

南京・敦煌行き ― My first trip to Nanjing and Dunhuang

猛暑を避けるかのように出かけた先はその上を行く南京。でも南京から東京へ帰るくらいの距離にある甘粛省の敦煌に飛んで行ったことは意外に避暑となりました。まさにMy Diaryとしてここに記録することにしました。

 The place where I went to avoid these scorching hot days was Nanjing in China whose heat attacked me much more. My trip to Dunhuang, however, in the west of China with my husband from Nanjing ended up with the feeling of summering which I didn't expect. Here is my brief diary recording what I experienced during these 10 days in China.


予定通りと言いたいところだが8時半羽田発Air China、北京で乗り換えた飛行機が大幅に遅れて夕方2時間遅れで5時半に南京に到着。9時間かかったことになる。直行便なら半分で行ける距離なのに。飛行場には2か月前から南京のメディア大学で教鞭をとっている夫と夫の授業担当の李先生が出迎えてくれた。飛行場を出たとたんに大雨が。余り暑さは感じず、まさにスコールが一緒になって私を歓迎してくれた。

 July 7th

My flight, Air China, took off Haneda, at 8:30 as scheduled, but another flight from Beijing to Nanjing was two hours delayed and it was at 5:30 in the evening when I arrived at Nanjing. It took me 9 hours in total from Haneda to Nanjing. It would have taken half of it if a flight was direct from Narita to Nanjing. The time difference is only one hour. So it was at 4:30 pm Japan time. I was welcomed by my husband who has been teaching in the University of International Communication in Nanjing since two months ago and Mrs.Ri sensei in charge of my husband teaching schedule. Then upon our going out from the airport, a big rain like a squall joined to welcome me.


In 40 minutes, we arrived at one of the apartment buildings for teachers on the campus. This university has 12000 students who are all living in the dormitories on the campus. Even apartments are facilitated for teachers. They are all well spotted in such a spacious premise. Few students were visible but I could imagine how busy the campus is during semesters. We were hosted by Mrs.Ri's family together for the dinner on that night.


Unfortunately I couldn't sleep well because of mosquitoes.

July 8th

Today the director of the language department invited us for luncheon together with the secretary and his wife and Mrs.Ri at Seiryusansou which was constructed by some prominent people for the use of their needed occasions. The place was beautifully constructed in such a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. We were able to forget about the busy and nosy world outside for a moment. The most sophisticated Chinese dish were served.


 In the evening, my husband took me around in the campus to show me some facilities or buildings such as dormitories, classrooms, Administration office, multi-purpose
Colosseum, Library, sports grounds etc. The campus looks more like American because of its spacious premise with rich greens.  Later reached us some interesting information; some management leader of this university contributed an article to SNS saying that Professor Mr.K from Japan was taking a student to guide her around the campus.... I might have been looked like a teenager!!


国薬科大学から小一時間かかって南京駅へ。地下鉄が余りにきれいで新しくてモダンであることに驚き、車窓からの眺めは建築ラッシュ一色。沿線には大学が30個以上は並んでいただろう。とにかく、大学都市の中をモダンな地下鉄が走るというイメージであった。最初のバスの中でも、地下鉄の中でも「先生!」と夫が学生に声をかけられたのには驚いた。かなり学生の中では日本から異色の先生が来ているという評判だったのだろう。参照 南京便り http://kawaimasao.phpapps.jp

July 9th

My husband was free to take me out for sightseeing in Nanjing today. We chose a few spots to visit. First we went to Yijiangment(閲江楼) to have a look of the Yangtse River. We took a bus from the university to the metro terminal named Chinese college of Pharmacy. I was very much impressed with the newly constructed metro which is very clean, fast, modern and most updated train system. Also was I impressed with the view from the windows which shows us the today's Chinese economic situation going up rapidly. So many construction works were going on. And tens of universities were lined up along the metro rail. I felt lots of young energy there. Furthermore, it was surprising that my husband was called by his name "Kawaii Sensei!" in both metro and bus. Wherever he goes, he is found by some students. He has been popular on the campus. Refer to his home page http://kawaimasao.phpapps.jp


 It's kind of awful to face such a busy and noisy public place like Nanjing station where I found myself for the first time. Some people approach to us for asking, some people want us to buy their goods and some are just wandering to get a chance. While I was getting nervous about our one day journey, my husband was very much concerned about our lunch to take first. "We cannot fight without eating." is his way to live. I was obliged to follow him, otherwise I surely might have got lost.  We ate somehow noodle dish at a popular restaurant and started looking for No 10 bus station for Yijiangmen. We succeeded in getting on a right bus but in the bus there was no information on bus stops all the way. My husband talked to the driver where to get off and somehow or other we were able to get off at the right stop. Then we asked again somebody on the street the way to Yijiangmen(閲江楼). In this way we always challenged to go through the difficulties by using our own skill and knowledge.


We found the admission fee free even for us foreigners over 60. Very generous! However it's ridiculous to pay for the modern escalator ride up to the top especially for the senior.


  The structure of the temple was beautiful and the sacred enclosure as well. We wanted to climb up to the top by the elevator which was found by the entrance but it was locked. We tried the staff to let us use it and she was kind
enough to un-lock it but strict enough to ask us to use stairs the way back. She was very conscious of minimizing energy, which is good. The view from the terrace of the top floor was magnificent. TheYangtse River just let us go back to imagine the old days thousands of years back. It's strange that we are here to look at that river in question which has such a long history.


 We were so overwhelmed by such fatigue that we canceled our original idea to visit some more sight-seeing spots and decided to go back straight to the campus. The metro was so comfortable that we both fell into sleep. Very relaxed in the metro. However, at the terminal where we got off and waited for a bus bound for the campus coming, quite a few drivers of non-registered taxies occupied the bench showing their fat nude abdomens for some reasons. Because it's hot? Because they think they look big? Because they are powerful? Anyway we were patient enough to wait for a bus for three quarters. While waiting, I went back to be so exhausted again and dying for some beer. I know there was no beer in the refrigerator in his apartment. The shop on the campus might have been closed at this time of the day. Then we went to the cafeteria on the campus but we found it also closed. What a pity end of the day!  We finished up eating some left-over things at his apartment with no beer! This experience of food and beer shortage will turn to be precious someday!



 July 10

 Today is the day to fly to Dunhuang. We went to the airport by taxi which my husband made a reservation last night. Does he surely come to pick us up? My worry has gone when he shows up in front of us. But the flight was two hours delayed again. While waiting, I happened to find an interesting costume which one toddler is in. The pants are made so as not to hide the baby's bottom. What's your comment?


 The flight stopped over Ranzou. They say that a series of Oasises in Gobi Desert starts from here.
  Those who have time might take a long distance bus from here to Dunhuang taking more than 10 hours. Our flight from Ranzou to Dunhuang took only 1.5 hours, but because of the delay it was 9 o'clock when we arrived at Dunhuang airport. In China they use only one fixed standard Beijing time in spite of its huge territory. It's still light in Dunhuang at 9 o'clock at night. It shoud be 7 o'clock or so there.


 We got on a shuttle bus which connects the airport with several hotels in the city. Our hotel named 敦煌太陽温泉ホテルwe reserved beforehand was the nearest one from the airport. I felt relieved when we found one of the hotel staffs could manage Japanese, for my husband's Chinese couldn't be understood sometimes because of the nuance of its pronuciation.  We appreciated her suggestions where to go, what to visit and our itinerary was all set up including taxi reservation. Here the hotel charge has to be paid beforehand as security covering three nights. The room was clean, spacious and well facilitated except for the appliance attached to the bath tub in out of order. In general, the hotel itself was very comfortable.



July 11th

Got up at 7:00. It has been cool through night. Welcomed such a beautiful, quiet, comfortable morning. I kept diary(small memo at random) first. At 8:00 we were in an independent dining hall aside on the premise. Two kinds of porridge, one is rice porridge and the other is millet. Two kinds of dumplings, several kinds of vegetables, boiled eggs were served. Quite healthy food. But no juice, milk, coffee were served.




  It took us only 30 minutes to reach the Mogaco Caves by taxi. It's really surprising to find ourselves in the desert so quickly away from Dunhuang city with the population of 130,000. Soon was visible that famous precipice with lots of holes. Upon arrival at the site, the taxi driver gave us his business card with his mobile number and released us. We went into the ticket office and joined the many visitors who were 99% Chinese. Now many domestic sight-seeing spots are occupied by Chinese visitors who seem to have become rich enough to go around. We must have been only one couple from abroad. Our challenge started again here.


The guide is so well organized. Quite a few guides were stand-by and many visitors were divided into some small groupes of 20 people each one after another. Each group was taken by a professional guide to visit about 20 caves with sincere explanation and instruction for about two hours continuously.  As I couldn't understand at all her Chinese explanation, I just followed her to assure which caves she took us in so that later I could refer to a book to make sure what they are.


It's almost unbelievable that all this cultural heritage has been piled up and safely kept for 1500 years from 4th century to 19th. The last corner where we were taken in was very impressing with its desplay of the melting pot of multi-culture such as Buddhism, Islam, Tibetan religeon, etc.. The prominent scholars who have contributed to do research on this field are also introduced one way or another.  Our great discovery was that the Buddhist priest, Sanzo, was drawn on some wall painting to tell us that Buddhism in Japan originated from here. We reassured the big relation between Dunhuang and Japan.


We called the taxi driver to join and we went to a small restaurant along the street near our Hotel for lunch. Then we went back to hotel once to have a rest and two hours later in the evening the same driver took us to the next sight-seeing spot called 鳴沙山・月牙泉.



As it was rather cloudy, we missed the most beautiful view of the desert with the moon in the back, but it was fun to see those powerful people climbing up to the top of the desert mountain. We also tried but gave up after 3 steps. So hard. Instead, we challenged camel riding for the first time. Camels were so gentle and looked lovely with their thin but long hairs or eyelaches and big round eyes. They looked even sad. Do they enjoy their works? At least, they make so many visitors happy on their backs. I guess there might have been over 500 camels on duty there. They are very obedient to their owners who shout  "Zou! Zou!" to let them sit down for the riders. I got a special feeling for them. On that night when my husband wanted to challenge camel meat for dinner, I strongly offended him. We found out we both have a different sense of value in this point.


The same taxi driver drove us for long distance today to six historical places located 70 to 80km west from the city Dunhuang. The charge was 500Yuen because of its long distance while it was 200 yesterday





 は莫高窟にならぶ断崖を削った文化遺跡  だが砂ではなく砂利という地質のため、多くが崩壊している。はシルクロードの西のゲートとして栄えた所で、博物館があり、当時の様子がわかる文献、絵などが展示されている。唐の詩人王維の詩に「西のかた、陽関を出でずれば故人無からん」と詠われた古代の関所といわれている。ここからの茫洋たる風景を目にすると、シルクロードが繁栄した歴史に思いを馳せたくなる。の汊長城は万里の長城の西の端にあり、漢時代のもの。かなり風化していて北京でみた石造りの頑丈な長城とは面影が随分異なる。汊長城は漆喰で出来ている。ここで、上海から来たという4人組の女性と談話。久しぶりに英語で会話が出来た。
 At the last spot, the west gate of the Great Wall, we happened to have a nice conversation with a groupe of four ladies from Shanghai. They were amazed to find that we were here all the way from Japan to visit all these historical sites in the desert. I felt very comfortable to be able to talk in English this time.

 It was cloudy and rather cool this morning and it seemed we would have rain today. However on the desert was it hot even without the sun out. The scenery of the desert was very impressing. An oasis is spotted one after another having a certain distance between each with green trees and plants. The plants in the desert, a kind of cactus with needles which look skinny but which have lovely pinkish small flowers impressed me. They say that they have big roots with lot of water in them. That's why wild camels are fond of eating them.

 Another specific scenery of the desert is noticed when the desert is flat. The sand mountains are seen far beyond the green of some oasis behind the sand(desert). And the beautiful blue sky with white clouds are covering all of them. I was just  captured by this fascinating nature surrounding me all around.

 One more thing we discovered in the desert is the existence of salt. We stopped the car and we tried it to make sure it was salty. As a matter of fact we found some mining machine through the car window.

This "night market" is the place where we had dinner and shopped some souvenirs. As it gets late, it becomes busier. Many local people or visitors come here to do grocery shopping or to enjoy eating or chatting. Some entertainment performance makes it more enjoyable. I was able to listen to a lady singer who was quite good. This is the place where people enjoy themselves after working all day long. Dunhuang produces many kinds of fruits which are so sweet. We also bought one melon-like squash which turned to be so sweet. It was after 11 o'clock when we came back to our hotel. Such a long day and the last day for us in Dunhuang. exhausted.



July 13 
Our flight back to Nanjing was sheduled to depart at 8 o'clock in the evening, therefore we went to the museum in the city to make use of extra day. We had enough time to appreciate the desplay carefully not in such a crowded situation as in other museums, especially in Japan. Also had we plenty of time to choose some souvenirs or gifts in the museum shop. We enjoyed talking with the staffs, (one of them could speak Japanese) and we negotiated the prices. There were only few shoppers. She said not many  Japanese visitors are seen this year. One thing we regreted later is that we should have bought more  books about Dunhuang Mogaco Caves which are not available in Japan even through Amazon. We moved around by taxi in the city, Taxi charge was fixed for 5 Yuan if within the city.

 Once back to our hotel where our luggages were safely kept, we waited for the driver who took care of us for the previous two days. He was very honest and this time he didn't charge for the ride to the airport. With a good feeling, fortunately, we were able to fly back to Nanjing but very late at midnight. We had no taxi reserved, so we just challenged to find whatever available. There were quite a few private drivers approaching to the travelors and we conceded to the one who proposed 120 Yuan to the campus while we were charged for 80 the way to the airport four days ago. Anyway the safety was the most important, especially the last stage of the trip.

 Back in Nanjing, we felt much hotter and humid. A small mosquito killer and a big airconditioner are in full operation.

July 14
Today is the last day in Nanjing and as we planned before, we put the things in order and cleaned the apartment which was pretty disorganized during the last two months. As doing cleaning works, my mind was occupied with what my husband had challenged in these unfamiliar surroundings and devoted himself for the sake of young Chinese students so as to look at the wider world through many different people and cultures, then establish their hope in the future to come. His strong initiative to do what he can from his experiences might have been highly appreciated by his students and the people concerned. The most appreciative thing is that he really enjoyed teaching and having a good friendship with the students.

9時30分 帰国の途につく。再見 ツァイイチェン!
July 15
We left Nanjing at 9:30 for Japan. See you again!

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