

絶好の秋日和  A Beautiful Autumn day

11月21日 早朝の我が家の裏庭を見て余りの美しさに感動。朝日に照らされ始めた風景の色のコントラストは神様にしか出来ない美しさ。紅葉が朝日で一層輝き、庭一面の霜が又朝日にぴかぴか輝く。そしてそれらを天高く青い空が覆っている。ここで一句思いつきました。「紅葉が霜と輝く青い空」 
   The first thing I was so moved with this early morning was the beauty of our back yard. This beautiful scenery cannot be created by humans but the God. The maple leaves in red color was reflecting the morning sunshine and the yard was slightly twinkling with frost on it. And they were all protected and encouraged by the blur autumn sky. Instantly I got a Haiku in my mind.
"Autumn color is brightening with twinkling frost under the blue sky"

そしてこの日は 恒例の日光そばまつりがスタート。秋晴れの好天
  An annual event called "Soba Festival in Nikko" started today under such a gorgeous autumn weather. A women's choir group which I belong to was invited to perform on a temporary stage and we sang 5 songs with such a comfortable feeling. Then followed by our conductor (instructor) and our voice trainer who performed one of their numbers with their rich and beautiful voices. We being on the stage behind them were all touched!
 On the way back home, I dropped in one of Soba noodle temporary shops with some friends.

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