

昨日に続いて世界遺産大学の一連のイベントの最後のものとして、「結界譚ーKekkaitan」という上妻宏光(津軽三味線)野崎洋一(キ-ボード)によるダイナミックな音楽と麿 赤兜&大駱駝艦による前衛ダンスのコラボレーションを観劇した。場所は東照宮。五重塔前にステージが見事に 設置され、公演を待たずして、すでに幻想的な雰囲気が漂っていた。更に、雨がポツリポツリという気配でスリル満点の状況であった。観劇後は何とも不思議な世界に入っていたことに気付きながらも、深夜の眠りの中でも続き、5時頃目覚めてすぐこれを書き始めた。公演中は撮影禁止だったため、幕引き前の出演者がラインアップしたところをかろうじてカメラに収めた。

Last night I went to the Toshogu Shrine to enjoy a special performance which was initiated by the Comittee of World Heritage Theater sponsored by Rakuten. It was a coraboration of Music by Tsugaru Shamisen(a sort of Japanese guitar with strings originated in Tsugaru district in the north of Japan) & a Key board with 10 year career and Avan-Garde Dancing Group named Dai Rakuda Kan which has been very active and popular in and out of the country since 30 years ago. The stage was set up outside, in front of Goju no To(5 storied pagoda) surrounded by those big, tall cidar trees. The atmosphere was just beyond our world, very mysterious but elegant and dignified. The performance itself was dynamic and produced a space something different we experience in our daily life. It was mixed up with Do(Action) and Sei(Tranquility), Yorokobi(Happiness) and Kanashimi(Sorrow). Positive and negative feelings. Our life itself was well represented in those mixed movement. I got a very strange feeling and continued to keep it even in my dream until this morning . I realized that the prosperous Nikko has been protected by the saint mountains and that's why Nikko has a great mysterious power.

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