

    地元ヤシオの湯が主催した秋のハイキングに参加。好天気に恵まれ、30名弱の参加者の気分も晴れやかでヤシオ温泉を9時過ぎに出発。行き先は裏見の滝。昨年夫と行ったことがあるがあの時は山のふもとまで車だったので、今日は片道1時間20分かかったことに滝の重みを感じました。往復約3時間の行程は丁度良い運動。岩手の雫石から単独で参加していた女性との出会いは貴重。約一週間かけての黒部までの一人旅をするこの女性は女手一人で子供二人を育て上げ、続いて母親の介護。ひと月前にその母を亡くし、やっと我を見つめて大好きな自然の中の一人旅を思いついたのだという。こうした旅は人それぞれの思いを持って古今到来依然として続けられていることを実感。どうぞご無事で旅を進められますように。滝は滝壺付近に紫色が目立つ虹を描いて大変美しい表情を見せ、みんな感激。丁度水供養の儀式がなされているのに出会い、お札に祈願を 書く幸運を得ました。
    Participated in a hiking course organized by Yashio Spa to walk up to Urami no ...Taki(water fall) taking 80 minutes one way. Under a beautiful weather, about 30 participants enjoyed walking in a big group. I went to this water fall last autumn with my husband but we drove up to the foot of the mountain, therefore we only walked up in the mountain having this fall. As to utumn color, last year was much better but this time, we were very impressed with a beautiful raibow over the basin of the water fall accentuated with a strong color of purple.Everybody was amazed. The water fall looked very special I've never seen before. One more to write down is to get aquainted with a lady from Iwate who is traveling all alone to Kurobe through Nikko. She seemed to heal herself after such a long hardship in her life. She was moved to happen to face a special ritual event to appreciate the natural water coming down from the Mt.Nantai. We had a good luck.

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