

師走一番風 The first activity-event in December (the first weekend)

In front of Yawata shrine

with his cousin

BBQ with musicians

Flute by Mr.Aiba, piano by Mr.Kohei

He is kindly giving some instruction to my daughter.

Vintage flute
  1. 文字通りの師走のスタート。最初の週末は祝福の連チャンでした。まず孫No5の七五三の祝が本八幡で。翌日はアーティスト達とのBBQとホームコンサート。
    Busy season has just started with two consequent happy occasions. The first Saturday was for No 5 grand-child's Seven-Five-Three years old celebration at Motoyawata , then the next day was for a BBQ party followed by a gorgeous family concert at our place welcoming two big musicians, one 62 years old flutist and the other 18 years old pianist, still high school student.

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