hut with my umbrella on. Wow, what an excitement! Xanh and Yen were sitting on the bench and studying. I was moved and encouraged by their enthusiastic attitude to keep studying Japanese.I saw there the world of Kenji Miyazawa, "Nothing could be excused ! Rain nor wind matter at all. This is what I think about my life; Life is repetition of Excitement and Action. This morning I experienced that excitement first. Then another one moved me, which is lyrics of a Vietnamese song translated by Yoko Kishimoto.「 Mother's diary」 is the title. This morning's walk ended up with my special feeling to appreciate what I am and where I am.


7月26日、日曜日の早朝ウオーキング Walking early in the morning on Sunday

                                                     July 26 (Sun)
We have no Japanese lesson on Sunday but my body clock woke me up early as usual. The fresh and comfortable air out invited me for a walk with a plastic bag and a pair of tongs.
The first thing I was impressed with this morning was・・・・
I walked a bit further today to pass over the bridge and made U turn, then on the way I happened to find Xanh and Yen studying hard in Terakoya (a rest hut) in the park. Soon the old man taking two dogs with him joined them and they seemed enjoying their conversation, maybe about his dogs. I was very happy to see them enjoying using Japanese like this and very much impressed with their diligence and cheerful attitude. I just decided to keep away from them this time to let them feel easy to talk with him in some Japanese. Instead, I walked along the causeway listening to some Chinese phrases read by my Chinese friend in my IC recorder. OK,by challenging to learn different languages, we can encourage each other, can't we? It sounds like a competition among kids, doesn't it?
On the way back I picked up some garbage along the walk way and I got more fresh and comfortable feeling.


日光ユネスコ協会活動   Nikko UNESCO activity

ラムサール湿原地散策 7月22日(水)

July 22 (Thus) Walk tour in the Deep Nikko, 10th anniversary of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

As a member of Nikko UNESCO Association, I participated in an annual event organized by the association. We walked in the Deep Nikko registered in Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 10 years ago. It was so lucky to go out there under such a superb weather after the typhoon No.11 and just before the typhoon No.12 to come soon. Thanks to our colleague who is a professional guide of the nature, we, 20 participants enjoyed our walk tour getting to know more about ecosystem or ecophysiology. Very precious and healthy feeling mixed with strong heat and comfortable breeze coming through green leaves all over.


母校がテレビに。 My old day high school was on TV!


My high school back in 1960s showed up on TV yesterday in NHK's morning program. It was telecast and focused as an advanced and unique type of local schools located in such a clean and beautiful environment but in a depopulated district. The view of my old days' school excited me. This school is now recruiting new high school students from urban area to let them experience a new student life, which will activate the rural life. Very creative idea. I definitely want to support this forward-looking policy of Kawamoto's self-governing body.


女子留学生日本語弁論大会 Speech contest in Japanese by foreign women's students


As one of the judges, I joined this year's speech contest in Japanese by foreign women's students sponsored by WFWP. This time I took Xanh Non with me who is one of the three Vietnamese studying Japanese early in the morning in the park everyday. The winner of the contest is also from Vietnam and I was happy to find Xanh enjoying having a good time with the winner. The other participants from China, Taiwan and Korea also gave very impressive presentations each.


3年振りの松江行き Went to Matsue after three years' interval




Went to Matsue to attend my father's 33rd memorial service. Visiting my parents' and ancestors' grave, I reported to them how I have been and how my families have been, especially their grand-children and great-grandchildren. This grave has been very well cared by my second elder brother and his wife, which I appreciate a lot.
We enjoyed a beautiful Japanese cuisine at the most well known restaurant for its old history after the memorial service. 
This time again I was impressed with the high quality of my sister-in-law's hobby such as cooking, hand crafts and gardening. Now lots of hydrangea are in full bloom. What she does is just garnishing their house in and out.