

炎天下でのゴルフ大会  Big event called "Shot Gun"

My first time to get a chance to be involved in a big golf event called "Shot Gun" in Japan. This competition works very well in terms of time consuming. No irritation caused by both teams one ahead and one behind, either too slow play or too quick play. After playing 9 holes, some staff of the golf club brought us lunch boxes and drinks by cart, which made us feel on picnic. Thanks to cheerful feeling, I didn't go down even under such a strong heat and high humidity. My score? I'm satisfied with my result. 41st out of 121. I got below 100 shots. Not bad as my standard.


孫の初舞台 Our grand-son's first showing up on stage



We didn't mind at all under such a strong heat our going to encourage our grandson(No2)'s first piano performance in Chiba. He looked rather serious before his performance but he was cool enough to be concentrated on the stage. He did very well! All the children performed without their music books. We should follow them in this point when we perform our chorus.Before the concert which started in the evening, we went to see the movies. Men's group saw "Godzilla"while we women's group saw "Anne and the snow queen". Our grand-daughter (2years old) was so serious without getting tired of it and kept seeing every scene entirely with her eyes wide open. She enjoyed very much just like us. After the movie, she even tried to copy that popular song "Be just natural・・" by Elsa. After the movie, I found a small book of that movie in the nearby book shop, and I bought one for her. She was very happy to see it on her mother's lap. Her whole body concentrated in reading(listening to her mommy reading) that story looked  like a twinkling stone and gave me an extra energy. Yes, also was I very much impressed with the powerful and attractive voices of those two Japanese singers.


夏の花 Flower in Summer

Long time no walk since March. Upon finding out today's busy schedule, I decided to go for a walk in the nearby park for one hour early in the morning from 6:30, lest I should miss practicing Curves.It was already hot out even before starting walking. There were no flowers at all in the park now. Instead I enjoyed Nozenkazura (vine tree with big orange colored flowers) being proud of its season over the fence of our neighbor. Yesterday I also found a beautiful one on the premise of the door to door delivery service shop. It was sitting on the top of a big cedar tree.


なつかしのレッスン用バッグ  Three homemade bags for piano lesson

レッスン用バッグ Homemade bags for piano lesson


A week ago I described what I found; three homemade bags for our children each to be used for their piano lesson. And as I promised, I finished with my intentional work to change their names' initials to their children's, wishing them keep using these bags to be handed down from generation to generation to appreciate their ancestors' warm heart.


沢山の月下美人の開花 Such gorgeous queens of the night in full bloom

Such gorgeous flowers, Gekka Bijin(Queen of the night)、were in full bloom at our neighbour's place when we were just away in Tokyo and we missed appreciating them. This photo is appreciated to give us a chance to imagine how they looked in full bloom. It's surprising to see so many queens at once.


なつかしい感動の発見 Moved with unexpected discovery

This time back in our place in Tokyo, I happened to find very special and precious things left in a drawer of a cedar chest. They are three bags made of denim material for the use of music score books for our children each. They were surely made by me! I was moved and went into deep consideration looking back to those days when I was busy in raising up our children. At the end of this month, one of our grand-children is going to show up on a stage for "Piano learners' recital". I suddenly got a marvelous idea. I can just change the initials from our children's to our grand-children's. Once I got this wonderful idea, I got excited and I can hardly wait for this exciting moment to be. These bags must also be happy to be handed down from generation to generation. It's going to be my warmest heart-felt gift to encourage our cuties..


コンサート鑑賞 Wonderful concert

カンマーコール演奏会の翌日は東京紀尾井ホールへ。岩崎淑先生が新日鉄住金音楽賞で今年度の特別賞を受賞され、フレッシュ・アーチスト賞はファゴット奏者福士マリ子さん(28歳)が受賞。その受賞記念コンサートがありました。岩崎先生には5月の末、ノルウェー大使館で初めてお目にかかり、そのご縁で今回、又素晴らしい演奏を聴きに行くことが出来ました。岩崎先生はアンサンブル・ピアニストとして高く評価され、若い音楽家たちにアンサンブル・アーチストとしての活動を意識させる活動を長年してこられたその実績が高く評価されての受賞。今回はまだ芸大1年生の若さ溢れるキュートな神童ヴァイオリニスト中村友希乃さんとの演奏で、バイオリンの豪華なエネルギッシュな音色とピアノのまろやかで深い音色の競演は見事でした。曲目はドボルザーク/クライスラーのスラブ幻想曲とヴィエニャフスキーのグノーのオペラ「ファウスト」による華麗なる幻想曲。演奏の後はNHKアナウンサーの誘導でご経歴や現在の活動についてのお話を伺うコーナーが設けられ、喜寿を迎えられたとは思えない若々しさで、音楽家は音楽だけでなく、広い視野を持って成長する人間として生きることだとお話されたことが印象的でした。 岩崎淑→Wikipedia

ファゴットという楽器はこのようにリサイタル形式で聴いたのは初めてでしたが、深みのある奥ゆかしくて上品な音色の世界に引き込まれる魔力を感じました。若い美しい女性がオーボエを長くしたような楽器を愛おしく抱えての演奏は藤井一興氏のやさしく支える様なピアノ演奏と一緒になって魅力的でファンタジーの世界を醸し出していました。 曲目はフォーレのシシリエンヌ、サン=サーンスのファゴットとピアノのためのソナタ、J.S.バッハの無伴奏バルティータBWV1013、フランセのファゴット協奏曲。いずれも私にとっては初めての曲ばかりで新鮮でした。


女声合唱団の定期演奏会 The 2nd annual concert by Kammer Call

The 2nd annual concert by Kammer Call was held at Osawa community center in Nikko today which is our home lesson place. While the result should be assessed by the audience, I myself, as a member of this choir group, was very much impressed with the hard preparation work of the all members for this big event. Their activities were beyond my expectation. These photos can tell it. The spirit of OMOTENASHI can be realized with our warm-heart felt performance. And furthermore, the tea party tables prepared after the concert for friendship were more heart-felt with homemade food like different kinds of pickles. The message in No 1 song entitled "Arigatoo" saying "if our stage performance succeeds in catching the heart of the audience, please clap your hands to show your 100% satisfaction!" might have been successfully transferred, I believe. We are grateful to our conductor (leader), voice trainer and pianist. They have been leading us with their high quality and young energy to encourage us to go for our target.


フレンチカンカン踊り Au Cabaret d'Aristide by La Compagnie Evelyne Remazeilhes


I had an opportunity to enjoy La danse "Au Cabaret d'Aristide" by La Compagnie Evelyne Remazeilhes, sponsored by Nikko city.The danse mixed with songs was based on the era Bell Epoque from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, representing Lautrec world, the flourish, energetic and cheerful society. The coordinator of this event was Mr.Vezin, the same gentleman who organized the Franco-Japonai Plastic Art Exhibition held at Tamozawa former residence of Emperor a couple of years ago. Since I was involved in that event, this happened to be our second meeting. According to him, Kinugawa (Nikko-city) and Okinawa are the most active cities and he wants to go for more exchange activities with these two cities. He is planning to organize
something like Japan week in France next year. I suggested him to invite Japanese Sake producer combined with either French or Japanese cuisine and he was very positive to this idea. It's wonderful to see their activity as amateurs to promote the friendship between

France and Japan..


FIFA Semi-final

I automatically got up 4 o'clock this morning to watch the first semi-final of FIFA on TV. To my disappointment, it turned out to be unpredictable. The systematic power of German team successfully supported a few super strikers while Brazilian team couldn't find how to attack without its super players, Nadal and the captain. I wonder to which team the other semi-final coming tomorrow will go. To Europe or to the South America? The one with systematic power will see its good result, won't it? Any objection?


女性コーラス 病院へ慰問に。

恒例の女性コーラス隊が市民病院を慰問して七夕まつりコンサートを実施。歌の好きな若い男性介護士4人組(1With Four と命名)も一緒にパフォーマンス出来て大変明るい楽しい雰囲気の中で一緒に歌えて、入院している患者さんもスタッフも大喜びでかなり盛り上がりました。次回はクリスマスコンサート。

 We visited the civic hospital in Nikko to see the senior patients to enjoy our concert together. We, women's chorus group visits this hospital two times a year, one in July and the other in December. Four young men working there who like singing were with us to sing together, which made the concert more enjoyable and made the patients and the staff.


 Then in the evening, we welcomed young couple at our place. They are gifted persons and their knowledge about IT is very rich.We enjoyed our creative talks over dinner. They showed up in Kimono today!


日光清風塾第33回塾長講話会 『「消滅する市町村」を考える』



