

"Embassy week in "Nikko has just started! 「大使館ウィークin Nikko」スタート!

 "Embassy week in Nikko"started on September 22nd as scheduled with lots of anticipation and anxiety. Time schedule and process in detail have been well prepared and everybody was on duty with responsability. The most nervous moment was when and how we welcomed our vips in this abnormal condition occured between two countries as bilateral issue. However, in spite of our big worry, everything went smoothly without any serious problem.

Upon the curtain up, two local mixed chorus groups started singing the "Nikko Sansho Song"(Praise song of Nikko) with the collaboratin of the group of string Quartet which was from the String Ensemble AFJAM(Association Franco-Japaonaise des Amis de la Musique which would perform in the second part of the opening ceremony). They only had a little rehearsal one hour before for the first time but they made a beautiful collaboration. Actually we both, me and my husband, were in that chorus and we made it inspite of our busy duties managing the whole process of this project. This very first chorus wasn't listed in the program. It was intended to be a big surprise to cheer up and bring to a climax the performances to be executed in the second part of the ceremony. It turned out to be very effective. It was a good challenging.

The curtain was down once. Then it was up after 10 minutes. The audience found VIPs and the main organizers sitting at table on the stage. It was the start of the first part of the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony was well managed and proceeded according to the manual thanks to the two selected MCs.

After 15 minutes intermission, the second part of the ceremony started. The first music performance of Yokin, Chinese Koto, by Chinese beautiful lady was so good. It was very impressive. The Korean performances  were followed.  An elegant dance by five dancers first, then drum performance by cholo youn men. It was an attractive contrast.

Then at the last performer, Margurite's group, AFJAM, was on stage. It was wonderful. Every body admired the performances and the audience seemed to be very happy.

We hope it was succeesfully conducted and managed including the decoration in and out of the Hall.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Good evening
    I’m Asae.
    First of all , I’m glad to know this project is successful !
    To my sorrow , I couldn’t have participate in this volunteer so far .
    But,I will go to Shiunkaku of Rinno-ji to volunteer tomorrow !
    I’m little tense , but anyway ,I will do my best tomorrow.

    Lastly, thank you for your giving me this opportunity.
    Please give my best wish to your husband.

  2. Thanks for your message, Asae-san,

    The project was over without having any serious problems thanks to all the people involved in this project especially the volunteer who devoted themselves to help everything go smoothly and effectively. Did you enjoy being with some of them at Shiunkaku?
    Thank you for your joining with us yesterday there. I hope you leaned something important and meaningful there. See you soon. KK
