

世界平和女性連合の活動 Activity of WFWP (Women's Federation for the world peace)

4月25日 貴重な集まりに夫婦で出席。数年前からWFWP(世界平和女性連合という世界規模の組織で、国連のNGOとして認可されている)栃木支部とはご縁があって、女子留学生日本語弁論大会の審査員の一人として接触はあった。今回夫と一緒にその春の集いに参加。栃木支部の議長と東京の本部からの会長のお二人のスピーチは力強く、説得力があった。WFWPの活動目的、趣旨説明はプロジェクターを用いて調査結果など具体的数字に基づいてなされ、今の女子学生のモラル低下の現状が切実であることを訴える。自己抑制教育が必至であり、小学生の段階からの啓発活動を行っている様子を知ってその使命をもった勇敢な姿に感動。
April 25th. We were in the 22th general meeting. I have been involved in one of the activities initiated by WFWP(Women's Federation for the world peace) as one of the judges of Japanese speech contest by foreign women university students. This organization is acknowledged as one of the United Nations NGO. We were very much impressed by the speeches given by two ladies, the chairperson of Tochigi chapter and the president of WFWP Japan. The target of their activity based on their strong belief for establishment of the world peace initiated by women was well explained enough to persuade the floor by using a projector with detailed figures on taken from their research. The present situation young girls stand on is getting worse from the moral view point, which has become very serious now. Self-control education is inevitable. They are now bravely involved in such a dispensable activity to enlighten the young girls whose ages are becoming younger and younger down to the primary school level.
 As for oversea's support activities, 8 subjects have been raised up for the United Nations's Millennium Development Target. Antipoverty, Anti-starvation, Elementary education, Death rate of infants to be decreased, Sanitation of pregnant women, Measurement against HIV, AIDS, Sustainable environment, Promotion of global partnership. Aiming at the global family, we have to take action from our side in order to overcome the difference of religions, customs and to open heart. Enormous energy must be required. It could be done only with strong belief. Many young women have been dispatched overseas to support and enlighten the local women. There is one case where a daughter who admires her mother's action follows what her mother has done for the sake of women's development and enlightenment. Basically they are all volunteers, so that they need funds to carry out their projects. Japan is not fund-oriented society yet, which gives them a lot of headaches.
After those serious and passionate speeches, a relaxing and friendship session was prepared. One senior lady who is 90 years old took initiative to lead us to do a simple rhythm exercise. She is in so good shape not only physically but also mentally. She is an amazing lady. She is in charge of culture activity in Tochigi chapter.  Everybody happily got an extra energy just before going back home.

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