

Season's greeting

Merry Xmas!
 このシーズンに投稿されるクリスマスメッセージの中で、私のものは想像を絶する逸品だと自負したいと思います!中国ではXmasのプレゼントはリンゴ(苹果pinguo からゴロ合わせで平安节をもじって)なのだそうです。質素ながら工夫してあって、一見キャンドルかと思いましたが中身は立派なスターキングが一個入っていました。学生さんからのメリークリスマスギフトでした。文字は写真の上に私が書きました。
The one we were given by our students as a Xmas gift is a pair of simple boxes with one big apple in each. The pronunciation of an apple in Chinese is same as peace in Chinese. So an apple has been a Xmas gift in China according to their explanation. Very nice of them. This is not an apple-pen, but an apple-Xmas gift!

One more thing to show you here is a portable heater so called Hokaron in Japanese. The one given to us the other day at the entrance to the concert hall is a Chinese made portable heater (pocket size), but it has a Japanese catch copy on it to attract people's attention to tell its good quality, I wonder. I had a smile behind.

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