

芝刈り To mow lawn

good feeling after good job
Taro potatoes are growing rich

from the last year's album
台風16号が来る前に思い切って庭の芝刈りを。8月末以来2回目。もうぺてらんです。やったあとの達成感と疲労感は最高。サトイモ栽培も順調。シャワーを浴びて、更にCurves(筋トレ)に行って、それから昼食をとったらもう2時を過ぎていました。これからコーラスの自習。又、先生におこられないように頑張ろう。     I decided to mow the lawn in the back yard before the No.16 typhoon comes. The second time since the end of August. I'm already more like professional for this work. The feeling of accomplishment and exhaustion after this big job is superb. Taro potatoes are growing rich. Instead of having lunch afterward, I took shower first and went to Curves(Muscle Exercise) right away. I ended up with having my lunch late after two. Now I have to practice singing for this evening's chorus. Nobody likes seeing our instructor getting angry with our negligent attitude!   facebook.com

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