

一寸いい旅(Just a lovely, healthy and meaningful trip)

一寸いい旅(Just a lovely, healthy and meaningful trip) 


 ( It has passed one week since we came back from Paris where we spent about 10 days. I couldn't start writing my blog right away because of my miscellaneous duties left behind during my absence. Now I've got ready to start.)

 ( It was 8 years ago when we dropped in Paris only for several hours on the way back home from Norway after finishing Masao's assignment there. I never forget our farewell reception at the official residence which happened to be held exactly on my birthday. As for Paris, we were stationed in Paris from 1986 to 1989, which is almost a quarter century ago. We were in the most difficult time at that time from the view point of our three children's education. We were concerned with every stage of schools, high school, junior high and primary school.
 This time, Masao visited Norway for his research study, one week in Bergen to be followed by another one week in Oslo. He also has several engagements to meet some people concerning his study in Paris too. Taking this opportunity I myself made up my mind to come alone to Paris to walk around and see more what I had missed during our stay there a quarter century ago. Hopefully he can find a free time to share with me. By doing so, I believe I'll get some fresh energy to activate my life from now on. I didn't make any detailed plan. I'll see where to walk and where to go depending on my feeling of the day.
 I'm afraid I easily forget about what I experience. I already have that symptom. Masao often points out my poor concentration. "We have been here before. We used to come here with our children. We let them play here. Don't you remember? " He is almost disgusted at my poor memory.  He is right. I need to be more conscious about what I face to. My excuse used to be my wide range of concerns, as a busy wife, as a busy mother of three children at one time. It doesn't work any more now. I have to agree that my concerns might have poorly been concentrated. Well this time I decided to keep diary for my future memory. This is a summary of my report on my vacance in Paris. )

 9月9日(金)一人旅の始まり。AF275 成田発11:50→予定より40分早くパリに16:35着(時差7時間、正規では所要時間10時間)空港バス17:50発→モンパルナス19:20着 (このシャトルバスは往復切符だと割安で27€。)

 (Sept.9(Fri) The first day of my trip alone. AF275, Departure time 11:50 from Narita→Arrived at Paris at 16:35(7 hours difference. Fright hours 10 hrs. in general), Airport car, dept.17:50→Montparnass 19:20. A round trip 27€.)
 (We are very lucky to be able to rent a studio of my friend,Shigeko-san, who has been my good friend since our university period. She is married to a French gentleman. I felt relieved to find her at the Montparnass bus terminal waiting for me.It took about 20 mins. walk down to the studio. We walked together talking loudly in the noise produced by my big luggage. It might have been difficult to find out her studio if I was alone in such a busy area. My meeting with her is the beginning of the all good lucks in my short stay in Paris this time. )


 (Upon our arrival at the studio, we sit at a table to congratulate our meeting again, talking and enjoying some home made kische brought in by her. I have been worried about her grandchild's disease,leukemia, which was informed of just before my departure from Japan. He is only 3 years old. She was so thoughtful not to make me worry, instead, she just hopes our stay in her studio makes us feel comfortable and makes our visit to Paris meaningful. I decided to spend this short time in full energy to respond to her kindness. Her home is located in the west near to Malmaison, lovely castle, more than an hour away by train. It was after 10 at night when she excused herself to go back. We promissed to see again once during our stay.)

 (Here I want to report my good luck occurred to me in the bus from the airport. At the airport I tried to call Shigeko-san to let her know my safe arrival by using the prepaid telephone card sent to me beforehand by air mail, but it didn't work. I got on a bus anyway to see what will happen at the terminal at Monrparnasse.The lady sitting next to me was busy with talk on her mobile. She sounded like an elite career woman. When she was released from the mobile, I talked to her to say hello. She responded. Taking this opportunity we felt comfortable and we talked to each other more. She has been visiting many countries including Japan to conduct a lecture or seminar on business management.  She sounded a real career woman. Then I touched upon my prepaid telephone card which I showed her and asked what's wrong with the card. She suddenly offered me her mobile without hesitation instead of finding out the problem. I was so glad to be able to contact Shigeko-san who was also happy to be sured about my arrival. She was supposed to see me at the bus terminal. I really appreciated that lady for her generosity and kindness. Everywhere in the world such nice people exists to help strangers with no doubt. I promissed to myself to return this goodwill when I will be in the opposite situation. I really got a very good impression on French people.)


(Sept.10(Sat) Around noon, my husband, Masao, arrived at Paris. He flew from Oslo. He took the same airport bus and I welcomed him at Montparnasse as I did yesterday. We both were relieved to meet each other. I worked his laundly first and prepared a simple lunch; big vegetable salade and delicious baguette. Masao, who has such an enormous interest in precious life, took me out for grocery shopping first. He doesn't want to commute to a brasserie or a restaurant to eat every day. He wants me to cook by using fresh ingredients to be found in marche(open market) or in a super market. They have many kind of good food materials which we cannot easily get in Japan. Instead of being dipped in high calorie French food, we had better cook by ourselves to enjoy our own work. One of the advantages or relaxation for house wives on vacation is to be able to get rid of cooking and spending much time in the kitchen. I was a bit disappointed to Masao's wish in the beginning but I came to agree with him. That's a way of making my stay more precious and meaningful. We were happy to find a big mushroom called Portobello. We bought half kilo of mussels, boiled shrimps, wine, milk, olive oil, butter, garlic, juice, salt and pepper, almost all basic materials for cooking. Masao's priority, I can see, is to prepare food. That must have been one of what he thinks the most important for the safety in living. That is what he believes from his long term experience in his career. We didn't forget to buy some bottles of mineral water.)

Raspail通りとSaint German 通り


 (Sept.11(Sun) We decided to walk all the way up to Musee d'Orsay through Ave.Raspail from Edgar Quinet where the studio is located. Ave.Raspail hits Ave.Saint German where we found a big bronze statue of Balzac by Rodin. It was drizzling and most of the stores were closed on Sunday. We enjoyed window shopping in rather quiet atmosphere. When we arrived at the museum, we found a long queue at the entrance. We decided to have a walk along the quai to enjoy a beautiful view over the Seine for half an hour and went back to the queue to join.)

Musee d'Orsayの入口の長蛇の列

 (It was around 2 o'clock when we joined the queue. We waited for half an hour. Many different lanquages were being talked around, which means there are many tourists from all over the world. It's said that 20 millions tourists come to Paris a year. They surely visit famous art museums such as Orsay, Louvre, Orange etc. There are many other sightseeing spots. I have been here before several times, but still each time I feel I am here for the first time. Each time I got a different impression. That's why Masao feels disgusted at my poor memory. I myself am proud of my fresh feeling. We stayed inside until the closing time at 6:00. This time I enjoyed the section of Art nouveau which recall my Nikko Woodcutting. Down the steps in front of the museum, one street performer was trying to attract the visitors' attention by making funny pantomime. The day in Paris is long. It is light until 8 o'clock at night. We again walked back to Edgar Quinet. Physically my feet got tired but my spirit was up. "This is Paris! I cannot miss this precious promenade!". )
 9月12日(月)今日は午後夫がアポの為私は一人でパリ市街を歩き回ることに。その前に近場でgrocery shoppingをし、更に本場のカフェを味あうことにした。いわゆるコーヒーはこちらではエスプレッソーである。cafe fonce とは濃いコーヒーという意であり、アメリカンなど無い。いつもアメリカンを量で飲んでいる私にとっては、一寸戸惑いがち。ディナーの食後のコーヒーならデミタスでということをよくやったが、喉が渇いた時のコーヒーには合わない。水が一緒に出てくるくらい濃いのである。更に甘いクッキーが一緒に添えられてくるので、そうなるとこの濃いコーヒーは美味しいと思う。cafe au laitはモーニングタイムに限る。コーヒー一つとってもいろいろ意見が言えるのも楽しい。

 (Sept.12(Mon) Masao has an appointment this afternoon, therefore I decided to walk alone aroun in the center of Paris. Before that, we went out for grocery shopping first and went into a coffee shop to taste a genuine French cafe, dark strong coffee in a demitasse, so called 'expresso'. There is no American coffee here which I drink every day in a big quantity. It comes with a glass of water and small sweets aside. This way a strong coffee tastes good especially when we need some rest. I love sitting in a corner filled with coffee smell. Masao tried to smell all the coffee beans displayed by the counter and ask about them to the lady in charge. He seemed to enjoy having a conversation in French with her.)

Charles de Gaulle広場でChamps Elysees

L'Arc de Triompheの屋上からの眺め
 Raspail駅からメトロに乗って夫と一緒にエトワールまで出る。そこから夫はAve.Hochの大使館へ、私は凱旋門を屋上まで上って一人歩きの出発点とする。正直、屋上まで上ったのは初めてである。上からは12のアヴェニューがよくわかる。左回りにとって最後になったのが右のTour d'Eiffel の見えるIena 通り。高層ビルは限られており、パリの景観は依然と変わらず保たれている。放射線状の街並み。軍事行動を考慮した街並みである。Champs Elysees通りは6車線である。凱旋門からのChamps Elysees通りの始まりのスペースを我が物顔で堂々とカメラに向く私である。カメラの位置には韓国人の女優さんがシューティングをやっていたにもかかわらず。はるか向こうがコンコルド広場となる。

 (We got on a subway at Raspail, the nearest metro station from our studio, to go to Etoile. From there Masao went to the Japanese Embassy on the ave.Hoche while I went to the L'arc de Triomphe to climb up to the top roof for the first time which has a beautiful view of the city of Paris divided by 12 radial avenues. The authority has controled the city to keep the most beautiful view in the world. Some skyscrapers are sticking out in far distance outskirt of the city. As seen in the photo up on the left, I occupied the little space where I stand with my arms up to show my energy to start walking from this point. The view far behind me is Concorde.)
 L'arc de Triompheの建設はナポレオン軍隊の栄光を称えて19世紀初めに着工されたが、1840年になってナポレオンの遺骸が迎え入れられたという。凱旋してここを通ったのは1940年ドイツ占領下でフランスを勝利へと導いたドゴール将軍であり、以後、エトワール広場はシャルルドゴール広場と呼ばれているとのこと。国の為に散った兵士の名誉が象徴的に追悼されているところである。

 (The construction work of L'arc was started in the beginning of the 19th century to honor Napoleon's Armed Forces but it was his body that was welcomed later in 1840. It was Charle de Gaulle who passed through this L'arc de Triomphe after his victory against German occupation in 1940. Since then this L'arc has been named Ch.De Gaulle Etoile.)

 (My walk started from the Etoile. I stepped into the Ave.Hoche. The buildings on the right side have odd numbers while even numbers on the left. I have a book of photo essay written by the actoress K and I know the number 10 used to be her residence half century ago. The building with number 10 was easily found. It is in the high-class apartment buildings. The area still keeps the same atmosphere of high-class residences. I feel some deep sentimental thought even if it concerns with other people. I imagine her strong will and spirit through her essay. I am overwhelmed when I imagine about her enormous efforts to get along well with her late French husband and his family, his society around. She is one of the Japanese women who I'm very much proud of.)

 (I walk further down the avenue for the distance of about 200m as written in the book to hit Monceau park.)

Parc Monceauの入口

 豪奢な門をかまえた公園はこじんまりとした落ち着く公園である。季節の花や木が美しく映え、学童の団体が野外授業をしたり、並んだベンチには三々五々人が憩い、バギーに乗せた乳幼児の世話をするアジア系のベビーシッター等々。携帯を夢中で使っている人もある。それでいて落ち着くことが出来そうな公園である。一巡してもとのゲートを抜けると、左側に小学校があった。下校時らしく、父兄が迎えに集まって来ている。野外授業から帰ってきた子供たちが校舎に入っていくのが見える。児童や関係者が出入りするたびに守衛さんがドアを開ける。一見高級マンションの一角を校舎にしているような学校である。奥にEcole active Bilingueと書いてあるのが見えた。校庭など無い学校である。以前子供たちが通っていたパリ日本人学校にも日本のような校庭は無かった。集会が出来る程度の中庭があり、運動の為には遠くの公園まで出かけた記憶がある。当時の自分の子供たちの姿とオーバーラップした時である。

 (Monceau park has such a nice and comfortable atmosphere that citizens enjoy sitting on benches surrounded by seasonal beautiful flowers. A group of school children are having their outdoor class in a corner while a baby sitter is caring a baby nearby. Cityzens are having their own time in different ways in a relaxed mood. I made a tour in this park and went back to the entrance, then I found some parents or gardians waiting for the kids to come out from the school which looks one of those apartment buildings. The school(ecole) is located just by the entrance out the parc. This scene recalls our old days to my mind back in the years of 1986,87,88,89 when we lived in Paris and I  was occupied with our children's school matters. )

  そのまま今度は左側の歩道を上がって行くと、日本の国旗が二つ目の前に現れた。奇数番地の日本大使館とOECD日本政府代表部のビルである。Ave.Hocheの分離帯にはベンチがある。しばしそこに座って人々の行きかう様子を眺めたり街の息遣いを感じてみる。 ベンチからの目線は道路をさまよい、紙屑やゴミ、そして犬の糞がころがっているのが見える。早朝に清掃車が来て水を流し、一応きれいにしていく筈であるが、おおざっぱである。人の手で丁寧に清掃はしていない。午後ともなると又もとの汚れに戻る有様である。みんな気にならない様子。日本の環境への意識の高さが断トツだと思えてくる。ペットの置き土産の後始末に至っては群を抜いていると思った。先日も日光の我が家の近くで、いつものウオーキングをしている時、犬の便を手を汚さずに、新兵器を使って受け取っている 飼い主を目撃したことが思い出される。パリはお犬様の気の済むようにどこにでもさせて放置したままである。税金を払っているのだから、こういった公衆のことは行政がきちんとやることで、個人は関与しないとでも言いたげである。私が時々やるように、ウオーキングをしながら、紙屑やたばこの吸い殻を拾っている人はいないに違いない。環境への配慮は個人の意識が大きな力となる筈である。衛生的にもいかがなものかと最高の美的感覚を持つ国民に問いたいところである。

 (I continued to walk upward the avenue on the left side to find our national flags, one for our Embassy and one for the Japanese mission office for OECD.  I sat on the bench in the green belt in the avenue to have a rest and watch the pedestrians or businessmen walk back and forth. I feel them breathe. Eventually some trash and gifts from dogs came into my eyesight. They send wagons to clean the streets in the city early in the morning but it doesn't look effective. The celaning is left in the machine operation not in the hand of pets' keepers. It seems nobody cares. Nobody looks conscious of the cleanness of the streets. I'm very much proud of Japanese people's deep consciousness of keeping their surroundings clean by themselves. It's a question of nation's concern about the environment.)
St Honore通りの四ツ星ホテル


  (I walked up to meet Saint Honore street. I turned to the left to walk all the way this street  down to Madelaine temple. On the way I enjoyed window shopping at some famous brand shops. Also I admired such beautiful hotel building as seen in this photo. Its windows are accentuated by well harmonized geranium flowers in the same color, which produce an air of  grace and dignity.)

 マドレーヌ寺院はエンタシスが特徴。さすがに観光客が多い。寺院の周りの広場には明らかに移民風の女性が地べたに座って手を差し伸べている。一方で高級ブランドの店が取り囲むように並んでいる。複雑な思いがしてしまう。昔を想い出してFauchonに入ってみた。いろいろな紅茶、チョコレート、クッキーの匂いがする。昔よりも品数が増え、グッヅも増えている。日本人観光客が必ずと言っていいほど来るところである。日本人の店員がいるのをみてもわかる。ここのリンゴティーは本当に香りが良く、美味しい。お土産を買ったのはいいが、その後は重い荷をしょってのプロムナードとなってしまった。Vendome広場やOpera座へは後日行くことにして、そのままセーヌ河畔に出ることにした。コンコルド広場を横切る時に見たChamps Elysees通りの美しかったこと。歩道の汚れが見えないこの写真を撮った角度は最高であると思う。前方にEtoileが聳え、その向こうにはDefenseのGrand Arcがかすかに見える。

  (The area around Madelaine temple is crowded with many tourists. Most of the brand shops are also located to attract tourists' attention. Behind the rich side is the other side where quite a few unhappy people sitting on the street with a message in front 'I'm hungry!"  A contradiction of the society is visible there. Well I was concerned with some souvenirs from Paris to my family. I entered Fauchon store to buy tens of apple tea cans. I used to buy tea there before. Then with a heavy bags in my hands I continued to walk to the quai of the Seine through Concorde enjoying the nice view of Champs Elysees toward the Etoile and the Grand Arc in the Defense far beyond the Etoile on the way.)
どんよりした天気だったが心は晴れやか。パリに来ているんだという実感があった。コンコルド橋の袂からQuai沿いに上がり、途中からF.Roosevelt通りに入ってChamps Elyseesに抜ける。最後は凱旋門に向かってひたすらChamps Elyseesの歩道をゆっくり歩いて上がって行った。夕方のBrasserieはどこも繁盛している。みんなテラスで飲みながら会話を楽しんでいる様子である。とにかく、パリはどこのBrasserieも時間に関係なく賑わっている。一方で、小銭を乞う人が必ずいる。しかし、ここでは心に余裕のありそうな乞食を見た。毛並みの良い犬を三匹クッションの上に寝そべらせて高級ブティックの前に座っている。そして、通行人と何やら楽しそうにしゃべっている。きれいなフランス語でである。

 (It was cloudy out but fine in my heart. I assured myself I am in Paris. The promenade from the bridge Alexandre III to the Etoile through some streets in between was enjoyable. The promenade in the last part along Champs Elysees game me a different impression on the poor. I saw one man sitting by an entrance to some fashionable store with three well tamed dogs sleeping on a long coushon in front. He looks healthy and enjoys talking with a man passing by. He doesn't look poor but he put his message 'J'ai faim(I'm hungry)!" On the other hand, many brasseries with open terraces are full of people mixed with tourists and local people who might be on the way back home from their working places. I enjoy listening to their sweet-sounding French.)

J'ai faim.と書いた段ボール紙が前に
小銭を乞う女性も見かけた。さまざまである。後日、夫と歩いたオペラ座ちかくのギャラリーラファイエット前の観光客で混雑した路上には明らかに障害のある子供を横に寝かせて、訴えるような表情の両親の姿を見たが、何とも痛々しい光景であった。でも、そういう人達は放任されたままなのか疑問に思ってしまう。中東からの難民の様であった。凱旋門からはさすがにメトロに乗り、20分ぐらいでアパートに到着。7時頃であった。まだ外は明るい内であった。先に戻っていた夫から冗談交じりに「捜索願いを出そうと思っていた所?」の発言あり。 すぐに、朝仕入れた食材で夕食作り。立派な白アスパラとブロッコリー、ステーキをワインでいただいてふ~!歩きまくった一日に流石に素直な疲れが襲った。

 (I also observed a woman with a beautiful cat aside which was in a peaceful sleep. She had a message in front "J'ai faim!" Later when I walked with Masao by the department store Galerie Lafayette, we saw one couple sitting with their son,who apparently looked handicapped,lying on the street crowded with many pedestrians. It was very depressed to know this kind of problem in the society still exists in Paris. They might be some immigrants from the Middle East.
 I went back home by metro from the Etoile and it was around 7 o'clock, still light outside. Masao was already home. He joked me on my late return by saying "I was about to report to the authority so as to look for you!" I rushed to prepare dinner by using ingredients we bought this morning. Beef steak with white asparagus, broccoli and nice wine which comforted my exhaustion.)

9月13日(火)パリの朝は暗い。6時には起床してしまう私は、朝の遅い夫がアイマスクをしているのにホッとして電気を点け、昨日のメモの整理をする。今日は午後から夫はアポが重なるので、午前中に一緒に昔住んでいた所に行ってみることにした。Raspailの駅からメトロでPassyへ。Radio francaisのあるRaynourd通りを南西に下り、Fontaine通り、そしてPoussin通りへと歩く。私達の住んでいたアパートはHotel d'Auteuilの向かい側であったのですぐわかる。このホテルには当時、フレンチオープンに参加する日本女子選手が何人か泊まった所で、ウエアの洗濯を我が家でやったものである。雉牟田選手をよく覚えている。お蔭で当時は家族ぐるみで運動としてテニスをやっていたこともあり、ローランギャロスに何度行ったことだろう。まだクリスエバートやサバチーニ、マッケンロー、コナーズ、アガシー、レンドル、ビランデル、マイケルチャン、エドバーグといった相当たる選手が活躍していた頃である。ステフィーグラフが頭角を現した頃であり、伊達選手もいた。杉山選手もデビューしたころであった。松岡修三選手もいた。こういった名前が出てくるだけ、当時の私のテニスへの関心は高かったのだろう。ゴルフに移ったのは、あれから5年後、NYに転勤してからである。ローランギャロスは歩いて10分ぐらいの所だった。Porte d'Auteuilに近い所で、サッカーで燃えるParc des Princesもある。その頃はサッカーなど私は関心が無かった(夫は中学生の時、栃木県の優秀選手に選ばれたこともありサッカーで騒ぐフランス人をよく理解していた)。競馬のHippodrome d'Auteuilも隣接するブーローニュの森の中にある。場所的には大変恵まれた所であったと今になって思う。ここに25年振りに来て、当時の生活のリズムが蘇ってくる。小、中、高と三人の子供たちの様子が思い出されて感無量となる。

 (Sept.13(Tue) The morning starts late. I am an early bird in Paris as used to be. While Masao is still in bed, I sit up at table to write my diary. This morning  we decided to visit the place we used to live a quarter century ago. From Raspail to Passy by metro. From Passy we walked down along Raynourd street on which Radio francais is located, and to Fontaine street then to the rue Poussin along which our apartment was located. Across the street is Hotel d'Auteuil which Japanese tennis players participating in the French Open used to stay. During our stay in this apartment for 3 and a half years, some of them used to come to our apartment to use our washing machine for their tennis wears. Thanks to this connection, we often went to Roland Garros which is located in 15 mins.walking distance. We were lucky to be able to see those big players' matches, such as Chris Evart, Savatini, Mackenro, Coners, Agacy, Rendle, Virandel, Michel Chan, Edberg etc. We remember Matsuoka too. Date and Sugiyama were there in their early stage. We enjoyed watching so many professional games there. We also played tennis a lot whole family with friends. Parc des Princes for football games is also nearby and  so is Hippodrome d'Auteuil for horse race. Now I can see this surrounding is perfect but those days I didn't realize it enough. Then I was moved with our visit after 25 years interval which put me back to our life rhtym those days involved in our children's education. )

なつかしの35Rue Poussin

女性のコンシエルジュに昔の話をして中に入れて貰おうとした                    が今の住人に断られた。この入口の右手にガレージがあり、その

 (We visited our old place and greeted a lady concierge. We explained our life here 25 years ago. Our apartment was on the second floor having a garden made on the garage downstairs. Our guests were out in this garden for a drink before dinner. She said the second floor was divided into two apartments. We wish could have seen upstairs.)
向い合せにあるHotel d'Auteuil

 近場で昼食に入った店で食べてみたピッツァは残念ながらいただけなかった。パリでは軽食としてはやはり美味しいバゲットを使ったオープンサンドにすべきであると後悔。更に当時気がつかなかったのに今回発見したことがある一つある。Musee d'Orsayで見たArt nouveauのデザインのある家の手摺とフェンスを見つけたのである。柔らかくて優雅な曲線がいかにも女性的というのか、実際にこうして街中で見られて文化の香りが漂っていることを実感した。

 (Some of the shops in the neighborhood are the same and some are changed. The food we tried to eat in a new shop wasn't good. We regreted what we tried and I felt the quality of the restaurants in the neighborhood became unfavorable. One thing I felt happy was that I found an apartment building nearby with a decoration of Art Nouveau on handrails out on the terrace as seen in the photo below. I feel a historical taste which is elegant and dignified.)

Art nouveauのデザインをした

 (In the afternoon, we directly went to the office to meet an officer who kindly made an arrangement for Masao to have several interviews with some important people. Two of them are top leaders of Islamc society in Paris. In order to execute these interviews, English is not available. French is the language we use this time. Masao wanted to meet the Islamic top leader to get the most updated information on their activities and their discipline. Masao feels free to talk with them as a reseacher this time not as a diplomat any more. I was very much impressed with his positive attitude by using his second foreign language with a great effort to know what he is interested in. The first interview was held in the evening in the office of the big man, Mr.Hafiz, who is a vice president of the Islamic association in Paris.  He is a descendent of an immigrant from Tunisia. He was highly educated in France to become an elite lawyer.  His modest and intelectual way of talking was impressive and appreciative. He also tried to speak as clearly as possible. Masao asked about the terrorisme occurred in NY and Oslo. He calmly responded that his society is against those terrorismes which have been expanding all over the world. He touched upon the Islamic population in Europe which is increasing up to 10% which has become visual more and more. In the beginning, many immigrants from French colony were involved in the hard physical works such as mining, but now, those who make efforts can get any kind of jobs if they want. It's fair in many ways except for a few matters related to the religeon. In France they are trying to go into French society to get well along with the local people. They don't stand against the local people.  The expansion of Islamic society shouldn't frighten the people but mix well toward the peace. He is against Extremists. He put a stress on the point that they should respect different religeons. He sounds very modest and very persuasive. He aims to establish an Islamic society with no racial discrimination. An integrated society is his hope. He seems to be a moderate Moslem.)

 こうして、今回の旅は私にとっては、単なる息抜きの旅ではなく、夫の仕事を覗く機会を与えられたことで、一味違ったものとなった。昔を忍ぶだけのセンチメンタルジャーニーだけに終わらず、つまり、過去だけを見るのではなく、新しいエネルギーを感じて、まだまだ面白いことが沢山あるこれからの人生を生きるべきと考えるきっかけになったことは確かである。Edgar Quinetの友人のアパートの近くにモンパルナスの墓地がある。パリでCimetiere de Pere Lachaiseに次いで二番目に大きな墓地である。夫とそこを訪れて、大哲学者のサルトルとボーボアールのお墓を見たが、お墓ってその人にとっては何だろうと思った。きれいなお花が添えられて、結局後に生きている人達の心に何かを伝えることはあっても、中に眠る人には何の影響も与えない。生きていてこその人生だと思う。後で、夫にキリスト教とイスラム教の大きな違いは何だろうと話し合った時、前者には死後の世界があるが後者には無い。後者には現世のみがあるのではと思うようになったが、そうであると、生きている時に、無限にあるこの世の面白さを追求してこそ人生の意義があるのかもしれない。

 (In this way, for me, this vacation was not only to get a fresh air but also to assist my husband in his work. The trip gave me a chance to think about how to live from now on in the world where still exist so many interesting and precious things I don't know yet.  There is Montparnasse cemetery near from the studio where we stay along Edgar Quinet street. It is the second biggest cemetery next to Cimetiere de Pere Lachaise where Maria Callas is sleeping. We visited this cemetery and found two tomb laid next to each other. One is for the great philosopher,J.P.Sartre and the other for his eternal partner, Simon de Beauvoir(?). I wondered what is the meaning of these tombs for the dead. Two small beautiful bouquets were on the tombs devoted by somebody who wanted to show his respect toward them. The living can express their feelings, but nothing for the dead. The life is only for the living. Later we discussed about a big difference between Islamic religion and Christianity. In the former there doesn't exist the world of the dead, while in the latter it does. If so, I feel like being in the former. The meaning of the life may exist in the effort to challenge the limitless fun and interest.)

 この後、夫は又別のアポがあった為、私は帰路Salle pleyelに寄ってコンサートのチケットを求めた。パリオーケストラのシーズンが明日から始まるということで、初日はもう完売。15日のチケットをかろうじて購入出来た。グルジア出身の若い女性ピアニスト、Khatia Buniatishviliがショパンのピアノコンチェルトを演奏する。楽しみである。後ろの方のオーケストラ席で一人65€。

 (After this interview, I parted from Masao who had one more interview with a French officer. I stepped in Sall pleyel to purchase two tickets for the concert to be conducted by Paris Orchestra on Thursday. We are lucky to be in this time because the season starts tomorrow. A young pianist from Georgea, Miss Khatia is to perform the piano concerto by Chopin. I'm looking forward to it.)

9月14日(水)夫はアポの為、9時に外出。今日は男女共同参画の専門家とのインタビューとのこと。私は一人で兼ねて予定していた所を歩くことに。まず、水曜日と土曜日に開くEdgar QuinetのMarcheに行って、夜の食材の買い出しをする。天気が良くて、陽が射すと肌が痛いほどである。時間があったので、遊び心でアクセサリー売り場を覗いた。若いお兄さんが売り子できれいなフランス語を話す。言葉の練習にはこういう場が似合う。マダムにはこれが似合うとか、あれも素敵だとか、すぐ壊れない?などというと、とんでもない、しっかり出来ているとか、何個か買えば安くできる?などなど。そういえばイアリングのことをBoucle d'oreilleって言ったっけ?ぶらさがるデザインのものは Boucle d'oreille qui descendで良かったかな?やりとりが楽しめる。Bagueも遊び心溢れるのが見つかって、結局ピアスと指輪3点で10€は超安い。すぐ壊れてもいいと喜んで買った。毎日のように使っているがまだ壊れていない。素晴らしい買い物だったと満足している。

 (Sept.14(Wed) Masao left for an another appointment at 9:00. He is to have an interview with an expert on Gender Equality. I decided to walk in the area I had planned before. First, I went to the marche along Edgar Quinet street which open two times a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. I looked for some materials for dinner tonight. It was a beautiful weather with the strong sunshine. I enjoyed talking with a man who was selling small small accessories. He managed his French very softly and beautifully. I spent some time to find my taste. Finally I decided some pieces, two pairs of earings and one ring. Then I had a fun to bargain them, enjoyed exchanging the talk with him. I was very much satisfied with what I bought.)


 そうそう食材の方は魚と野菜。マルシェではまず品定めをして何を買うか決めてから列に並ぶのがマナーである。今日は、Rouget Barbetという鯛の一種を二匹、Creubets rosesという蒸したエビをdemi kiloに決めて並ぶ。魚はフィレにして貰ったが、その手さばきの美しいこと。三枚におろして、骨を取り、小骨をピンセットで巧みに素早くとっていく。プロのなせる業である。結果的にこのエビはノルウェーのベルゲンのフィッシュマーケットで買って食べたエビには負けるが(夫の評価)、私は美味しいと思った。レモン汁をかけて食べると最高である。Rougetの方は、ガーリックを利かせてソテーに。

 (As for materials for dinner, I bought some fish and vegetable. At marche, customers are walking around to look for what they want to buy first. Once they decide what to buy, they wait in a queu, which is their rule. We shouldn't cut the line. We have to be patient as we do in Japan at a bus stop. I followed their way. I checked which fish to buy. Then I wait for my turn. When it's my turn, I ask for two rougets(a kind of sea bream) and ask the seller to make them fillet. He removed all small bones as seen in the photo above. He did very well in professional way. Also I asked him to add half kilo of boiled shrimps which were taste enough, but not so good as the one in Bergen. The sea bream saute turned out to be very delicious.)                

自由の女神(statue of Liberty)

 買い出しが終わって一旦宿に戻り、Raspail地下鉄駅よりBir Hakeimへ。セーヌ河には30個ぐらいの橋がかかっているが、この橋は唯一二重構造になっていて、上側はメトロが走り、下側は車道と歩道になっている。エッフェル塔に行くにはこの駅が近い。今日は、まず、エッフェル塔と反対側に二つ目のGrenelle橋の袂にある自由の女神を見ることに。この銅像はNYの自由の女神と向かい合っている。アメリカが独立した時にフランスが贈ったという意味のある銅像である。近くで見たら意外に大きい。そして、エッフェル塔に向かってセーヌ河沿いの白鳥の小路をプロムナード。1時間ぐらいゆっくり散策。K女優さんの足跡を偲びながら。

 I went back to the studio once after grocery shopping, then went out again for sightseeing. From Raspail metro station to Bir Hakeim which is one of about 30 bridges over the Seine.
This Bir Hakeim bridge has the two stories, one down for cars and pedestrians, one above for the metro. This place leads tourists toward the Tour d'Eiffel. Here again I had the book of Mme K to refer to my walk. I spent a relaxed time taking about one hour to walk along by the quai up to the Tour d'Eiffel and further up.)

 Palais de Chaillot(Torocadero)~Iena橋~Tour d'Eiffel~Ecole militaireを結ぶ一直線の景観は何度みても見事である。エッフェル塔は相当な鉄の量を使っているそうで、今の技術ならこの何十分の一で済むとのこと。重みはさることながらレース状のデザインが美しい。全体の優雅な形がこの鉄のレースで更に優雅な美しさとなっている。ハンガリーのブダペストで見たあのダニューヴ川にかかる橋もEiffel氏の作品だそうだ。白亜の宮殿が向こうにあり、夜、ライトアップされたタイミングで車で渡ったあのチェーンブリッジである。あの時は宮殿が幻のように目の前に浮かび、感動したものである。昼間のエッフェル塔は観光客が一杯である。しかし、この塔の脚の向こうにあるParc du Champ-de-Marsは美しく後方に伸び、士官学校へと続く。

 The grand view of the straight line with Palais de Chaillot-Iena bridge-Tour d'Eiffel-Ecole militaire on is always great! It's said that the quantity of the iron material used for this Tour is enormous. If it had been constructed with today's technology, the quantity must have been reduced to less than 10%. However, the elegant lace-like design is beautiful. The construction of powerful weight looks very impressive mixed with such an elegant design. The lace made from iron is just the simbol of French culture. The bridge over the Danube in Budapest which we saw before is also the work of Eiffel. I can see the similarity. I still remember that very impressive chain bridge. It was lit up at night time and the white castle beyond the bridge on the hill looked dreamlike and mysterious. Parc du Champ-de-Mars is full of tourists with lots of noise, but the view under through the tour expands far away in a perspective and dynamic way toward the ecole militaire.)


 (I walked further up to the bridge AlexandreIII which is the most gorgeous bridge. On the way I happened to step into an exhibition of photos by modern artists with lots of unique and elaborate ideas and technique.
Among them was Mr.Okahara's work who has been quite active in Paris according to a lady in charge who kindly explained about this exhibition. She touched on the great disaster in North-East Japan and she said she could feel some patience kept quiet in Japanese people's heart.)

 AlexandreIII橋の右岸はGrand Palaisであり、左岸はInvalidesでこ

 (The view of the bridge AlexandreIII is another big panorama with Grand Palais on the right and Invalides on the left. In the dome church is laid in state Napoleon. It's the view to pay homage to him. This bridge was constructed at the time when France welcomed the Russian emperor. Now I can understand that gorgeousness.)

さて、ここからInvalidesの方向に向かい、敷地を左に迂回する形で進むとロダン美術館がある。ここには後で夫と来ることになっているので今日は、その前を通って、世界で一番古いという老舗のデパートLe bon marcheに行った。NYでは世界で一番大きいと言われているデパート、Macyに行って、確かにそのスケールの大きさと品物の豊富さに驚いた。パリでは世界で一番古いというデパートが見たいと思っていた。25年前来たかどうか定かではない。多分今回初めてだと思う。当時、日本からのVIPをショッピングに案内しながらサンジェルマン界隈を回ったことがあったが、ボンマルシェにお連れした記憶は無い。今回は又女優Kさんのエッセイを読んで、是非と思っていた。確かに、時代に合わせて内装を考え、改装もしている。中は大変モダンである。そして、洋服など、かなり高級品が並んでいる。日本の著名なデザイナーのものも売っていた。お土産には手が出ないと思った。しかし、中が吹き抜けになっているところは見通しが良く、あか抜けている。あちこちにソファーが置いてある。高級感とスマート感がある。旅行のお土産を探すような所では無いことがわかった。

( From that bridge I walked down to the Invalides then walked along outside the premise on the left to hit Rodin museum which I will visit with Masao later. Today I just passed it and went to Le bon marche, the oldest department store in the world.. I asked its location to many people on the way. In March this year when we visited NYC, we went to Macy department store which is the largest in the world. Now I'm in the oldest department. It's surely old but it has been renewd to respond the taste of the time and it looks very modren and sophisticated. The goods are well displayed in big quantity. The quality of the merchandises is in high class. I wasn't sure if I had been there last time when we were posted in Paris 25 years ago. I wanted to visit this store according to Mme K's recommendation in her book. I didn't buy anything but I enjoyed beeing in there.)
Au Bon Marcheと書かれた玄関
Bon Marcheの中
パリの市街には販売機は無い。どぎつい色のVending machineはどこにも無い。
道の反対側にはLe Bon Marcheと書かれたビルがあり、多分それが元の店舗なのだろう。

Two people playing the flutes
in the subway
 (There was a corner with one vending machine of water bottles installed. We cannot find any vending machine in the city of Paris. There doesn't exist any convenience store. That's why, I think, many brasseries in the city are always busy. This is a difference in culture.

When they get thirsty, they sit on some brasserie terrace and get a rest with a drink. Having a rest they enjoy a talk. With a cup of coffee, they enjoy spending a time. That's the way they do.  )

 2時までに帰宅の約束をしていたのでSeveres Babylons駅からメトロに。パリの情景を語る時、必ず出てくるのがメトロでの素人音楽人である。車両の中に入って歌を歌ったり、楽器を弾いたり様々であるが、皆小銭を稼ぐためである。詩を朗読する人もある。サポートして下さいと訴える人も。メトロ駅の通路でやっている人達はレベルが高いそうである。ひどいのは当局がやらせないとか。確かに、自分のCDなど積み上げてパフォーマンスしている。バイオリン、笛、が多い。この人達は実力派であり、ここからデビューしていく人もあるとか。バイオリンのケースの中にはコインが溜まっていく筈だが・・・それより自分の実力を理解して欲しいということなのかも知れない。

 (I promissed to be back by 2:00, so I was in a hurry to get on the subway at Severes Babylons near from the department. Here again, I saw two men playing the flutes. They looked Spanish. When we describe some unique aspects found in the subway, we cannot miss pointing out many private concerts being conducted in the trains and on the platforms or in the corridors connecting subway lines. Some of them are very good. They need not only some coins but also people's support and understanding to get positive encouragement in their performances. Some of them have their own CDs laid in front for sale. )

 帰宅したら夫はすでに待機していて、4時のアポに遅れるといけないからすぐ出るという。行先はパリ市から北の郊外。Sait Denisである。昨日に続いて、イスラム組織のトップのHajiに面会することになっている。この方もフランス語でということであった。私も一緒に出かけた。

 (Masao was waiting for me when I got home. We left right away for Saint Denis in the suburbs of Paris in the north to see another big man in the Islamic society in France. This Haji also requires French language in the interview. This time again I was lucky to accompany my husband to have another interesting experience.)

 Raspail→Place d'Italie→La courneuve le 8 mais 1945という独立した年月日入りの名前のついたメトロ7号線の終点駅まで。そこからバス(Tram)で二駅。更に歩いて15分。人に尋ねながら目的地に丁度4時到着。何か治安のあまり良くない所なので、タクシーで行くことを勧められていたが、私達はあえてこの方法を取り、地元の雰囲気を肌で感じることを心がけた。目的地はモスクであったが、いわゆるモスクの外観をしていない。学校の体育館のような所であった。途中、信号待ちの所では、後進国で見かけるように、子供が止まっている車にやってきて、窓ガラスを拭かしてくれと頼む。小遣い稼ぎである。後で帰国する時、空港バスがここを通った際、改めてホームレスのテントが続く一角があることに気が付いた。そういう場所であったのである。

( In order to go to Saint Denis which seems to have a little security problem, we were brave enough to take subway all the way to La courneuve le 8 mais which is the name of metro station after the date of the independence. Then we took a bus(tramway) to the second stop to be followed by a walk for a quarter minutes. We had a difficulty to find out our destination on the way. On the way we witnessed a boy approaching to a car stopped at the trafic lights. He wanted to wipe the front glass for a coin, which we often observe in some developing countries.  We were recommended to take a taxi from Paris, but we wanted to take public transportation so that we could feel the atmosphere in the district. The people we asked our direction on the way were kind enough and we were able to reach our destination which is a mosque. This mosque, however, doesn't look like an ordinary mosque but just like a gym of some school.
Later when we were on the airport bus from Montparnasse to the Ch.De.Gaulle, we happened to see an area for homeless people with tents. It was in such an area.)

 初めてお会いする人との面会はやはり不安もある。でも、このHajiもなかなかの紳士で、落ち着いて対処してくれた。マスコミ的に情報を取りにきたのではないことを確かめたかったのだろう。En cadre de recherche?と念をおされて質問されて強烈な印象を受けた。昨日同様、約1時間半にわたっての談義で、夫も精力的によくフランス語で頑張って話が出来ると感心してしまう。内容は昨日と同じようであり、反応も同じようであった。穏健で好印象を持った。東京のイスラム協会の人は自分の友人でよく知っているとのことで親しみが感じられた。息子さんは今中国に行っているとも。

 (I was a bit nervous but also anxious about this kind of special interview. This big man, Haji, was also a gentleman. He was calm and kind to welcome us. After our greetings, Masao started explaining about why he wanted to meet him and raised his questions on the updated information on the Islamic activity. This man was careful enough to make sure my husband was here not for mass media but for his own research work  Just like yesterday, Masao was very concentrated on the subject to ask about. This gentleman gave us the same impression as the one we got yesterday. Moderate, modest, soft and kind. What they seek for is the integration. He doesn't agree with extremists. Why do we think that they are trying to expand their phylosophy, principle and belief?  He informed us of his friend who is stationed in Tokyo for his duty in Tokyo chapter of Islamic association. He started as a leader of his Islamic association and ended up as an ordinary father whose son is now in China on his business. )


 (We took the same route to go back home safely. It was around 7:00. I started preparing dinner.)

9月15日(木)今日は夫がフリーの日ということで夫の希望でブローニュの北の外れにあるBagatelle公園に行き、昼はこれまた夫が忘れられない南仏の田舎料理であるCassouletという鍋料理を出すお店を探して行くこと、更に、ロダン美術館に行くという目標で一日が始まった。そして最後はSalle playelでの8時からのコンサートが待っている。

 (Sept.15(Thurs) Since my husband has no appointment today, we went to Bagatelle Park located in the north of Boulogne. This is one of the places he wanted to visit to recall the time we used to take our children there. Then we planned to look for the restaurant where they offer a special French country food called cassoulet. He looked for a restaurant where this cuisine is available through Internet. We found out the location and the telephone number of the restaurant through Internet. Then we will go to Rodin museum. Then we will end up with the concert at Salle playel.)

 Raspail→Etoile→Porte maillot→Bagatelleとメトロとバスを使ってJardin de Bagatelleへ。この公園には子供たちを日曜などに連れてきて思いっきり運動させたところの筈であるが、記憶はもう一つ。夫に呆れられてしまう。何せ広い芝生のスペースのある公園で中に有料の庭があり美しい花壇や憩の場所もある。クジャクが仲睦まじく何カップルも生息しているところとして知られている。野鳥は余りみかけない。カケスの大型の鳥が目に付いただけ。薔薇の季節であればさぞ美しいであろうにと話しながら一時間ぐらい散策。人影も殆どない、静かな空気が漂っていた。
 帰路はBagatelle→バスでPoint de Neuilly→Etoile→Trocaderoまで乗り物で移動し、TrocaderoからはTour d'Eiffelの近くにあるというCassouletを出すレストランへもう一度エッフェル塔のある景観を愛でながら歩き続ける。このレストランは今朝、出かける前にインターネットで探し、電話をして確認しておいた所である。46Ave.De la BourdonnaisにあるAu petit Sud Ouestというレストランである。好天気に恵まれ、沢山の観光客で賑わう中を泳いでやっと目的のレストランを探し当てた。もう午後の2時を回っている。嬉々とした夫の目は輝きを増す。お腹も十分空いている。目標を決めてそれを達成するということ。その達成感が人間を成長させる。そこに違いが出てくるなどと夫に言われて妙に納得。レストランの雰囲気も気に入り、夫は次のランドマークが出来たと喜ぶ。

 (Raspail→Etoile→Porte maillot→Bagatelle by using subway and tram. Masao told me that we used to take our children here to let them play on Sundays. But I don't remember well, which disappointed him. There is a huge flower garden and trees aside. We entered this garden and enjoyed watching some couples of peacocks having a peaceful time. Actually this garden is famous for the flocks of peacocks. The garden was almost empty without people and the roses were off season. It was a rather lonely garden but very quiet and peaceful this time. The way back was Bagatelle→Point de Neuilly→Etoile→Trocadero. From Trocadero we walked all the way through to the restaurant named Au petit Sud Ouest, located at 46 Ave.De la Bourdonnai. Under such a beautiful weather, we walked through the crowd of tourists around the Tour d'Eiffel. It was after 2:00 when finally we found the restaurant. Masao's eyes are full of joy and satisfaction. We were very hungry after hard walking. The restaurant was comfortable with a good taste of interior decoration. Masao couldn't hide his joyful feeling for his success to find out this place. This place  will be a new landmark for us. That's what he said with joy.)


 キールを注文し、躊躇なくCassouletをオーダー。 その前に 
Salade verte と Salade tomatoを注文。どんどん追加してくれる

( We ordered a glass of kile and salami as an appetizer. Then green salad and tomato salad. Cassoulet was our main dish which Masao ordered right away without hesitation.  Some sliced bread were already served with a toaster aside. We were so hungry that we started toasting some bread in front of us and we dipped it in the olive oil for better taste. Actually it was very delicious. Our stomachs were half filled with the toasted bread. And the drink, kile, began to activate. When the dish cassoulet was brought in, Masao shouted for joy "This is it!" For me, it was for the first time and it's kind of challenging for me. Redish beens were for long hours cooked with duck leg meat and fat sausages. They must have been very well done. They are very soft.  It seems this dish is a high cholestrol deposit. The casserole which looked so small at first has a big quantity and I was afraid we wouldn't never finish it.  The more we ate, the bigger seemed the casserole. Even Masao who was so happy to taste in the beginning, was loosing his speed to eat with his eyes unstablly going around and with his unusual red face.  Ovbiously he was full enough and seemed to stop. But we felt responsable for what we ordered. Anyhow we finished and left the restaurant. Then he ended up on a bench along the street for rest. He felt sick becuase of that kile and too much eating. Well, he should be satisfied with the cassoulet which he had such a strong desire to eat.)

 昔パリに在勤した折、家族が子供たちの学校の関係で日本に帰ってしまったことがある。その時は夫は8か月単身赴任の身となった。その時、休みを利用して南仏でホームステイの経験をした。その時にお世話になった家で作ってくれたのがCassouletであり、忘れられない料理となったようである。今回パリに来て、あの時の感動をもう一度と思ったのであろう。昔を語りながら嬉々として食べ始まっていた筈の夫がいつの間にか大人しくなっていた。レストランを一人でテキパキきりもりしている奥さんに南仏で初めて食べたことや、Cassouletを郷土料理にしている町の名前が想い出せなくて聞いてみたり、最初はたのしそうだったのだが。顔が赤くなってきている。胃袋がアップアップ状態のよう。キールが効いたらしい。そして、空き腹で勢いよくいただいた大量のトーストが効いている。私の方は、大量ながら何とか問題なく食べ干した。でも、最後は正直too much!

 (During our station in Paris a quarter century ago, Masao was alone for 8 months without his family who were back in Japan for their school. He dared to experience a home stay for his vacation in the south. There, his host family prepared the dish "cassoulet" which gave to Masao a strong impression and he loved it very much. Since then he has kept this dish in his mind. He must have wanted to experience the same excitment. He was so happy when he found a restaurant where this dish is available. When we were tasting this cassoulet, he was so happy that he couldn't resist talking to the madam about his fairst meeting with the cassoulet dish in the provance long time ago. As he ate, he felt full in his stomach before finishing it. Too much toast and kile worked aginst his intension. I also felt too much.) 


 (The first one bite was very tasty. But too much cholesterol badly worked. It was bit too salty. I was worried about our health. Complaining his stomach, Masao lay down on a bench for a while. After that he kept quiet and no more talk about cassoulet. However, after coming back to Japan, Masao researched the recipe for cassoulet on internet and he made it by himself. What he ate in Paris this time may not have been the one he looked for. His tenacious feeling for the cassoulet in his mind might have enforced him to cook by himself. He used Japanese white beans, many kinds of vegetable of which he extracted the delicate juice and port meat as well as chicken meat. Of course frankfurt sausage, dried bonito too. He cooked them for 3 to 4 hours. It was amazingly done. It turned to be very very delicious. More than successful. I was really impressed by his way of pursuing what he wants. Once he decideds to do something, he really does. He never gives up. One thing, I don't think he will make the same good one next time as he did this time.)
 ベンチで小休止してから、両替の必要性に気づき、2,3の銀行に行ったが、これはBanque postaleに行くのが正解。丁度ロダン美術館へ向かう途中、Ecole Militaire通りに大きな郵便局を探し当て、無事、ユーロに両替出来た。そして何度も行ったロダン美術館へ。途中のpromenadeもPlace des Invalidesを左側に沿って行くのだがこのルートも又格別である。今まではいつも車で出かけていたので、こうしてゆっくり歩きで目的地に向かうのも回りを観察出来て楽しい。

 (After having a rest on a bech, we looked for a bank where we could exchange our money. We found out Banque postale was the best. It was along the Ecole militaire street on the way to Rodin museum. The promenade around Place des Invalides was good. )

赤いバラが印象的だった。(a shot from
the best angle. The red rose in the center
up in the air is very impressive.)

 (Until 6 o'clock, closing time, we spent 2 hours which was enough to look around in the museum. I like the best these white marble sculptures. Thses soft expressions in shade off methode on the marble attract my heart. )

 情緒があり、カレー市民やバルザック像、地獄の門などのブロンズ像と又異なる。 右の大理石の彫刻には手の柔らかい、いかにも優しそうな血の通った生きた手の表情がある。これらの作品はむしろ無造作に展示されている感があり、思わず触りたくなる。

( They have emotion. This marble sculpture in the photo above makes me feel the elegance of the hands with warm blood open to us. These sculptures are displayed with ease, simple way. I prefer these ones to the big bronze sculptures displyed outside such as Balzac, Hell Gate.)

Adam and Eve


 (In this museum are also desplayed the works by Camille who had been Rodin's everlasting partner such as Rodin's portrait she herself engraved. The building is the place where Rodin lived under the condition that all the works by Rodin would be donated to the state of France after his death. It is one of the mansions built in 18th century. In shis museum as well as in Louvre which we visited later, we don't refrain from photo taking but without flushing.)

 8時からのコンサートにはまだ1時間半はある。昼間のジーンズ姿は好ましくないので、急いで一度宿に帰った。メトロで30分。夕食を取るには昼間のCassouletがまだアップアップしていて早すぎる。そのまま着替えて又メトロでEtoileまで行く。Ave.Hocheを下り、St.Honoreで左折するとSalle pleyelがある。丁度10分前に到着。

 (We still had  more than one and half an hour before 8:00 when the concert would start. We decided to go back home once to change our clothes from jeans to proper attire adequate to the concert. No need to have dinner, since our stomachs were still occupied with that cassoulet. We took subway to go back and forth. We found ourselves in the salle playel concert hall just 10 minutes before 8:00.)
 今回のプログラムは昨日と今日の二回が今シーズンのパリ・オーケストラのオープニングということでロマン派の作曲家をパリ・オーケストラの指揮者Paavo Jarvi氏が選んで指揮した。今晩はベルリオーズのLe Corsaire, ouverture, op 21 /ショパンのConcerto pour piano No 2 /ベートーベンのSymphonie No 5。ベルリオーズは出だしが意表をつく。速いメロディーとそれを奏でるテクニックを持つパリ・オーケストラの実力に圧倒された。オーケストラのマスターバイオリニストは日本人?他にも、日本人演奏者が居た。グルジア人のKhatia Buniatishviliはまだ24歳という若手ピアニスト。彼女のなめらかで、且つエネルギッシュな演奏は若さが溢れている。容姿にも華がある。昨日はポーランド人の若手、というよりわずか16歳というJan Lisieckiが演奏したようだが、この若手ピアニストを指揮者が抜擢したということである。ショパンの世界にひたり、ベートーベンの世界にひたり(No5は一寸重すぎる!やっぱりモーツアルトがいいと夫のコメントがあった)、終わりに、アンコールの拍手が止まない中、彼女はリストの愛の夢を弾いてくれた。もう自分がその世界に浸って心の赴くままというか、うっとり聴かされた。昔、長女がよく練習して弾いていたことを想い出しながら。

 (The opening of the season by Pari Orchestre started yesterday but today is also another day for that. The program was planned by the conductor, Mr. Paavo Jarvi. He chose some pieces by three composers in the romantic school.  They are Le Corsaire, ouverture,op21 by Berlioz, Concerto pour piano No2 and Simphonie No5 by Beethoven. We were very much impressed by the quick and strong pitch of Le Corsaire which I listened for the first time. The delicate and speedy melody performed by the Paris Orchestre with such a high technique just overwelmed us. We notice a few Japanese violinists in there. The pianist was Khatia, a young Georgia, who performed very well. Her technique produced an accurate and delicate air, full of young spirit. She was attractive as well. Yesterday's pianist was 16 years old Polish boy, Jan Lisiecki, who seemed also to overwelme the audience. they were picked up the conductor. We were in the world of Shopin and Beethoven. (According to Masao, these are bit heavy. He preferes Mozart. ) The pianiso received a big applause which induced her to play another piece "Love dream" by Listz, which reminded me of Tomoko who used to play this piece a lot in front of our dinner guests when we were still on duty outside Japan. )

 半年前にはニューヨークのリンカーンセンターでロメオとジュリエットを鑑賞した。あの時は韓国人の歌姫のパフォーマンスに聴きほれ、見惚れた。今やアジア人も世界を舞台に大活躍である。ベルリンの常任指揮者になった佐渡氏もパリ・オーケストラを指揮する筈である。音楽もスポーツも壁が無くて世界を舞台に活躍出来るのは本当に素晴らしい。こんなことを思いながら会場を後にした。外に出てみると、St.Honoreの通りはまだ明るい。Brasserieに寄ってテイクアウトのピザを作って貰った。これは先にPorte d'Auteuilで食べたのとは大違い。実に美味しかった。

( Half a year ago, we observed "Romeo et Juliette" in Lincoln center in NYC. A Korean primadonna in that opera impressed us a lot at that time. Now we are in the time when many Asians are active and show up on the international stages. Mr, Sado, Japanese conductor for Berlin Orchestre, is to conduct Pari Orchestre some time. It is wonderful for sports and music players to be able to come up to show their ability anytime anywhere.  With that feeling we went out of the hall. On the way we got a take-away pizza at a brasserie which was very tasty unlike the one we tried at Porte d'Auteuil.) 

9月16日(金)今日はランチタイムを茂子さんと一緒に過ごすことになっている。その前に、夫はアポの為、9時に出ていき、私は片付け、整理、洗濯、メモ取りなどで(明後日には帰国の途につくことを考えながら) 午前中は在宅。12時にEtoileで茂子さんと待ち合わせていたので、11時半前に家を出た。外は曇り空。傘は持っているのに、肝心の時に持たずで後悔。Etoile についたら少し雨模様となっていた。殆ど同時に彼女も到着。夫が来るまで、バス停のベンチで待つことに。おしゃべりが弾む。パリにもう1か月は、いや、もっと長く居る感じがする。すっかり中に溶け込んだというのか、後ろを見ないで今にどっぷり浸かっているというのか、前を見ないで向う見ずに歩いているというのか。それはどうであれ、茂子さんのおかげで、今回のパリ滞在がこんなにComfortableでMeaningfulなものになっのだから彼女に感謝せざるを得ない。少し遅れて合流した夫も同じ気持ちであった。

 (Sept.16(Fri) We are to have lunch together with Shigeko-san today. Masao had one more engagement in the morning. I stayed at home to clean the studio to prepare for return trip. Therefore we are to meet each other at noon at Etoile. It was cloudy. When I arrived at Etoile, it was drizzling, then Shegeko-san also showed up. we sit at bus stop to wait for Masao. We just talked to each other. I felt like I have been in Paris for one monthe or so. That much I have been involved in the life in Paris. Thanks to her kindness, our stay in Paris turned to be so comfortable and meaningful. I really appreciate her generosity and kindness. Masao came up to join us half an hour later.)

Le Mareeレストランでご一緒に昼食
  再びAve.HocheをNo10の前を通りながら下がり、St.Honoreよりもう一つ下の通りを左折してレストランLe Mareeへ。12時半という時間は昼食にはまだ早いのだろう、お客は私達だけであった。かえって一番好きな席を取ることが出来た。ゆったりした気持ちで会話を楽しみながらメニューを眺める。時間をかけて注文した頃にやっと人が入り始めた。グッドタイミングであった。

 (We waled down along Ave.Hoche, turned to the left and one more left turn led us to the restaurant Le Maree. According to the French standard, the time 12:30 was early for lunch. It is after 1:00 when it gets busy. Therefore it was good for us to sit first and take our time to order. When our choice was ready, more people came in one after another. )


 (Back in May this year, I met Shigeko-san in Tokyo. She looked straight in good shape as used to. This time she was in an orange coat and in a black skirt with a pair of high heels on. She came out from the western suburb to meet us inspite of her difficult time in caring her grand son who has been suffering from the leukemia. He is only 3 years old. We talked a lot about our experiences this time in Paris. We exchanged our views and impressions on French culture. Masao pointed out that Paris looks like NY in Europe having many kinds of races. The quality of French culture has been changing. Of course we told her about our interview with two big Islamic people. She agrees with our comments that the Islamic community in Paris has become more visual. She thanked us for our hospitality with lots of laugh and talks on many kinds of subjects. She said her mind was away from her worry about her grandson's disease for a few hours, which was good. We parted from her after 3 o'clock hoping that we would see each other soon.)

 今度はお土産算段でギャラリー・ラファイエットへ。観光客でごった返している。店の前の歩道に古いピアノを引っ張り出してがんがん演奏する人もいれば、例のNous avons faim!と書いた紙を前に置いて頭を下げて座り込んでいる子供連れの両親、お土産物を一杯吊り下げ、並べたキオスク。人も音もごった返しているが賑やかである。そのデパートに入ると、観光客が一杯買い物袋を提げて右往左往している。そんな中で、中国人の団体も目立つ。疲れて、ロビーにお尻から座っている人も。さまざまである。デパートの向かい側にはちゃんと両替場所もある。自国の通貨さえ持っていれば買い物は出来るようになっているのだ。

 (After the lunch, we went to the downtown for souvenir shopping. Many tourists filled up the street in front of the department, Gallery Lafayette. The street was all mixed up with venders of many kinds of souvenirs, some music performers and the poor sittng on the street with a message "Nouw avons faim!"in front. A man playing the piano which looked century old was impressive. He looked so confident and satisfied with his performance. The department was full of tourists watching around with many shopping bags. A group of Chinese was very cheerful and noisy. Some of them were so tired that they couldn't help sitting on the floor. There was a big exchange office across the street. I found out that as long as we have our own currency, we can exchange it without any complicated procedure.)


 (We were able to find what we wanted there anyway. We walked to the Notre Dame which also invited many trourists.Masao wanted to observe carefully the wooden gate with arabesque pattern on it. With the strong backbone Gothic architecture of the church in the back, a man(or woman) was standing still on a stool in all white. I got interested in approaching neaby to see if it was a man or a woman or a statue. There was a small can in front for coins. I threw in some into it without a second thought. Then the pantomimist suddenly moved and opened his arms to hug me. His movement was very soft and gentle. Masao noticed this happening and he took a photo of us(see the photo above). This reminded me of our visit to Trocadero where a man was sitting still on a stone. He was wearing business suit in all white from the top of the head to the feet. His pose was like Rodin's thinker. Everybody seemed to enjoy his own idea and life style here in Paris.)


 (Cite Island is connected with Sait Luis Islans by a short bridge. Mme K's mansion is located in this island,  small and this is the cradle of the history of Paris. The high class mansions built in the 17th and 18th century are still kept and people live in them. Mme K's mansion is one of those and it was built 370 years ago. But these mansions were out of our sight since it was already dark out and we only walked down to enjoy window shopping along the main street. The shops all looked small and lovely. On the way we found the well known icecream shop called Berthillon which allowed us to step in just before the closing time, 20 o'clock. One icecream cost 5€. ) 


 (At the lunch with Shigeko-san, I had fresh oysters while she had a big salmon dish and my husband had veal meat. As those big taste still remains in our stomach, we returned home in a good mood full of beautiful night view of Paris. It was after 10 o'clock when we got home. Then I made a small dish using all the materials left in the refrigerator. )

 9月17日(土)夫はアポが全部終わってホッとしたのか外出する気は無さそうだったので、私は一人で最後にもう一度行き残した場所に向かった。行き先はSaint German Des Pres。まず教会の中に入り、見学。小さな教会だが、ここの鐘楼はパリで最古のもので11世紀初期に作られたそうだ。ロマネスク様式の建物で質素である。この教会を中心に活気あふれる街が栄えた。ミッシェル通りを挟んで、西側が例のサルトルやボーボワールの実存主義者達が議論に明け暮れた界隈であり、東側がソルボンヌ大学を中心にカルチエラタンが開ける学生の街。今回、ソルボンヌ大学の方向に行くことにし、途中、チュイルリー公園の中を横切って散策。ここは東京なら皇居前みたいな感じで、朝のジョギングが盛大に行われている。公園のフェンスづたいに一周している風である。さっそうと走る人は余りいない。それぞれのペースで、ドタドタと走っている感じである。公園の中はベゴニアとか、バラの花壇が清楚に管理されている。正面入口には、年に一回しか公開されないらしい文化遺産を見ようと長蛇の列が作られていた。いづこも同じである。

 (Sept.17(Sat) Masao wanted to stay at studio with no more appointments left. I decided to go out to head for some places I planned to visit this time. My destination was Saint German Des Pres. I entered the church for the first time as a tourist. It is a very small church but its name is big. It has the oldest chapel built in the beginning of 11th century. The Romanesqu architecture gives a humble impression. This church inspired the surrounding to establish an active town. On the west side of the avenue of Michelle is the area where Sartre, Beauvoir and their friends used to assemble to discuss, while the east side of the avenue has been developed as a town for students with Sorbonne as its center. I kept walking until I reached to the university passing through the parc of Tuilerie. This area seems like the front park of the Imperial palace in Tokyo. Many citizens were jogging along the fence all around. They do jogging in their own style. The park is well taken care with lots of flowers such as roses and begonias. In front of the main gate of the park, there was a long queue for the opening of the world heritage for the public which occures once a year.This is the phenomenon we observe everywhere.)

 昔の記憶が呼び戻せないまま、やっとたどり着いたソルボンヌの校舎はつかみどころがない。あちこち歩き回ったが私が2セメスター通った校舎はどこにあったか思い出せない。情けない話である。どこかに仕舞い込んである修了証書を見ればアドレスが書いてある筈である。何せCours de Civilisation Francaise de la Sorbonneという講座は6か所ぐらいでやっているのだから。それにしても記憶とは恐ろしいものである。覚えていること、記憶から遠ざかったこと、どこに区切りがあるのか。突然思い出してくることもある。生憎、土曜日であったので事務局はお休みであった。

 (I tried to remember the university building I used to commute for two semesters back in 1987 but in vain. It's depressing. The certificate I received from the university should be kept somewhere in the apartment in Tama. If  I could find it, the address of the authority could be found out. In those days, the course of Civilisation Francaise de la Sorbonne was conducted in 6 different buildings. I was very depressed with my poor memory. Unfortunately it was Saturday and the office was closed. There was nobody who could help me.)


 (Once I returned home. Then in the afternoon I went out again with my husband for the last walk in Paris. We went to the Louvre. I have been there many times before but each time we only guided our house guests for a few hours. This time I just followed Masao who had a target.)


 (I have never spent such a long time to see carefully all those Greek, Roman sculptures. It's an effective  way to focus on the items in particular. We found the display of Hummrabi Code which was made in the era of  Mesopotamian civilisation. It's incredible to translate cuneiform into French or English. The superwork by human beings is well kept tight. We enjoyed seeing all those statues such as Venus of Milo, well balanced beautiful sculpture, Antonio, Emperor in Roman era,with a roll of document in arm, and many big and powerful marble sculptures. Works by Michelangelo in the era of Florens Renaissance were there in front of us. We didn't miss Monalisa and that huge painting entitled Enthronement of Napoleon.)

 (Walking and standing in the museum make us tired. But our desire to see as many objects as possible comes from nothing but our avarice. In order to appreciate art works, it should be focused on something in partcular, then taking a time we carefully see those. And we should repeat it. Without some knowledge we cannot uderstand. More understanding makes us feel more interested in what our ancesters had done. There should exist many interesting things in the life which could be better understood  with more knowledge and experiences. That's what Masao is used to say, which persuades me this time. The more we study, the deeper we know the meaning and we feel more interested in knowing.)

 7時半にモンパルナスのバス停に辿りついたら丁度シャルル・ド・ゴール行きが出発するところであった。予定通りに飛行場での時間を有効に使い、途中からそれぞれのターミナルに。チェックインは自分で。夫はSK。私はAF。日本時間の朝9時~10時に成田にどちらも到着する筈である。ここで一人旅というのもスリルがあって面白い。 夫はコペンハーゲン経由、私はアムステルダム、スキポール空港経由。パリでは出国審査をしないので、この経由地で行う。飛行場で最後の€を使い

 (Sept 18(Sun) It's finally the day we have to leave for Japan. Our flight are different, but we will arrive at Narita about the same time. My husband will transit at Copenhagen and I will at Amsteredome where I will use up my € money. On the flight I had a review of my stay in Paris and got to be ready to start again my life in Nikko but with more knowledge and refreshed feeling. As arrival time at Narita will be in the morning, I need to sleep well on board. Good night!)

 (Two weeks after we came back home, I got finally finished with my work on blog. There are more to write down but this blog would be enough to keep my memory. I will sometimes read it so as not to forget my special and precious experiences. Above all, I will not forget my excitement and impression I got during my trip this time. First of all I would like to thank Masako-san for her kind taking care of Mi-chan, our dear old cat and two small fish.)


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