

8月27日 August 27'14

August 27.
Today started out our third life! My husband has gone to Nan-king for his new career in his academic work while I keep my life here with a new big decision. Since he has been enjoying creating his ideal garden and yard since we moved into this place, I decided in secret to take over his past time work, the management of our garden and yard. I'm actually looking forward to it but with a feeling of a big responsibility. I got up too early this morning and waited for half an hour because it was still dark outside, then I worked out in the rose garden for weeding taking about 2 hours. It was drizzling but cool and comfortable. No roses at moment, but eventually some of them will bloom out. The morning glory flowers garden next to the roses' has not been productive this year at all. We had a gorgeous one two years ago which covered all over the fence, but no flowers out this year. They only look like thick English ivy. I might have bought wrong seedlings....

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