

家族 孫息子の偉業! Our grand-son's great job!

One of our grand-sons,only 6 years and 5 months old, did a great job this summer which I couldn't even try.... He did it easily and made a beautiful report as his free subject to be done during his summer vacation home-work for his school. Being influenced or led by his father, he has already climbed to the tops of more than 25 out of 100 most prestigious Japanese mountains. This summer he concentrated on Kanto and Tohoku areas. He is an amazing little boy!! He loves hot spa after successful climbing like his father.

山形県(Yamagata pref.)・・・月山(1984m)、蔵王山(1841m)、山寺 (400m),
福島県(Fukushima pref.)・・・西吾妻山(2035m),磐梯山(1819m),
栃木県(Tochigi pref.)・・・・・・男体山(2486m)
群馬県(Gunma pref.)・・・・・・谷川岳(1978m)
山梨県(Yamanashi pref.)・・・みずがき山(2230m),北岳(3193m)
静岡県(Shizuoka pref.)・・天城山(1405m)
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