

福島のいわき市へ日帰り旅行を決行 One day trip to Iwaki in Fukushima

8月9日  台風11号がやってくる直前の今日、私達夫婦は思い切って日帰りで被災地だった福島のいわきまで車を飛ばしてきました。片道3時間、行は高速、帰りはローカルを通りましたが所要時間は余り変わらず。栃木県の南から高速で行くのはどうも遠回りかも。今回の目的は被災から頑張って立ち上がった今や大ブレークしているフラガールのショーを見る為だったのに、ショータイムを事前にチェックしなかった為諦めるはめに。時間の関係で今回は場所を確認するだけに終わりました。小名浜港の直売所で魚を仕入れて、いわき・きららで美味しいお寿司を食べただけでUター

Just before being attacked by No11 typhoon, my husband and me suddenly decided to go to Iwaki city, one of the badly attacked areas by the big disaster occurred on March 11, 2011, to see how those ladies who used to be active in their big shows, the hula, until then, have stood up to revitalize their town which is now one of the most popular sightseeing spots. It took
us 3 hours to go by car one way, which was not so bad. Quite surprised to find out the compound of Spa Resort Hawaiian so huge having big space for parking place on top of those buildings such as entertainment facilities like beach theater, pool, restaurants, spa shopping malls, and hotel, convention hall etc..However, we found us too late for the first hula show and too early for the night show. We had to give up to go in this time, instead, we went to the port facilitated with a big fish market and restaurants. We went into a nice Sushi restaurant and enjoyed buying some precious fish. Well, our car trip to Iwaki this time turned to be just looking around the area staying for about 4 hours without seeing the hula theater and 3 to 4 hours drive back and forth each. A pretty tired but we had an enjoyable and adventurous one day car trip.

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