


第42回日光清風塾講話会要旨 6月28日() 

オランダ、イスラエルの例を紹介。農業環境が悪いのに何故農産物が育つのか。1980年頃までは日本の生産力の方が高かったが、今やオランダはトマトの生産高が3倍に。アメリカに次いで世界第二位の農産物輸出国である。栽培技術としては世界第一位であり、農業技術大国となっている。日本も研究では高度な成果を出しているが、学者をつくり、博士号を取ったら終わりでなかなか現場に還元することをしていない。オランダのワーヘニング大学ではフード・バーリー(Food Valley)といった地域を造り、企業、農家、研究者が共同で研究し、その成果を還元しているので即戦力がある。農業のパート従事者は時給3,300円。日本の基幹農業従事者の場合は200円を割る計算になるという。イスラエルと中国はそれぞれ技術と武器に関心があることから親密になってきている。


雨の前に庭のクリーンアップ作戦 Big work in the back yard before it will rain.

What a coincidence! I just finished mowing all over our back yard taking 4 hours from 6:30 this morning. The wire rope attached to the mower happened to be cut off on the way, but this time I succeeded in fixing it all by myself. Now the yard looks so clean with cleared fence which I worked two days ago. I also had my hair cut yesterday, so everything got clean and fresh. These works must please my husband who is coming back from Nanking next week after 4 months away.
Now I found myself all wet and dirty with mud and weed powder all over from the head down to the boots even on my eyeglasses and face. First I took a shower with my clothes on and another shower without while operating the washing machine. It was around 10 o'clock when I finally had my breakfast with such a satisfied feeling, watching the last part of the football game of America against China on TV. America won and proceeded to a semi final. Japanese women team's battle against Australia is to be televised early tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to watching the game!


公園の寺子屋 Terakoya in a park

Although we are now in mid-rainy season, we have been enjoying early morning with no rain. Today as usual, I had my routine walking early in the morning to the park and had Japanese lesson for the Vietnamese for one hour. Starting today one more young girl joined, therefore, three girls from Vietnam are studying Japanese in a sort of Terakoya,a small private school used to be back in Tokugawa era.They are all charming and they are all diligent, which encourages me to keep on teaching.


孫との週末 weekend with one of our grandchildren

I had a good time this weekend with our No.4 grand-daughter. Her father and brother had gone to Nara for mount-climbing, therefore, we had three generation women's meeting ; she, her mother and her grandma got together. I was there to see her for her birthday to come in one week. We went to see the movie "Cindellera" of which we know the original story but this one is well made in terms of philosophy or idea created for the sake of adults. The pictures are just beautiful and attractive. Even small children could be charmed.
This year's present on her birthday are a puzzle book of "Anna and Snow Queen" and a picture book"Thumb princess".


My diary in mid June    6月中旬の様子


We were lucky to get a beautiful day on the first day of this week.They showed up in the park with sweet and cheerful smiling faces. Good start! They are seriously studying Japanese for a Japanese qualification test to be held next month. This morning I brought in a mosquito-repellent incense which worked very well. Much better than a spray 
                                                type mosquito killer.


Went to the concert of four young women flutists who all have been organizing their performances back in their native towns since they came back from Europe where they had studied for rather long time. They performed more than 10 pieces out of which I enjoyed the most "Bruandenburgische Konzerte Concerto IV by J.S.Bach.This was my first time to listen to four different flutes together, bass, alto, No. 1 and No.2. On top of that, the cembalo and piano were also played by two young women who accentuated the concert more elegant and gorgeous. The way they introduced their pieces and players' profiles was very charming.They took a turn to talk so that we enjoyed their different personalities. They are all attractive and everything was well conducted. Congratulations on your beautiful performance!


I enjoyed walking this morning having beautiful fresh but a bit wet air in such a typical rainy season. The fresh green are all over surrounding pretty azalea. Nobody was there because of the wet weather (actually it stopped raining while I was walking) and those Vietnamese didn't show up either. Everything in the park was just for me. 

I found some leaves of cherry trees turning into autumn color. Already? I wonder why some flowers of dogwood in our yard turned to pinkish color this year. This has never happened before.


ツバメの訪問 Every year's visitor "swallows"



June 7th
I encouraged myself to do trimming the hedge of our premise responding to an annual clean work for our local surrounding this morning. After taking two hours doing this work, I had a deep breath to stretch out, then I heard some birds chirping high above and I found some tiny swallows with their mouths fully open making a big noise under the eaves. Yes, they were up there this year again. This view gave me a fresh excitement.


一日のスタート The first thing to do in the morning


The first thing to do in early morning
Thanks to yesterday's rain, we got a such a beautiful and clear sky and I enjoyed being with the two young ladies in the most comfortable morning full of fresh air and beautiful azalea in the park.I brought in the lyrics of the song "Flowers blooming" and they were happy to challenge a meaningful song. They videotaped me singing so that they could practice by themselves later. Then I happened to meet a member from EECC who also walks every early morning,
What a coincidence! Well this must be related to what Mrs.Sano persuades in her book issued last month. I had a good start today.


May 29th
I happened to meet two young girls from Vietnam when I was walking in the park as usual. They made efforts to speak in Japanese which I could almost understand. They are working in this city, Nikko based on the contract. They live in an apartment as a dormitory of the company where they work. They requested "friend" on SNS and I responded to accept.


To keep a promise to see a young Vietnamese girl, my today's walking started at 5:00. (refer to my previous article dated on May30th) She didn't show up at the meeting time,though. Well, with a thought of letting it go, I just excised and walked around further to spend a quarter hour and I happened to meet a friend related to our wood-carving group. Then while chatting with him, she rushed to me in a hurry saying "I'm sorry I'm late!" Good, she made it! We walked around the pond in the park as practicing Japanese. And to be surprised, her friend rushed to join us. They might have talked about this little Japanese lesson early in the morning. Anyway, I am happy to be with these young girls from Vietnam who are eager to catch up with a good Japanese.
Now these photos were taken at my place. The several roses started blooming in a humble way unlike those I enjoyed at my friend's place yesterday. And tiny flowers are in full bloom in two colors in the flower pot together. By the way anybody knows what these hydrangea-like flowers growing under the dogwood?