

運動 <もう一つの新世界>



 My husband took us to the Kirifuri Arena whichi is located in 10 minutes drive from our house. He wanted to teach our grandson, Shota, 4 years old, how to skate on the real iceskate rink. My worry about Shota's negative reaction was washed away and he seemed to enjoy his challenge a new experience. Then I was inspired by his positive action and I decided to improve my poor skating so that someday we can really enjoy skating together. To start with I relied on a yellow walker as seen in the picuture to skate one round then I was independent for the next two rounds. Good thing, I found another enjoyment existing in this world which I haven't experienced. The older I get, the more enjoyable way of living I find. I have to appreciate my family including our grandson and the late my parents for my good health and sound spirit.



恒例の慰問コーラスを実施。私が所属する女性コーラスグループ「わたすげ」は、指導者である宮地先生の高いボランティア精神のおかげで毎年2回、七夕とクリスマスの時期に日光市民病院の老健を訪問して慰問コーラスを行っている。今回も皆で手作りの色紙の首飾りレイを持参。100人弱の老健に入院している高齢者の方達の首にかけてあげながらコンサートをスタート。会を重ねるごとに盛り上がっていっているように思う。今回は同施設で働くイケメンの若い介護士さん4人(With Fourと命名されている由)も加わってのコーラスとなったため、グループ仲間のご婦人達もイキイキしたのでは。用意された歌のしおりを持ち、病気や障害を持った先輩達のたどたどしくも明るい表情で歌を歌おうとする様子を見ると、「良かった!」という思いになる。そして、いつもそうだが、6年前に他界した母の姿が想い出されてしまう。少しでも楽しい、憩の時間を過ごして貰えたらとの思いで私はこの活動に参加している。
 Our chorus group named Watasuge visits the senior center in the Nikko civic hospital two times a year to sing songs together with the senior there, which was initiated by our chorus instructor, Ms.Miyaji, an active lady full of volunteer spirit. One in Tanabata festival season, and the other in Christmas season. This time 4 youngstars joined us to make the event more enjoyable and cheerful. They are the stuff in the center to give a kind care to the senior. On top of that they are nice looking guys, which encouraged us to sing better in good mood. We brought in a bunch of necklaces made of color paper as a gift to the senior. Whenever I join this activity, the figure of the senior always reminds me of my mother who passed away 6 years ago. I wish they had a good time.


EECC(Enjoyable English Conversation Club)

A year-end party was organized by the members of PM class on Friday.  We had a nice conversation over the ready-made lunch boxes on the table which turned to be delicious.  Everything was beautiflly arranged to have an enjoyable party, especially the programs after the lunch were both creative and humorous. The ideas were very interesting and funny. The game conducted by Mr.Sadao was good and instructive enough for the people learning English. One proverb is given to everyday each of 365 days. It's fun to remember all those proverbs. Then, Mr.Kazuo looked so alive just like he had a time slip back in his career as an English teacher. He conducted a high level lecture with dignity but with a lot of humor. Everybody was so impressed with his intellectual idea. He was awesome. He introduced us his translation of the song entitled "Autumn Leaves" . He explained us the meaning of the lyric and confessed his struggle for understanding one word in the lyric which is "But"  in the second phrase. He said when finally he got the nuance of the word "But" in the middle of the third night, he was so happy about it. He is so sincere. Maybe not! Maybe he just pretended to be serious to make the party enjoyable.

 Thank you very much, dear Friday PM class members, for your great effort to cheer up the class and your nice hospitality. I really enjoyed the party.

            Autumn Leaves
The falling leaves drift by the window       
The sutumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses                                                            
The sun-burnt hanbds I used to hold                                                                
 Since you went away, the days grow long                                                             
 And soon I'll hear, Old Winter's son
But I miss you most of all, my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall
  By the way this song reminds me of the original version in French I used to sing in my old days!
        Les Feuilles Mortes 
 Oh je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes     
 Des jours heureux ou nous etions ami         
 En ce temps la, la vie etait plus belle           
 Et le soleil plus brulant qu'aujoud'hui            
 Les feuilles mortes se ramassent a la pelle    
 Tu vois je n'ai pa oublie                               
 Les feuilles mortes se ramassent a la pelle    
 Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi                 
 Et le vent du nord les emportet
 Dans la nuit froide de l'oubli                         
 Tu vois, je n'ai pas oublie
  La chanson que tu me chantais

C'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu m'aimais, et je t'aimais
Et nous vivions tout les deux ensemble
Toi qui m'aimais, mois qui t'aimais
Mais la vie separe ceux qui s'aiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Le pas des amants desunis







