

新種のフルーツ A new kind of fruit

I was lucky today to be given two pieces of Popo(?), new variety of mango-like fruit which has been making noise around gourmet society in Japan. It looks very similar to small mango with its soft skin and taste. So excited to observe and challenge to taste it for the first time in my life. 


芝刈り To mow lawn

good feeling after good job
Taro potatoes are growing rich

from the last year's album
台風16号が来る前に思い切って庭の芝刈りを。8月末以来2回目。もうぺてらんです。やったあとの達成感と疲労感は最高。サトイモ栽培も順調。シャワーを浴びて、更にCurves(筋トレ)に行って、それから昼食をとったらもう2時を過ぎていました。これからコーラスの自習。又、先生におこられないように頑張ろう。     I decided to mow the lawn in the back yard before the No.16 typhoon comes. The second time since the end of August. I'm already more like professional for this work. The feeling of accomplishment and exhaustion after this big job is superb. Taro potatoes are growing rich. Instead of having lunch afterward, I took shower first and went to Curves(Muscle Exercise) right away. I ended up with having my lunch late after two. Now I have to practice singing for this evening's chorus. Nobody likes seeing our instructor getting angry with our negligent attitude!   facebook.com


ユネスコ活動 UNESCO Activity


Today's editorial meeting for UNESCO bulletin was the third one. It takes time to operate a different and unfamiliar type of PC because of different soft installed. Finally we succeeded in making a draft and started printing out it but it takes much time again to print out 200 copies with 6 pages. We couldn't finish it today and we were obliged to gather one more time next week. Furthermore my husband who is now in Nanking, China, has been struggling to handle his own HP and I find myself very depressed with my poor capability to help him. Fortunately I have a capable fb friend who has been instructing us how to. Thanks God. Once we pass through this big tunnel, we will surely enjoy a wider and brighter world. Don't be discouraged, Keiko! Go for it!facebook.com


敬老の日 My trip on Respect-for-the Aged Day

Thanks to a national holiday named Respect-for-the Aged Day, we had a longer weekend. Taking this opportunity, I hopped along our children's places for one night two days. The desire to see my grandchildren gave me an energy to do so. The little ones, two years old, are very friendly and positive. They want to talk a lot by just copying what we say. They don't know words but they know what they mean. So cute and amazing. This is the way how we should get used to speak foreign languages.facebook.com


「風のギャラリー」での作品展示会最終日 The last day for the display of our works



The display of our works, wood-curving Nikkobori, was finished today. We all seven members gathered in the coffee shop named "Gallery in the wind" this evening to carry out them. The local newspaper put an article about this coffee shop again to make sure of the last day of our display and it ended up with so many people visiting today. The staff working there told us with happy face that they were too busy to have their lunch today. Good job we had!

一か月ぶりの朝歩き Walking in the morning on the causeway after one month interval

Nantai, Taro, Nyoho mountains

Because of my today's schedule with no time to go to Curves, I decided to go for a walk along the causeway of the Daiya River which 
is my favorite route. Thanks to such beautiful weather starting from yesterday, I really enjoyed walking as appreciating the wonderful scenery with the broom-grass(?) dancing in the wind on the left and the cherry trees of which leaves are just starting coloring on the right. High up in the sky could be seen the white moon lingering from the harvest moon. Being refreshed by this precious nature, my task to do today has been encouraged. 

Just for our information, the sunflowers in our yard are now full of smiling faces.


恒例の昼食会 the annual lunch gathering


I went to a Chinese restaurant in Mejirodai to join the annual lunch gathering named "Lunch at Park Avenue" which sounds like "Breakfast at Tiffany". It's time to ponder on myself how I have been through since last time. One year seems to be either short or long. Anyway it's nice to see our old friends back in 1990s in good shape. Then today I joined another group to watch a baseball game in Tokyo Dome.It's pity not to be able to see Otani nor Inaba's last play in his career as a baseball player. We had to leave Dome before the game was over so as to return to Nikko within today.


第35回日光清風塾講話会 9月7日

35回日光清風塾講話会                          97
「人口問題から考える日光市近未来」要旨         講話 小林弘臣副理事長

手許資料①日光都市ビジョン参考メモ ②日光市の人口問題        ③日光市の盛衰と時代背景


9月9日 USオープン決勝 US Open Men's Final


September 9th
ネットラジオを通してリアルタイムで決勝戦を聴いて応援しました。錦織選手の敗戦の言葉が素晴らしい。これから一杯チャンスありです。同じKei の響きを誇りに(私の場合Kayと呼ばれていました)、そして同郷であることも。これからも応援していきます。
I was listening to the radio on the real time to cheer for Kei Nishikori for his US Open championship final. His words after he lo
st the game were superb! He has lots of chances from now on. I'm also proud of my coincidence of having the same pronunciation of my shorten first name Kay with his and my old native town is Matsue as well. Good luck for him!

I finished up making 5 Otedama(soft balls made of 4 pieces of cut cloth with red beans inside) for my grandchildren to play with while wishing Nishikori's hard play to win the US Open final. The sun flowers out in our yard look enjoying their full bloom.


朝の収穫 Big harvest this morning


This morning's crops which made me feel rich. Lucky to have gotten them before some monkeys came to tear them off. Also sunflowers kept inside house finally started blooming.


日光ユネスコ協会活動 One of the activities of Nikko UNESCO


September 6th (Sat)
I was in charge of the display by the Nikko UNESCO Association which participated in the school festival of Kanuma Higashi senior high school today. The students were very sincere to cooperate with us thanks to the active teacher in charge of Students Association of this school. The target of this display is to inform students that we are doing several activities following the philosophy of the UNESCO, to build up the peace in the world, Young people have to be enlightened what to do for the future. A shooting team from Kanuma Cable TV came in and our chairman responded to them. The room was decorated by the paintings drawn by the Art club students here, which was very good and effective in 
terms of their concern.


あれから一年、芝刈りに挑戦 My challenging work to handle a mower in our yard


The boots were all covered with
the lawn cut off by a mower

 September 5th

The view from the other side to show
how I did a good job
I’ve got up around 5 o’clock these days. Making use of this habitude(early bird), I decided to go out this morning to mow our yard. The misty weather was good to do this work. I was careful enough not to be bitten or attacked by those insects. I started handling the mower which I’ve not used since last year. “Well, let’s enjoy mowing today!”  

I finished all the yard taking a bit over 2 hours. I’m myself amazed at my strong will and power and I expect me to be cheerful and healthy all day long today. I finished up with my appreciative feeling toward my parents and my husband who is now challenging in Nanking.


≪風のギャラリー≫に同好会の作品を展示 the coffee shop ≪Gallery with the wind≫now having a display of our works

We all went to the new coffee shop Gallery with the windlocated in front of JR Imaichi station, to see how the display of our wood curving works looks. The display started today. It was around lunch time when we showed up and it was very crowded. We had to wait until the second round got ready to serve...They prepare curry and rice for only 10 people a day, therefore you have to be there early otherwise they're gone right away. If you want to be relaxed, you had better go there around 3 o'clock just for a cup of coffee. The place has a comfortable air and good atmosphere. Our works are well arranged. Some of them are for sale for the purpose of fundraising to support the people in Hiroshima attacked by the recent natural disaster.