


 いつもの師走のルーティンに加えて、久しぶりで台南市コンサート旅行のグループ(八嶋さん、森さん、吉澤さん)で久しぶりの会食を近場の古民家カフェびーどろで開催。更に、同じくコンサートの場所取り役割担当仲間となったグループ(守友さん、半田さん)でご苦労さん会をBain Marieでランチを決行。共に何かをしたというご縁を大切にとの願いから思い付いたこと。第五回目ワクチンも12月21日に終了。副作用が皆無と言うのも何かたよりない思いになる。EECCも無事一年をやり通し、新年には又新たな気持ちで続けられたらと思う。

もう一つ、若い人達(子供達、孫達)のスピードに近づくために、夫と共にスマホの乗り換えを決行。宇都宮のヨドバシで半日がかりの交渉となる。auに乗り換えてip7→SE3 with 64GBに。データーの移行作業をセルフで何とかやることが出来たが、一か月後には更にキャンペーン中のUQに切り替えることに。又複雑な手続きにならないことを祈るのみ。

以下は2022年の総集として海外の友人へのAnnual Season's greetings

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to our dear friends!

May everything around you be in the right way to be safe and be blessed by every-body.                                            December 2022 


The year 2022 has been dyed in black color not only because of the ever-lasting  Coronavirus but also the human disaster caused by Russian invasion to Ukraine which covers whole world with fear and anxiety. Human history must have progressed to make us understand better each other so that we could live together in a stable and safe society. However, this ideal way of living got completely derailed and the international society is now stepping toward unimaginable world. We strongly wish safe and peaceful place be back to us right away.

On the other hand, sports, especially the world cup which is still going on has been so enthusiastic, energetic and friendly that everybody’s mind in the world has got together to become one which is so wonderful and peaceful. There might be some political and racial conflicts deep inside more or less, but players’ minds and supporters’ minds look 100% unifying in a simple way. We have been watching all the games on TV. We all tend to cheer up our own country but it’s quite natural. All the people wish their teams keep winning, don’t they?

When it comes to our own life this year, our activities have been somehow kept alright thanks to our living place, rather rural district surrounded by a beautiful nature. Even under the COVID pandemic restraint we didn’t have to stay all the time in our house. We were able to be outside to do gardening, caring the yard, woods and enjoy playing golf which has been open through the year as usual. Our children’s families, however, Yasuko’s and Nari’s  unfortunately got corona-infected and they had to stay at home for a week or so. Fortunately none of them got seriously ill and Tomoko’s family members not infected. Masao has continued his lectures on internet to China and for a monthly volunteer group meeting in Nikko while I keep having my class. In July we made a visit to Indonesian Embassy together with some members of our volunteer group to promote the beauty of Nikko nature and culture. November gave us the highlight season covering our place with autumn leaves and let us organize an annual home concert being careful about corona-infection. It turned to be successful and enjoyable. 

 Now at this moment, Japan is facing the 8th wave, which means we still have to be more or less controlled through to the next year to come. 

Wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New year, here I attached some pictures lined up seasonal order, so that I hope you can guess how we have been through the year of 2022.                              

                                 Thousands of love, Keiko and Masao Kawai

with grandchildren in May

with M's sisters and their spouses

visit to Ukraine Emb. for charity activity 

visit to Indonesian Emb. for Nikko promotion

Choir group (I belong to)'s performance for 10th anniversary 

with university students

home concert

monthly lecture for local people

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