

一昨日の5月22日、私達のボランティア活動であるEECC(Enjoyable English Conversation Club)の友達を通して出会った若い可憐な女性智子さんがついに念願のBagel のお店を開店して見せた。店の名前はTOMOZO.昨年の秋にその話を聞き、Bagel大好き人間の私は楽しみにしていたが、その後持病のDiabetes治療のため、しばらく入院されていた。それが無事に健康を回復されてこの開店オープンという大事業に漕ぎ着けられたのだから拍手喝さいである。EECCまで差し入れに何度か来ていただいていて、その味の高級感と作品への愛情がたっぷり籠められているというのが私の感想であった。早速、開店日が土曜日であったことから、一緒にEECCをやっている律子さんとお祝いに出かけた。大沢の交差点から旧街道に入った所に赤い屋根の工房とお店を見つけた。智子さんらしいお人柄が伺える素直で可憐でクリーンなイメージの佇まいであった。11時が開店というのに合わせて、既に多くの人が列を作り始めていて、思わず、「良かった!」と第一声。本当は10個ぐらい買って行きたかったが、後に続々やってくる大切なお客様達のために遠慮して数個に留めた。帰宅してコーヒーと頂いた時は幸せを感じた。一回に半子で十分のボリュームである。
On May 22'10, the day before yesterday, a young hyacinthine girl, Tomoko-san, finally opened up her own Bagel shop named TOMOZO after a long consideration. I heard about it in autumn last year and I have been looking forward to it since Bagel is my favorite food. Tomoko, however, had to be hospitalized for a while because of her inveteracy diabetes care. Therefore her plan to have her own shop seemed to have been postponed a bit. But she is now recovered and she made her dream come on this date. Ths shop is located along the old main road 100m down to Utsnomiya from Osawa I.C. I found easily her shop with a red roof on and I met Ritsuko-san, my friend and activity-mate, to visit together to congratulate. The shop and its atmosphere shows its owner's sincerity, cleaness and freshness. There were already quite few customers making a queu. We greeted Tomoko-san , her sister and her mother working together. Then we bought a few bagels. We hesitated to buy more for the sake of other customers coming afterwards. Upon returning home, I tried the first bagel with a cup of coffee, which made me so hapy.
One more thing, a beautiful message attached to the orchid pot given by EECC for this occation, written in Japanese brush by another EECC member, attracted me so much with its energetic in good voice and beautifulness. I realy appreciate my fortunate destiny to meet many talented friends through our activity EECC. I myself have been encouraged to keep going on and on.

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