

9月9日 USオープン決勝 US Open Men's Final


September 9th
ネットラジオを通してリアルタイムで決勝戦を聴いて応援しました。錦織選手の敗戦の言葉が素晴らしい。これから一杯チャンスありです。同じKei の響きを誇りに(私の場合Kayと呼ばれていました)、そして同郷であることも。これからも応援していきます。
I was listening to the radio on the real time to cheer for Kei Nishikori for his US Open championship final. His words after he lo
st the game were superb! He has lots of chances from now on. I'm also proud of my coincidence of having the same pronunciation of my shorten first name Kay with his and my old native town is Matsue as well. Good luck for him!

I finished up making 5 Otedama(soft balls made of 4 pieces of cut cloth with red beans inside) for my grandchildren to play with while wishing Nishikori's hard play to win the US Open final. The sun flowers out in our yard look enjoying their full bloom.

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