

1歳になった孫訪問第2弾 Visiting another grand-daughter who got to be one year old

4月に1歳になった孫娘に続いて今度は6月に1歳になったもう一人の孫娘に会って来ました。前回と違って今度は人見知りが薄らぎ、すぐに慣れて笑顔を振りまいてくれたのが嬉しい。何でも良く食べる母親似であり婆似。少しずつ言葉らしい奇声をあげて意思表示するのが何とも可愛いい。こうして1,2か月ごとに孫達に会いに行けるのが楽しみだが、たった1,2か月なのに成長が目に見える程なのには驚いてしまう。上の子は今年から一年生だが、すっかりお兄ちゃんになって妹をあやしたりしている。Happy Birthdayのケーキを前に、お兄ちゃんが自分からピアノを弾いてくれた。8月には第3弾が控えている。3人の同級生の従兄妹たちの長い人生のスタートである。

Three generations line up
Her first step into her long way to go
with 1kg of Rice cake on her back
The other day back in May, I visited our first grand-daughter who got to be one year old in April and this time I went to see another grand-daughter who got to be one year old in June. She was not so difficult this time as she used to be. She was not so afraid of strangers and she has become more friendly and more communicative in her own way. Very cute. I'm lucky to be able to go and meet them once a while like this whenever available. Her brother, 6 years old, a first grader, is now big enough to care his little sister. He initiated to play the piano for Birthday Song for his sister sitting in front of a beautiful birthday cake. In August there will be one more Happy Birthday meeting for No.3. Three cousins born in the same year are now standing on the start line for their long way to go.

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