


Thanks to my hard work to put the things in order around my desk yesterday, I got up early this morning in good feeling.
What a lucky morning! I finally found ...that missing wild bird in our back yard. It has been rather quiet with no wild birds these days, then this sudden appearance. I missed him so much that this coming across
made me feel so happy and delighted.

Some nightingales' transparent voices kept pleasing me during my morning walk.in the park where magnolia flowers are about to bloom shinning in the morning sun against Mt.Nantai far way back still covered with a white veil. Cherry blossoms are still still.
Our back yard starts enjoying various colors of spring flowers such as rhododendron, hyacinth, narcissus, etc.
Upon finishing my routine house works, I rushed to the playground to play tennis with my tennis mates for an hour.that missing wild bird in our back yard. It has been rather quiet with no wild birds these days, then this sudden appearance. Some nightingales' transparent voices kept pleasing me during my morning walk.in the park where magnolia flowers are about to bloom shinning in the morning sun against Mt.Nantai far back still covered with a white veil. Cherry blossoms are still still.
Our back yard starts enjoying various colors of spring flowers such as rhododendron, hyacinth, narcissus. Upon finishing my routine house works, I rushed to the playground to play tennis with my tennis mates.

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