

新しい出会い Newly born friendship


 The Tainan Chamber Choir climaxed its performance in the banquet hall of the prestigeous hotel in Nikko on March 20, coincidentally it was a national holiday, the spring equinox in Japan. Yesterday I had a chance to observe their minimized performance for promotion taken place on the second floor of a shopping center and I already expected how well they would perform tomorrow. Then today it showed up with such a dynamic but delicate way of performance.  Every single motion of the conductor never missed attracting all the members of the choir, which produced a beautiful harmony of the music. We all the audience were just touched and most excited we had never experienced before. We were all overwhelmed by Shanmin(the conductor)'s strong and outstanding leadership and her artistic heart and sense. Truly it ended up with 200% satisfaction in the atmosphere of the highest fever among 250 people in the hall.

 We are very much honored to have been Shanmin's and one of her members, Jenny's hostfamily for 4 days from 17 to 20. On top of that we enjoyed being together, talking a lot about ourselves each other. We found out both of us, Shanmin and me, love cats and dogs. Talking on pets never ends.
Last night they wanted to master the requiem 「Flowers blooming」composed after the Great disaster in Tohoku area, March 11,2011. We practiced together until late. They planned something in secret.

 Then it turned out to be the  amazing attraction at the last moment after the friendship dinner held after the concert. Shanmin and Genny stood on the front floor and started singing 「Hanawa Saku, Flowers blooming」in Japanese. I proceeded to them to join and Masao also joined. Shanmin invited the audience to join by her way of conducting. All the members in dinning room stood up to sing together and it became a big choir......Beautiful ending with tears in the eyes. Thank you so much.


This is the content of the program of the music concert which was held to commemorate the first anniversary of Nikko Kammer Choir to be joined by the Tainan Chamber Choir sponsored by Nikko city to promote the friendship between Nikko-city and Tainan-city which are the sister cities established several years ago.

  日光カンマーコール ・オラトリオ「天地創造」より 天は御神の栄光を語り
                ・栃木県周遊歌 下野旅情~歌で巡る栃木県(日光編)

  岡本カンマーコール ・コーラスララ
                ・映画「天使のラブソング」より 幸いなるかな女王

  歌 下地愉宇起   ・愛は君のよう・マイウエイ・ありがとう・日光仮面テーマソング披露

  台南室内合唱団 指揮 干善敏 他24名(女性12人男性9人) 8曲ぐらい演奏(内2曲は日
  下地、善敏両氏の指揮によって2回演奏。 大変な盛り上がりとなりました。

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