

2017年7月29日~30日 雨の中の実りある週末

Another exciting weekend. We had a chance to enjoy a wonderful violine concert at lunch time by Miss Kyoko Watanabe accompanied by a pianist Mr.Kohei Ono at a restaurant in the deep woods in Mashiko . Special violine performance by Dr.Hinohara, 86 year old, surprised us with a big admiration. Then we went to Tokyo to join our grandchildren, No.3 & No.6 to enjoy together the famous Fire Works Festival of Sumida River


オーストリアの夕べ Austrian night at Otowa restaurant in Utsunomiya

宇都宮オトワレス トランでのオーストリアの夕べイベントに参加。宇都宮出身の渡辺響子さんの迫力あるバイオリン演奏が大野紘平君(まだ高校生)のタッチの歯切れのよいピアノ伴奏に乗って、それはそれは若さ溢れるチャーミングな音楽を楽しませてくれました。臼居芳美さん監修のオーストリア料理を堪能しながらのクラシック鑑賞で貴重な夕べを過ごさせていただきました。ありがとうございました。
I found myself in Otowa restaurant in Utsunomiya this evening to enjoy a special event entitled "Violine concert and Austrian cuisine".

The violine performance by Miss Kyoko Watanabe accompanied by a pianist, Mr. Kohei Ono, still senior high school student was very attractive and enjoyable full of young energy and loveliness. I enjoyed their performance talking over the table filled with Vienna cuisine supervised by Mrs. Yoshimi Usui, with nice companies sitting around. Thank you very much for such a wonderful night!


猛暑の中の植物園行き Visiting a great botanical garden in Chofu

2017年7月15日土曜日 35度
In the midst of our busiest time of focusing on our mansion in Tama, we found ourselves for some reason in Jindai Botanical Garden under such a strong heat. My husband's target was the rose garden of which the season was already over but still good enough to enjoy. Well, my concern was the quarter of water lilies in the green house there. They are in full bloom in many different colors and their diversity was astonishing. They are producing a tense atmosphere filled with dignity and purity. I was so moved that my suffer from the strong heat went away. Also such gigantic Begonias I've never seen before.


第21回女子留学生弁論大会 Speech Contest by women foreign students in Tochigi prefecture

An annual speech contest in Japanese by women foreign students in Tochigi prefecture was organized by WFWP in Utsunomiya. Being one of the judges, I noticed that a good presentation was highly valued on top of the content and well learnt language skill. This year's participants are from Uruguay, South Africa, Thailand, China, Vietnam and Korea.



On June 29, a group of homestay students from China moved to Utsunomiya leaving a group photo taken in front of Imaichi Station behind. Then they showed up after 3 days at one of local senior high schools in Nikko to exchange their friendship with some students of the school. The party was organized by the high school students who involve in their school activities, such as students' association, choir group, the tea ceremony and so on.