

交流 Friendship

1月3日(火)東京からArne & Anita(VIP couple)と休暇でオーストラリアから両親のところに戻っているご子息Zubinが日光入りされた。夫が彼等を東照宮に案内した後、我が家に到着。夕食の前に、温泉に行こうということになって霧降の温泉場を案内。日本には、既に1年半在任されているため、日本のあちこちを随分訪問されており、温泉も楽しまれている由で、勝手をご存じであり、又、大変好きであるということで、何よりのおもてなしになった気がする。約1時間、温泉につかっておしゃべりが弾み、少し、茹ってしまった。帰宅したら即、ディナーにとりかからなくてはとの思いが蘇って心が急いだ。
 Arne and Anita came into Nikko with her son, Zubin on the third as scheduled. Masao guided them  into the Toshogu shrine first taking whole afternoon then to our house. After having a little rest and a couple of  coffee,  we decided to go to a spa to get relaxed. As they have lived in Tokyo for more than one year, they have been to quite a few spas all over in Japan and they are already accustomed to Japanese style hot spring. It was good to know that they love Japanese style hotspring. This experience in Nikko might be a good hospitality from us. Anita and I were in the spa enjoying talking to each other for long enough to feel we were boiled.  My mind pushed us back home for a preparation for the dinner to be served on our return home. 


When we were relaxed in the living room, Zubin was suddenly scratched by my dear Mi-chan, little cat, going to be 20 years old in a few months. When she appeared in front of us, Zubin wanted to touch her without any hesitation. Yes, it was my mistake. I missed telling the guests that our cat is very strange and abnormal. She gets unfriendly and becomes a tiger as her hospitality toward strangers. Luckily Zubin didn't get hurt. In spite of her attack to him, he gets interested in this unfriendly cat which has two beautiful greenish eyes in her charming round face. She is still charm and smart enough to attract an attention of such a young gentleman as Zubin.


Being in a New Year holiday, I prepared some Osechi food(New year dish) as an appetizer, which made the dinner table more colorful and prosperous. They enjoyed the unusual food. Everybody enjoyed the conversation over the dinner table filled with several kinds of Japanese food such as egg custard, grilled sliced beef with mushroom and green onions in a foil, salmon sushi, cooked roots vegetables, apple paste and so on.  Japanese sake followed by French red wine... It was after midnight when I went to bed.

前日に続いて素晴らしい天気となる。予定通り8時に朝食をスタート。ご主人のArneは仕事に戻るべく朝の特急で一人帰京されたが、我々はAnita とZubinを奥日光にご案内。案の定、華厳の滝には感銘された。凍っている滝を見るのは初めてとのこと。あの時の気温は零度であったから、そんなに寒くは無い筈だが、それでも風が吹くと凍え気味。続いて竜頭の滝をご案内。華厳ほどの感銘はなかったようだが、紅葉の時に来るべきと示唆。それよりそこでの甘酒を満喫。昼の電車に遅れないよう、急いでいろは坂を下る。車の中でもAnitaの話は続く。インド出身の彼女はさすが元アメリカでニュースキャスターをしていた経験がそれに拍車をかけている。話すことが沢山あるということは、それだけ、勉強を重ねてきているということなのだろう。

Another beautiful day! Anita is right. She carries a good weather wherever she goes. As scheduled we had our breakfast at 8. Arne took the 9 o'clock train to go back to work in Tokyo. We took Anita and her son
Zubin to the deep Nikko to show them two dynamic water falls. They were very much impressed with the gigantic and powerful Kegon Fall which is partially frozen. The frozen part was producing such a beautiful greenish color in the sun. It was 0℃ at the bottom of the elevator. Not very much cold. But cold in the wind. The Ryuzu Fall gave them a different impression, not so gigantic but strong enough to be attractive. We suggested them to come back in autumn to appreciate it surrounded by autumn color all around. Amazake (sweet sake) became Zubin's favorite drink. In the car back and forth to the deep Nikko, Anita, originally from India, who used to be a news caster in the States before, was active in talking while I was concentrated on handling my car on Iroha Slope which has as many curves as Japanese alphabets. Their lives were hunging in my hands!  To be honest my feeling started busy a week ago, but once the guests were here with us, we didn't feel busy but rather relaxed and we enjoyed sharing the two days with them which turned to make us feel more productive and thoughtful. They were in time for 11:55 train bound for Asakusa.Thanks a lot!

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