

薔薇の競演 Beautiful roses are on parade in this rural area surrounded by paddy fields


Beautiful roses are on parade in this rural area surrounded by paddy fields
May 30, 2015 Fine and very hot day

I visited one of the EECC members this morning to have a view of gorgeous roses of her garden which have been cared by her alone since 7,8 years ago. More than 60 kinds are in full bloom in different colors producing so many kinds of good smells. It seems they have been spreading out more and more beyond expectation. Or once started, she couldn't help growing more and more.Lots of love and care must be needed. Furthermore she took me to her friend's place nearby to share the most gorgeous rose garden which has been also taken care by her friend who is actually a farmer. She loves growing flowers as her hobby. What a big hobby! The rose garden surrounds her house and beyond those roses are paddy fields. I was so surprised and excited to find such a unique and precious scenery in this rural area.

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