

Strong Japanese women

Strong Japanese women

Hurray! Nadeshiko Japan!
The semi-final game of WC of Women's Football was on TV early in the morning of July 14th when I was still in hospital. I had been hospitalized since Tuesday evening (12th) for CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) medical care and I was to be released on the 14th in the morning. I was awaken on my own around 3:50 to put on TV. I found the game was already on and I watched it with the mask still on. Then a nurse came in and said I was ready to be free. What a happy announcement! All the codes and tubes were taken off and I sat in an armchair to keep watching the game. The game against Sweden team was carried in Japanese favorite. What an exellent team Nadeshiko has become! I was so excited and moved with joy and gratitude. Nadeshik won with 3 to 1. Every single member of Nadeshiko played so well and the team was perfect as a whole. Everybody must have been cheered up thanks to their power. Upon finding the result, I drove back home and shared this joy with my husband. He was also amazed by the Japanese ladies' power. Nowadays ladies seem to be stronger and more powerful than men in Japan in every field!!

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