

日光ユネスコ協会と地元今市工業高校の生徒会との交流学習 ー Exchange study with the students'board of Imaichi Technical High School


They seemed to prepare a lot for
this meeting directed by a teacher
in charge.
 An exchange study of Nikko UNESCO Association with one of the local high schools, Imaichi Technical High School, was held for the first time. 14 executive members of the Student's Board seemed to prepare a lot for this meeting and one of them did its MC, which gave us a positive impression.
 The program started with their respective presentation on their involvement in the activities itiniated by Nikko UNESCO Associationsuch such as NOx monitoring or Fund raising activity to support to establish TERAKOYA for illietare people in Cambodia or a desplay of the information or photos of the worl heritage in Japan during their cultural festival at school. All of them pointed out their mind more interested in about our world heritage of Nikko. They are now finding them being rather on the side of it's protection than the tourists to visit it, which impressed us very much.

 The explanation about our activities and Nikko world heritage by Mr.T. executive member of our association was done briefly and effectively, which was followed by vice chairwoman, Mrs.K.,who explained her trip to Cambodia with 5 more people to attend the opening ceremony of one TERAKOYA which was established by the donation from Nikko UNESCO. We hope to continue this kind of exchange program between young high school students and us to promote our activities together.

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